Important!!! How much are you willing to spend?

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Raven C

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Working on our dive plans... the charter I was working with in Beaufort is having a couple issues with scheduling our dive at the moment so I am working on the backup which was diving out of GA.

Originally, we threw out the $70 per person on the charter, boat ride only. Are you willing to pay $100 per person to charter a small "yacht" breakfast and lunch included? Hotel in the area for option B is approx $38.00 no frills. (Ever been to Gennie Springs? that kinda hotel. ) no extras just clean place to stay. PS Hotels in Beaufort are going to run approx $50 and up with camping options available within approx 20 min of landing.

Please let me know as soon as possible so I could set things up. R
Remember: Air tanks are approx $10 each - 2 tank dive

Too: if you need to rent gear you're looking at approx (up to) $15 for reg set with console and $15 BC (recreational gear only).

You can PM me if you do not wish to post publicly. Or just say fine with either option, or fine with option A, fine with option B whatever. Just need to know. R
Hey Raven!

Any of those options are wonderful with me. If the cost of a room is causing someone not to participate, I will be happy to let them bunk with me so that they can go. There are a couple of others that I know that have not signed up for the club yet but might be interested. Just let me know the date as soon as it is firm. Thanks for all you are doing.
the cost of a room with someone, since I'd be coming in from Atlanta. Also, if anyone is coming from GA, and on the way, I would love to carpool and share gas expenses. It also helps pass the time to chat about diving during the road trip!

If anyone is interested, please pass on my info, or have them PM me. RavenC has my home phone as well as my work phone.

Is this the trip we were talking about for the middle of November? If it is then I like the idea of the yacht for $100. Is this going to be a one day dive trip or two dive days? This does sound fun and I'm going to do my best to make it there. :)
right now. holiday's and cruise. Although, I suppose, I could drive home after the dive and skip the hotel.

I'll have to think about it.
Anyone interested in camping out that night? R
Camping might be nice. I've been wanting to go camping for quite some time now. I got a new tent about a year ago and haven't been able to use it yet. Now I just need to get a sleeping bag and I'll be good to go. Let's talk about this camping thing. :)
I'm good with either option, though the "yacht" sound cool. As for the hotel thing, it dosen't matter either. I double up with someone if available or always bring my tent and camping gear. I'm very flexable, especially when there is diving involved.

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