In Utila NOW-no whale sharks around? What's up with that?

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We had at least 2 sightings 2 weeks ago with the break in the weather.

They are there!!!!
Hey everyone,

My girlfriend and I are heading to Utila in the middle of March. I would like an honest assesment of our odds of seeing a whale shark at this time. The main reason being that we are only planning to stay on Utila for two days, and then spend the rest on Roatan. We plan to do this because we have heard the accomodations and diving (except for whale shark encounters) are better on Roatan. Let me know what our odds are. And any info on places to stay in Utila/Roatan would be great. We want to be comfortable, but don't really care about luxury. Certainly want to be on the water. Thanks.
I would like an honest assesment of our odds of seeing a whale shark at this time. we have heard the accomodations and diving (except for whale shark encounters) are better on Roatan. Let me know what our odds are. Certainly want to be on the water


Approximately. :wink:

(They get better if you are in the water versus just being on the water)

On Roatan... if diving is the absolute driving force? CCV. Otherwise, they're all about equal.

Lots of info available here as an archived search. An oft discussed topic! Go hoping to see the Whale Shark... but go and dive looking for Pipefish, SeaHorse and other little critters. The Bay Islands should be equally appreciated for the hard to spot micro inhabitants. Take a magnifying glass.

Like love... if you go looking for a Whale Shark- you'll never find one!

(p.s.- skip buying those guidebooks (in your picture)... they're out of date before they're printed and most contributing authors are unaware of diver's interests)
Hi, I am arriving in honduras next saturday and want to spend a couple of weeks underwater on utila. The possibility of seeing whalesharks is a big attraction but I really want to do some good diving and let the whalesharks find me if they want to. So what are the conditions like at the moment? I have heard that the operators out there dive on training sites most of the time with students. Are there operators on the island that go to the north side every morning where the big drop offs are? I dont know what the conditions are like in march but if there are northerlies, I can assume small boats will not be visiting the north side very often with student divers? I would appreciate any info
enjoy your last days!
Thanks for the reply, are those odds statistically accurate? What's is the margin of error? :D I do appreciate the info. As for your suggestion to scan the archives here, I have. Basically, what I want to know is: Having only a limited amount of time (5 days :sad_2:), what is the best use of our time and money? Scenario 1: 2 days in Utila hoping to see a Whale Shark and 3 days in Roatan enjoying the "micro" critters Scenario 2: All 5 days in either Roatan or Utila (and which of the two places would be better to go to exclusively)

We do not care about night life at all, and could skip the sun bathing. We want to oppitimize our dive time and not spend a fortune doing it (we are poor grad students).

Finally, does anyone know what time the last ferry from La Cieba leaves?
Hi Divegators,

I'll leave it to others to reply on Roatan vs. Utila. We all have our preference and as I live in Utila, I'm obviously a biased opinion :wink: but you asked about the last Ferry from La Ceiba, and that I can help you out with - keeping in mind this is the islands and schedules are not set in stone.

There are actually 2 ferry operators. One goes from Roatan to La Ceiba & back to Roatan, the other goes from Utila to La Ceiba & back to Utila. Not sure about The Galexy (the ferry from La Ceiba to Roatan) but when I went over earlier this month, The Utila Princess left La Ceiba at 4:00pm (2nd run of the day). Seems to me my friend, who met me in La Ceiba to do some shopping & was returning to Roatan, left about 1/2 hour before us, so around 3:30pm.

Hope the info helps. Which ever choice you make, you'll love the Bay Islands. They each offer something unique & different, even from each other.
My advice is to leave whalesharks completely out of the equation, and decide how to spend your precious days based on things you have control over, like your general preference for specific dive sites or types of dive sites, time you want to spend on the boat, type of accommodation that suits your needs best, other activities you might take part in if they're available, and budget. If you spend all or part of your time on Utila BECAUSE you want to see whalesharks, you might go away disappointed. If you choose to have a great vacation and happen to see a whaleshark, woohoo!

As Mason Williams said, "Don't go down to the ocean with a notion of what you will find".

Happy trails!
I compeletely understand what you are saying, but nonetheless we would like to increase our odds to see a whale shark. If we do not see one, we will still enjoy the other diving. But since we are going to one of the few places on earth that you can see one of these animals, we want to make an attempt to do this.

We still need some recommendations on places to stay in Utila. As mentioned above, we are coming in March. Want to spend around $50-60/night. Want a room that is clean, safe, and comfortable. Not to concerned with luxury, but would like to be on the water.
Ok, I started this mess. Landed in Newark a few hours ago and already I miss Utila.
The end run is that we never did see a whale shark becuase the water was chppy all week and the wind high.......However............this was by far the most fabulous dive trip and there was so much to see underwater that it was beyond my imagination. We will go back next March or April to finally see a whale shark but I'm still glad we made the trip this year. Our group saw lobster, and turtles, octupus, eagle rays, blennies, cowfish, filefish, porcupine fish, the largest crab any of us had ever seen, and tons of small fascinating stuff like cleaning stations and sea slugs that looked like something from a Peter Maxx cartoon. Moray eels galore, grouper, baracuda, well I could go on and on but you get the point. Once I get unpacked I'll do the trip report I promised but just had to jump in and say whale sharks or not- this was a fabulous trip we'll never forget. The people on Utila were warm and gracious and we felt very safe all the time (except while riding bikes through town, look out for the motorcycles and taxis!)
Trip report to follow, just wanted to say that I now agree with the prior posts, a whale shark would have been a bonus but Utila is worthwhile even if it doesn't happen.

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