how do I treat this..barotrauma!!!

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Thew following are the symptoms and how they came up

I had a brief three day stint of diving in the
swimming pool. I have since remained in the same
condition of hearing. I am wondering if you could tell me what the condition is exactly. I went underwater in a regular pool 9 ft. deep. I attempted to stay under water at the deepest level for as long as possible. therefore I went to the bottom and stayed there for around 75 to 90 seconds or more. I was building endurance in holding breath and attempting to increases the carotid arteries so blood flow would increase to the brain..this in turn is helpful in enhancing intelligence. It didn't work well since the ears started to feel more clogged the longer I did it. I did 20 to 30 descents to go about 30 minutes of underwater time a day for three days in a row.

the procedure: I put silicone ear plugs in my ears. I plugged the nose with the index finger and the thumb pressing like a clothes pin since my nose can't take any water or else it just goes up. Then I took a deep breath and inflated the cheeks untill they bulged so I would have enough oxygen to last for the long breath holding underwater. Then I used the cement ladder at the side to go down since without it , it would be hard to go down at all. With its aid I lowered myself to the bottom. I also didn't want to be to loud since other people were in the pool so I kept as much of the air in my cheeks instead of just expelling it..sure a few bubbles left but not as much as I I withheld exhaling the air inside. It was like pressure pushing internally against my ears. The first day was slightly ok, the next day was worse, and the third day was overt in the pressure and fullness of the ears, I could not go back after that. It was like going beyond a point. My ears felt disoriented, like listening to a sea shell, noisy. It felt like the water atmosphere and environment down below had stayed up above.. so sounds were distorted.. muffled distant

Some of the symptoms are as follows..

The ears feel is like this metaphor: a
person listens to tv at a comfortable level..Then a
blanket is placed over the audio speakers..then the
sound becomes muffled and less discernable..The person
increases the audio level.and can understand better
yet the underlying muffling is still present. That
describes the general effect.

for example: THE WIND....when I am outside and the
wind approaches and passes me I sense its presence but
it doesn't seem to enter my ear(like before) just feels like my ears are numb and
discconnected to the sound..

This creates less closeness to the is
like having cotton balls blocking the's a bit
frustrating when sound doesn't behave in the same
manner..traveling straight into the canal and bouncing
back...instead it just registers outside the ears..

When I walk my footsteps are now faint whispers.before
it was audible..When I breath loudly I can hear my
breath only in front of my face..not in the ears...and
it seems like a flat dimensional...wheras
before it would travel straight into the ear and out
to the room. I don't sense where the breathing sound
goes as just stays in front of me..I miss
before when the sound would move through the entire
room. The passage of sound from one place to another
is just seems that sounds just appear rather
than provide cues to where they came from..

Internally, When I am out of shape my heart beats are
loud and audible in my ears(it pounds) but after the
diving when I exercise it is a faint, weak signal.

When I went into a pasture..I could only sense the
silence..or when in a supermarket or store.

I wonder if this condition will clear..It has now been
7 months.. I feel somewhat
disoriented..displaced..because what I could sense and
hear before very clearly and straight into me..has now

Do you have any solutions? Should I take some
medications like sudafed or ibuprofen?
When I last visited the audiologist he reccomended
something like ibuprofen..his tests measured the
vibration with tympanometry..and it showed bell-shaped
curves(normal)..therefore it excluded water..and
perhaps pressure as the culprit.

When I did my underwater diving...the ear pressure
occured slowly..each day was progressively worse..I
would inhaled deeply..filling my chest with oxygen
before descending..then I would hold as much possible
while down below at the bottom to minimize
exhaling...and then come up to expell the oxygen..
Could faulty breathing be the problem..perhaps I
didn't equalize the pressure by exhaling while going
down..and I did feel pressure in my head when at the seemed that pressure was pushing at my head
and ears inwardly.. Maybe the ears were popping,
expanding to compensate for the excess oxygen..or
carbon dioxide...Could the ear structure have changed
to the deep water depth..because I still feel like
being underwater..the distortion of sound..slow
waves...It is akin to anyone under water..the sound
and environment is different..delayed..blurry..

Maybe I need the hyperbaric chamber? Should I try
Afrin? I have considered hearing aids..but I don't
know which might apply to me... The audiologist
measure db ranges from 250 to 80000---they came out
--5--5--10--10--15---20---10--10--15--etc. so the
range averages between 10-15 db.
I am not certain where to proceed next. Do you have
any other diving patients that have these symptoms,
that are in this situation..what did you do for did they improve?


Alan M
Is it? You put plugs in your ears and went to 9 feet to enhance your intelligence? Am I missing something here?

Originally posted by alanxcel20
this in turn is helpful in enhancing intelligence.
First off I am not a diver or MD ( see my thread " Spontanous Puemothorax") It appears you didn't clear your ears and messed up your ear drums. As silly as this sounds you might try clearing them now. Get treatment from a Doctor or you might lose all of your hearing.

Good luck John
This is a joke right? If not I am suprised the ear plugs are not permenantly imbeded into your ear. Which brings aquestion to mind. Did you remove the ear plugs? Hope you feel better soon. Don't do these things anymore!
As the others have said please don't do this again. If you don't clear your ears (i.e. equilize the pressure) the increased water pressure can cause damage your ears. By placing the ear plugs in you ear you are also increasing the risk of damage due to the pressure of the water forcing the plugs deeper into the ear than they were designed to go. Swimming ear plugs are to be used only on the surface. If you are going to any depth please don't use them.

As far as treatment I will defer to the Docs.

Good luck

Yes, I used ear plugs,however they were silicone plugs which were easily moldable and adjustable into the ear. No they did not get stuck in the ear, they were to large to fit completely in the ear, some was always protruding and it was dificult to put them in. Yes, my impetus for diving or as I term it underwater held-breath swimming(which is technically more accurate) was to increase intelligence. This attempt is not 'darwinian' or stupid, rather it has it's foundations in Dr. Win Wenger's intelligence techniques. Unfortunately in the process of trying to increase intelligence I developed ear problems until I could feasibly not progress any longer. Besides that, Win Wenger's stuff has merit. This diving was no out of the blue, it was a calculated effort. Too bad my history of ear infections and ignorance about equilization stopped it. You can read about this technique at... There is part 1 which introduces the material and part two expands in greater detail.

What I am interested in finding is some cure for this pressure, stuffiness, etc. During the descent, actually before...I took a deep breath and held it. I then refrained from breathing while downward or as little as possible. I believe I was performing a valsalva maneuver from plugging and breathing against my nose. I felt like a vacuum was going into my ears and pressing against them. I descended slowly through manually going down via a cment ladder. It was not sudden like running and sinking to the bottom, I had to force my body down slower since by myself I could not go down that far since I would tend to float up. Also, the symptoms gradually increased or worsened with the quantity of dives. The first day was sort of ok, the next moderate, and the last day was severe.

*rolling on the floor, laughing out loud*

I've heard that books, by the way, are even more effective at increasing intelligence than is Dr. Wiggittywhack.

- Warren
*rolling on the floor even faster, laughing even harder*

better awareness of the interrelatedness of things and of ideas and/or perceptions
finding yourself way better at winning arguments or disputes!
Your language skills will jump noticeably, contributing to 100 points or greater gain overall in such standardized tests as the G.R.E.

That's some funny **** Alan, thanks for making my day.

- Warren
Originally posted by alanxcel20
Yes, my impetus for diving or as I term it underwater held-breath swimming(which is technically more accurate) was to increase intelligence.

You're a troll, right? You're one of the regulars here with a new name just playing with us seeing who will take the bait, right? Tell me this is true.

If not, although I question your methods, I can understand your goal.


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