My sinuses exploaded

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Well, on the other forums i frequent I became known due to my, eeeeeeh, mishaps.
So why brake tradition?

This happened 2 years ago. Here on Vis we have a fameous wreck called Teti, a Greek cargo steam ship that ran aground in 1930 due to bad wether and good insurance rates (like most Greek shipwrecks of that era in the Adriatic)
The wrecks itself is mostly destroyed, except for the stern part the ship is flattened, only recognizable parts are the steam boiler and the engines that resides on 15-18 meters. The stern looks nice, the last cargo hold is still very well preserved, and contains road bricks, while the stern shows the stearing mechanism and nice railguards.
But the wreck is not famous for the wreck itself. We have puppies there! Well more like sea serpents. Actualy they are just congers.
Very friendly congers mind you. When you start the dive at the bow (8 meters) you get greeted by small fishes expecting to get fed, but when you go a few meters deper, out of the wreck a big 10 kilo conger will come and he also expects to get fed. He will first smell everybodys BCD pockets to see who has the sardines, and when he finds them he won't let you alone for a minute. For the next 15 minutes, while you dive down to 33 meters the sea serpent puppy will keep bumping into you, swiming around your legs untill he is certain all the sardines are spent.

Ok, enough tourist propaganda, time for the accident. A buddy of mine really wanted to see the congers so one day he came over with his boat and eaven tho I was slightly sick we decided to dive. It was nothing major, a passing cold. The dive goes ok, we get to 30 meters in a few minutes, ignoring the better part of the wreck so we don't waste air on things we plan to see during the ascent.
Down on the bottom the conger is nowhere to be seen, his shy counterpart is compleatly ignoring us and staying in his pipe, and a big moray is doing it's best to scare us off. Well nothing to see here we go up to try and find a scorpion fish to take a picture of. There the trouble starts. As soon as we move a bit shallower I start feeling pressure in my forehead. No problem, it usually goes away qucik. Well not this time. It takes me 45 agonizing minutes to go from 28 meters to 5. There I suck my bottle dry. My buddy was smart enough to go up so he sends me his half filled bottle witch i also suck dry. The pain is excruciating, but I have no air left. I tried blowing my nose, i tried sniffing in water, I tried massaging my forehead, I tried pushing on my upper mount with my thoung. Nothing I can think of works.
Well, I say my atheistic and theistic prayers and shoot up to the surface. I hear cracking, the same sound your eardrums make when you equalize forcefully, but a lot louder. At the surface the pains stops. But my mask is filling with blood.

Buddy pulls me with all the equipment into the boat. He is screaming something but everything i hear is dulled. I notice that the blood flow is not stoping, and while laying down it's trickeling down my throat, so i stand up. Bam, vertigo drops me right back down.
Well, this is fun. Somehow trough the haze i notice that the boat is moving, and I realize that we are going very fast, not towards the harbor but to Split, the bigest town around that is some 25 miles away from us. We get there in 40 minutes, thank god the weather was calm for the last few days. In the marina an ambulance is already waiting. The blood is not slowing down. They rush me to a hospital where the only thing I remeber clearly is the doctors debating wether i need an operation or not. Next morning is much clearer for me. I'm still bleading but only from the back of my throat, so the most comftarble position for me to lay down is to stay face down and calmly bleed from my nose. The x-rays show a massive mess inside of my sinuses, and a fracture in my skull just behind my nose.

The recovery was rather fast, and now 2 years later I can hands free equalize easier then I could before. The docs don't have a clue what happened, they are guessing that I had a poplip or something that blocked everything. How the hell it did not brake before the bone they have no idea.

Any of you guys know what it was, how it could be fixed or prevented?
Holy sheet ! Glad u survived sounds like a mess I have no idea why that would happen other then an extremely bad reverse block. Knock on wood! But I have always been able to clear easy and won't dive anywhere close to a time that I feel a cold coming on or just after one. I've heard it is painful and avoid that situation as much as I can.

Sent from my galaxy S5 Active.
Wow I'm glad I'm the end it all worked out for you. That's pretty impressive.

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eaven tho I was slightly sick we decided to dive. It was nothing major, a passing cold.

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No problem, it usually goes away qucik.

This is not normal. I never feel pressure when I first start up. This sounds like you had a chronic problem, or perhaps were often rushing your descent which over time may have traumatized your sinuses so that when combined with the cold you had a real issue.

Glad you survifed intact.

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