Keys Forecast Oct. 24-25

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So Sunday night I got a message from some friends who had planned a diving/Fantasy Fest weekend down in the Keys; one of their original group dropped out and left a spot that needed to be filled. Me being me, I jumped up and said yes before checking the weather for Friday and Saturday, which blows. Literally. 20-knot winds out of the east-northeast with 4-7 foot seas.

Their plan is to do a double dip on the Spiegel Grove with Horizon Divers on Friday afternoon and then a double dip on the Vandenburg with Captain's Corner on Saturday morning. Just to ask the more regular Keys divers - what are the odds those ops will go in the conditions that NOAA is calling for? If there's little to no chance of diving I may just tell these folks to get someone else to take the spot; I've never been to Fantasy Fest but that alone wasn't enough to sell me on the trip.
I have some dives scheduled tomorrow and was wondering the same thing. The only good news is the wind is out of the west. I will keep my eye on this and check for reports from today.

Checked and it is out of the east. I will be keeping a close eye tonight.
NDBC - Station MLRF1
Fridays forecast are winds NE 20KTS with gusts near 25KTS. I suspect if those conditions hold, the majority of upper keys operators will cancel; ocean divers(OD reported 80viz, minimal current and 3-6FTseas on the SG this morning)and horizion might be the exception. I'd call the shops 1st thing in the AM. regardless if they venture out, it will sporty on the outside reefs and wrecks. Saturday's forecast improves but not by much,,,,,,,,

key largo
Yeah, "sporty" might be putting it mildly. I'm fairly sure if Horizon goes out to the Spiegel tomorrow it'll have to be in their Island Hopper, and that will be rollicking. Captain's Corner I think should go unless things are really, really bad; the one day I was on the Sea Eagle was 4th of July weekend last year, which could also be described as "sporty."

Regardless, looks like I'm committed now, come hell or high water ...
Ah yes, but to crib from the pertinent Seinfeld episode ...

Is it good naked? :d

Or bad naked? :fear:
Ah yes, but to crib from the pertinent Seinfeld episode ...

Is it good naked? :d

Or bad naked? :fear:

It is all in the perspective. There is no such thing as bad naked, just that some naked is better than other naked.
It is all in the perspective. There is no such thing as bad naked, just that some naked is better than other naked.

Having been to Fantasy Fest a few times I beg to differ.
About fantasyfest...Rather than dispute good or bad naked; you could post the good pic's and I'll bet that some of us experts here would be happy to rate them! Kidding of course.
I dove with the Eagle yesterday morning and the conditions were great. Seas were 1-2 viz was 50 feet and every rain cloud seemed to miss us.

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