Joint DOT-DILG-DENR Memo circular

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Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late reply, haven't been checking in lately. Despite the memo circular, we've had very poor compliance from the LGU. Under the past admin, lahat kanya kanya because no one was taken to task.

Since my appt with the PCSSD ended with the GMA presidency, I will be speaking to the DENR and DOT secretary with some other private sector dive operators and this is one of the issues we will be bringing up.

Having said that, if you are having a hard time getting the LGU to comply, please write a letter to Director Acosta of the DILG, he is the head of the Local Govt Supervision.

The PCSSD is a govt entity. The PNDA wc stands for the Philippine National Dive Association is a private one and we have had organizational meetings but we're still in the process of registering with the SEC etc. Its open to Dive operators, Dive Businesses, Live Aboards. This was formed to make sure that we have an active voice to communicate our concerns /issues with the different Govt offices.
Okay, I just wrote an email to Mr Acosta. Where is the PCSSD in all of this? I would think that regulatory agency should be taking our complaints and acting on them. Since we are all suppose to use them and follow their rules they should be more accessible. As an example....In their regulations they state that we must have tanks hydrostatically tested....okay....where? Who from the PCCSD will come to Culasi to inspect our operation? Who will check to see that I am in compliance? Who is taking my challenges to government officials for resolution? Before I pay the $1000 to be a member I need some questions answered. Just a few of the business challenges that we face daily....

I did a GOOGLE search for PCSSD and PNDA.....I get See what I mean?
I just want to inform everyone that a joint memorandum circular was signed and issued by Secretaries Durano, Puno and Atienza a few weeks ago at the Dive Congress held at the PTA clamshell in Intramuros.

The memo was basically for the LGU units, Mayors in particular regarding the standardization of dive fees.

Dive areas were separated (as MUNICIPALITIES) and CLASSIFIED into 4 categories and depending on the category, there was a maximum daily/annual dive fee that Mayors can impose.

So goodbye, 150 per dive, 400 per dive dive fees GOODBYE CAMERA FEES.

It also outlined what the fees were to be used for --mainly conservation and enforcement.

We thank USEC Cynthia Carrion for spearheading this initiative as well as the private sector members of the PCSSD and the Commissioners for addressing this pain in the diver's behinds (this is a public forum...) issue.

Anyone who wants a copy of the memorandum circular can email me at

Yeah, the fees are used for conserving the mayor's bank account and buying a new Pajero every year.

I just dove APO and the stated fees were $7 per dive plus a camera fee. If the locals on APO were fishing, diving was not allowed at that site. Oh, fishing conserves the fish you know?
I just dove APO and the stated fees were $7 per dive plus a camera fee.

Apo is 300 Peso per DAY & 50 Peso Camera Fee per day. That are the Stated Fees.

If your Dive Shop charged you more they made some extra money aside. Kick their ass.

anyway, that curriculum is just a joke, where some people have a reason to meet and dine together, same like with all that useless association which need 7 meetings just to find an appropriate acronym for their dinner ooops I mean diving/tourist-association...

(3 of the meetings will be canceled anyway and another 3 moved wildly around on the calender, with almost no notice in advanced)
I am curious....who is involved in this "association"? Is this a formally established organization?
I just want to inform everyone that a joint memorandum circular was signed and issued by Secretaries Durano, Puno and Atienza a few weeks ago at the Dive Congress held at the PTA clamshell in Intramuros.

The memo was basically for the LGU units, Mayors in particular regarding the standardization of dive fees.

Dive areas were separated (as MUNICIPALITIES) and CLASSIFIED into 4 categories and depending on the category, there was a maximum daily/annual dive fee that Mayors can impose.

So goodbye, 150 per dive, 400 per dive dive fees GOODBYE CAMERA FEES.

It also outlined what the fees were to be used for --mainly conservation and enforcement.

We thank USEC Cynthia Carrion for spearheading this initiative as well as the private sector members of the PCSSD and the Commissioners for addressing this pain in the diver's behinds (this is a public forum...) issue.

Anyone who wants a copy of the memorandum circular can email me at

Thanks for e mailing me the PDF document. I was chatting with a local dive shop owner here in Alona Beach with whom I shared it with and he stated that part of the first page of your document was missing. The part that stated "Mayors were ASKED to implement the fees".
So correct me if I am wrong on this but here in the Philippines Federal Law doesn't prevail unless the local Governors and Mayors also choose to implement it?
According to the dive shop owner I spoke with the regulations mean nothing unless a Mayor implements it and he hasn't so far here in Alona Beach.

One of the reasons I cut my dive days short in Negros was because of the sanctuary fees + camera fees.
I'll keep my opinion to myself as to where I suspected that money went and that's why I didn't continue my diving there..
Is this a formally established organization?

for that they would need another 7 meetings... of people who think they are important but nobody else cares about them ...

and if this "organization" finally finds out that it is useless, the "head of" sends out emails and invite to form another one and the game begins again.

Nobody in the upper level of this country gives a bloody damned to make anything reasonable and functional to tourists and people which spend and/orbring multi-million dollars to this country , as long as they bring it ...

want an example ? just check the official window of the PI:

BUT ONLY if you run firefox or a good virus-scan ....

that is a great example how to promote tourism :shakehead:
Has anyone seen this JOINT MEMO work? This sounds like it was another one of those whimpy efforts at the highest levels......

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