How much that the LDS tells me can I believe?

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Look, to the LDS everywhere. The customers you have today are increasingly astute as to the price of the gear. This is the age of the internet where quickly anybody can google up any piece of equipment and get a price on it from REPUTABLE online stores. The tactic of telling the customer that it does not have a warranty or it is fake or used or has defects has run it's course and most customers are not that niave so, where does this leave the LDS? Well, blow me down but they are not going to be able to get full MSRP anymore. They are going to have to discount the gear. The products in the store need to have a sticker on them that gives MSRP and then YOUR LOWER price! I do not expect a LDS to match online but anymore than about 15% over an online price and I am walking out. The extra 15% is for the ability to touch, feel, try it on, pick it up and get hopefully "expert" advice.

Here is how you do it, say the shop is called Gary's Exotic Scuba. OK, now it is Gary's Discount Exotic Scuba. Then put a BIG sign over the cash register saying---WE WILL MATCH ONLINE PRICES PLUS 15%. When they ask about the 15% explain about your services, your fitting room, your tank filling station, your ability to put them in the water with the gear NOW in a pool. Instant gratification is a powerfull tool. Then, when they purchase the gear, give them free service the first year, free air in tanks for a year, free first VIP, give out a BONUS discount card with an instant 30% off next purchase and little holes that can be punched to earn credit with each additional purchase. Put an old laptop on the counter and invite them to price check---help them do it all the while positively explaining how your EXTRA service is worth their additional dollars. When your custmer walks out of the store--they shuld be happy, they should be confident in their purchase and you, they should FEEL GOOD about the stuff, themselves and you the LDS and they will not run home and jump on the computer and come to and start a thread to ask if they have been taken advantage of.

It is simple, very simple, you have to COMPETE for their buisness instead of standing there going wwwaaaahhhhhaaa.

Has anyone ever bought a car and felt good about it or not felt dirty like you need to go home and take a bath, and knew you were taken to the cleaner but just cannot put a finger on it--the day you can purchase a car online will be the end of the auto dealer and that day is coming. When your dive customer leaves the store they should be smiling and feeling good and ready to come back next time and ready to be your salesman at large.

Also nemrod they should help them place an order on the lap top, have it delivered to the shop and try on to accomandate the stores other gear configuration. plus if a reg they can be up front that they cannot service it, as the tech is not certified to to so.

problem is nemrod lds no they can do these to work with.

Tow truck driver tells a guy, I tow for $25 a tow in town. I tow for $75 a tow in town. the tows all day, I make four tows, less gas, time.

The guy that walks in and says, I want to learn to dive, will never stop comming in to dive shops.

The dive shop needs to rip off the that guy its the only bonus they have.

The dive shops teach and give a way of a person to learn the diving in the area.

This board elinimates instruction all togerther. when I am asked about diving, I say go to scubaboard .com, you will learn every thing you need to know. then go get certified.
Look, to the LDS everywhere. The customers you have today are increasingly astute as to the price of the gear. This is the age of the internet where quickly anybody can google up any piece of equipment and get a price on it from REPUTABLE online stores. The tactic of telling the customer that it does not have a warranty or it is fake or used or has defects has run it's course and most customers are not that niave so, where does this leave the LDS? Well, blow me down but they are not going to be able to get full MSRP anymore. They are going to have to discount the gear. The products in the store need to have a sticker on them that gives MSRP and then YOUR LOWER price! I do not expect a LDS to match online but anymore than about 15% over an online price and I am walking out. The extra 15% is for the ability to touch, feel, try it on, pick it up and get hopefully "expert" advice.

Here is how you do it, say the shop is called Gary's Exotic Scuba. OK, now it is Gary's Discount Exotic Scuba. Then put a BIG sign over the cash register saying---WE WILL MATCH ONLINE PRICES PLUS 15%. When they ask about the 15% explain about your services, your fitting room, your tank filling station, your ability to put them in the water with the gear NOW in a pool. Instant gratification is a powerfull tool. Then, when they purchase the gear, give them free service the first year, free air in tanks for a year, free first VIP, give out a BONUS discount card with an instant 30% off next purchase and little holes that can be punched to earn credit with each additional purchase. Put an old laptop on the counter and invite them to price check---help them do it all the while positively explaining how your EXTRA service is worth their additional dollars. When your custmer walks out of the store--they shuld be happy, they should be confident in their purchase and you, they should FEEL GOOD about the stuff, themselves and you the LDS and they will not run home and jump on the computer and come to and start a thread to ask if they have been taken advantage of.

It is simple, very simple, you have to COMPETE for their buisness instead of standing there going wwwaaaahhhhhaaa.

Has anyone ever bought a car and felt good about it or not felt dirty like you need to go home and take a bath, and knew you were taken to the cleaner but just cannot put a finger on it--the day you can purchase a car online will be the end of the auto dealer and that day is coming. When your dive customer leaves the store they should be smiling and feeling good and ready to come back next time and ready to be your salesman at large.

I can understand your point and believe that some items can be/should be discounted or products/services can be included in a sale.Do not give the store away....
The problem with that you give them a break on the msrp and all that extra stuff you mention like air fills ,service,vip's--and then they also buy stuff online....they buy a mask,fins set from you and then their drysuit,regulator,computer,camera housing,lights,etc.fromm an online source,and they expect that you will happily let them use your expertise to show them how it works,assemble and test it for them,use your pool to try it and then they get upset when you tell them it now cost $20. to assemble and test,$20. to explain in detail how it works(because they cannot understand the manual that came with it)and $30. to use the pool..Oh and don't forget that if it needs service you are expected to honor the "online " warrenty,even if from an authorized dealer...Why not just give them the keys to the store too?
Its up to the individual shop if it wants to honor a manufacturers warrenty.If they choose not to the consumer can send it to the manufacturer themselves and let the manufacturer eat the cost of the rebuild kits..You cannot expect the same service from anyone that you get by purchasing from them vs. somewhere else. Its human nature.You want online service you get online service.Don't expect the freebies/favors or free advise from the lds.
I can understand your point and believe that some items can be/should be discounted or products/services can be included in a sale.Do not give the store away....
The problem with that you give them a break on the msrp and all that extra stuff you mention like air fills ,service,vip's--and then they also buy stuff online....they buy a mask,fins set from you and then their drysuit,regulator,computer,camera housing,lights,etc.fromm an online source,and they expect that you will happily let them use your expertise to show them how it works,assemble and test it for them,use your pool to try it and then they get upset when you tell them it now cost $20. to assemble and test,$20. to explain in detail how it works(because they cannot understand the manual that came with it)and $30. to use the pool..Oh and don't forget that if it needs service you are expected to honor the "online " warrenty,even if from an authorized dealer...Why not just give them the keys to the store too?
Its up to the individual shop if it wants to honor a manufacturers warrenty.If they choose not to the consumer can send it to the manufacturer themselves and let the manufacturer eat the cost of the rebuild kits..You cannot expect the same service from anyone that you get by purchasing from them vs. somewhere else. Its human nature.You want online service you get online service.Don't expect the freebies/favors or free advise from the lds.

The problem is that some shops seem to think it is good business to reject customers who only bring you part of their business rather than all of it.

Shops need to be appreciative of any profit they make from a customer and stop trying to punish customers who don't bring you the profit level you seem to thgink is your right. You need to recognise that when the customer choses to go elsewhere, it is your failure, not the customers.

Please explain how a shop suffers a financial loss by providing equipment services or, conversly, how they receive a financial benefit by refusing such services at a fair price.

I'm seeing your post as the epitome of what is wrong with some LDSs that ends up motivating customers to go elsewhere. What am I misunderstanding?

May I suggest a different tact. Instead of bashing "online", why not welcome customers with online products but post your "service" charges for equipment not purchased at your store. Unless I buy a major piece of equipment(BCD, REG, Dry Suit) from my LDS, I do not get a free pool session to test it out. I think I pay $15-$20 for a session. If someone needs help figuring out the configuration from on-line purchase, post a $50-$100/hr (or whatever is appropriate with 10/15 minute minimum) for online gear configuration consultation.

It really seems to me LDS's need to unbundle the service from the product. Why not discount the gear and charge for the service. Seperate the 2 so your customers can understand what they're getting when they buy from you (other than the hardware). Additionally, sell "service packages" -- with a smile -- for online people who need help? Seems to me like an untapped product. I would think a lot of people who get bashed by other LDS's would be happy to find a "friendly" store even if they had to pay for the advice.

Just some thoughts.
A Community College is a non-profit institution set up to serve.... the community. Courses such as yours are for "enrichment" the community. If a merchant is using a college-sponsored class as a pressurized sales venue, the administration of the college may not be pleased.

Let the college know about it.
A Community College is a non-profit institution set up to serve.... the community. Courses such as yours are for "enrichment" the community. If a merchant is using a college-sponsored class as a pressurized sales venue, the administration of the college may not be pleased.

Let the college know about it.

Community or not, College is Business.

If you don't beleive it, look at the college bookstore, where all the books cost 3x what thy should and are replaced with new editions every year or two to make sure the used books are more or less worthless.

Or the college "Health Plan" that covers almost nothing.

Or the college parking fees, transcript fees, lab fees, and every other fee they can think of.

It might be school, but it's definitely business.


May I suggest a different tact. Instead of bashing "online", why not welcome customers with online products but post your "service" charges for equipment not purchased at your store. Unless I buy a major piece of equipment(BCD, REG, Dry Suit) from my LDS, I do not get a free pool session to test it out. I think I pay $15-$20 for a session. If someone needs help figuring out the configuration from on-line purchase, post a $50-$100/hr (or whatever is appropriate with 10/15 minute minimum) for online gear configuration consultation.

It really seems to me LDS's need to unbundle the service from the product. Why not discount the gear and charge for the service. Seperate the 2 so your customers can understand what they're getting when they buy from you (other than the hardware). Additionally, sell "service packages" -- with a smile -- for online people who need help? Seems to me like an untapped product. I would think a lot of people who get bashed by other LDS's would be happy to find a "friendly" store even if they had to pay for the advice.

Just some thoughts.

Its not that I feel that I am bashing online purchases.If I am then sorry.Its that a consumer cannot expect to get the services that are given to a customer who purchases gear at the lds when they purchase online.I have seen it happen when the prospective consumer comes in and gets all sizing and benefit/features of a product,then goes on line to get it.Fine,that is their choice,but don't come into store and be suprised when we tell you we have to charge to assemble it and charge you to use our inhouse pool.I like your $50. per hr consulting idea(I know it would never work).:)
The problem is that some shops seem to think it is good business to reject customers who only bring you part of their business rather than all of it.

Shops need to be appreciative of any profit they make from a customer and stop trying to punish customers who don't bring you the profit level you seem to thgink is your right. You need to recognise that when the customer choses to go elsewhere, it is your failure, not the customers.

Please explain how a shop suffers a financial loss by providing equipment services or, conversly, how they receive a financial benefit by refusing such services at a fair price.

I'm seeing your post as the epitome of what is wrong with some LDSs that ends up motivating customers to go elsewhere. What am I misunderstanding?

Some people will always go where the very least expensive item is,not thinking of services rendered,or where they perceive the greatest value..I do not chase them out,I service them with whatever needs they have.A facility does suffer financial loss when they go elsewhere,buy online or another store, and then come to us for service in that the time spent where customer gets sizing,benefits/features of an item cost the store $..Now they come in and expect to use the pool for free,something we provide to students and customers ,at no charge,who purchase from us.We have to charge something for the pool time as we did not get anything from the sales. They ask"can we use the pool for our online purchases? We say "sure,no problem,its $30." How is that rejecting them?The online purchaser has to pay for pool time,or services,that the person who purchased from the lds gets at no charge.Seems only fair to me.
oly5050 - You might not feel this way, but I think you're on the right track. If everyone (buyer and seller) is satisfied with each transaction as it stands on it's own, it would make everything easier for everyone. As long as you subsidize everything else in the shop via gear sales, it creates rough interactions all around.

I use an on-site pool sometimes at a shop where I have not bought anything in years (I moved). They change me, and I use the pool. I like it, and I think they do too.

Customers who are new to dive shops don't get the idea that you're doing them a favor by providing x,y,or z and in return they need to do you a favor and buy the gear you are selling. Things don't work that way in the world outside of dive shops, but dive shops are always complaining about why customers don't understand.


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