Ok.. I give up. This is the best I can do

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I cannot figure out how you guys are getting your videos to show up on my computer with such stunning clarity. My stuff looks great on dvds though. I have a sony hdr-hc1.Is it in the format? The resolution? Is there a book out there I can get to teach someone with a thick skull about converting formats, encoding, resolution,data transfer rates and whatever else I'm forgetting at the moment?

part of the problem may be that you are posting your videos on Youtube.... their compression/resolution, like most free sites, is probably not what you are wanting. I have my videos posted on my own website which costs money but I have control of everything. Its worth the price for me.

Google video is a bit better than youtube, don't think they compress your videos at all when uploaded.
Thank you all for your input. anyone care to give a run down on what is involved with having a site. I never have given serious thought to having a site before and am now curious about what kind of commitment it takes. I really enjoy sharing and watching videos.I know of at least three people that credit/blame videos I have made as part of their motivation for becoming divers. I played around with of alot different formats,encoders, and programs but I still dont really understand them.

Really... Thanks alot, it was scuba board that helped me choose the hc-1 when I decided to upgrade from hi-8.Now that thing is almost like my mask. I'll dive without it but I am sure I will regret it.
Hey, thanks for posting this video - it's really good!

Regarding your own site: you might check with your ISP, they most likely have it as an option. If you're on a Mac, then .Mac is an easy way to go. I believe it works on Windows too.

You can also check some free online services like Geocities but you don't really need a site to post your videos. All you need is some free space on some server so you can upload your videos and then provide a link. Something like Box might be all you need.

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