Nemo air, longer backlight time please!

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I have used the Nemo Air for some time now, and i just love it.
However for me, it has one major flaw. I would like to have the ability
to make the backlight turned on, for a longer period of time, say 30 sec.
This would be much better for night dives.

I would believe that this should not be hard to fix, with a firmware upgrade?

I just wanted to add a thought.

I see Mares advertising in magazines and on the internet about how great the nemo air is. Sure, it's very good, But..In the ads it says very clearly that you may upgrade the nemo air with new software as Mares creates them. I just thought that adding the ability to make the backlight be on longer, would be a great software upgrade.

Slow reader? I believe that back light is a big consumer of battery power. I use a dive light rather than a back light function to read my computer at night.
Slow reader? I believe that back light is a big consumer of battery power. I use a dive light rather than a back light function to read my computer at night.

Maybe :)

Anyway, I would like the ability to have the light on longer, say 10 sek. I have also spoken to several other divers that have the nemo and agrees with me. I am also thinking of how Mares are advertising, because in the ads it seems like there are already software upgrades available on the net, but the drak software doesn't even work with nemo air.
I use an Oceanic wrist computer. If I'm on a night dive where I have to closely watch depth or loading, I attach a small 2 X AAA LED light to my shoulder strap so it shines down and in front of me. Then I just move my wrist into the beam. That LED will last for hours. In fact, it is best after the first couple hour of brighter light is done and the beam dims a bit. I avoid using the back light function as much as possible.

BTW, welcome to the board.
Eg, I understand you perfectly. That,s why I love my M2 so much! I turn on the backlight for night dives and leave it on! And so what if it eats batteries, it takes 2 AAA batteries that are user changeable in 2 seconds! I honnestly love the ability to check my comp anytime without having to activate any buttons or shine a light on it. It is completely hands free operation once turned on!


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