PADI Dive Master Internship

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Netherlands
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi there, I'm looking to do the PADI Dive Master course, and would prefer to do it as an internship. I'd prefer to do this in Indonesia, though other places in the coral triangle will be considered. I just don't know where to look, and what exactly to look for. I would also have to do my Rescue Diver program, and my budget would be around 3000 to 4000 euros for 6 to 8 weeks, and that has to include EVERYTHING apart from the flights there. My questions:

1) all the offers seems very confusing. Some include equipment, some all food, some don't. What are the main things I should look for when they say included? What items are often not included but not mentioned and can make it much more expensive?

2) most school offer "unlimited fun dives". How exactly does that work? Is that only shore dives? I heard that some schools promise a lot of fun dives, but when you get there they say there's not enough guests to sail out, or too many. What to ask for? I saw one school who offered the internship as a 2 month program, and it mentioned that you'd have about 60 dives during that time ... one a day which seems like not very much?

3) I've found one school that has several centres, and one can do the internship combined on the different centres. Good or bad idea? One is at a muck diving site, the others are at different coral reefs.

Maybe anyone here got a good experience doing an internship at a dive school ? Would love to hear!
hi doing you dm internship :)
most important is to find out who will be your mentor/instructor….. and the spirit of the dive center…. as for dives, its good to get dives in but doing is a lot about learning to teach/demonstrate skills, and watch instructors work, give them a hand. in thailand and Indonesia there are a million dive centers that offer internships and i would go and meet the people and then sign on… :) enjoy :)
Hi mikeynl

I'm also looking at completing a DM internship. Here's an example of what I've found to help you on your search comparing prices and whats included etc
Dive location: Borneo, Malaysia
Includes: DM crewpack, gear hire, accommodation (single room with ensuite), daily transport to accommodation and dive center, transfers to and from airport, daily lunch, snacks and refreshments.
Duration: 1 month
Cost:1200 euros
Does not include flights and PADI fees
Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me for more info.

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1200 euros for accomodation, dm certificate, a months worth of unlimited (up to 3 times a day) diving and valuable on the job experience?
Sounds like a bargain to me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi there, I'm looking to do the PADI Dive Master course, and would prefer to do it as an internship. I'd prefer to do this in Indonesia, though other places in the coral triangle will be considered. I just don't know where to look, and what exactly to look for. I would also have to do my Rescue Diver program, and my budget would be around 3000 to 4000 euros for 6 to 8 weeks, and that has to include EVERYTHING apart from the flights there. My questions:

1) all the offers seems very confusing. Some include equipment, some all food, some don't. What are the main things I should look for when they say included? What items are often not included but not mentioned and can make it much more expensive?

2) most school offer "unlimited fun dives". How exactly does that work? Is that only shore dives? I heard that some schools promise a lot of fun dives, but when you get there they say there's not enough guests to sail out, or too many. What to ask for? I saw one school who offered the internship as a 2 month program, and it mentioned that you'd have about 60 dives during that time ... one a day which seems like not very much?

3) I've found one school that has several centres, and one can do the internship combined on the different centres. Good or bad idea? One is at a muck diving site, the others are at different coral reefs.

Maybe anyone here got a good experience doing an internship at a dive school ? Would love to hear!

Hi mikeynl, J

I found your post very interesting to read!
Many of your questions are the questions I had before my own internship to complete my professional scuba diving training, so I would love to help!

First of all, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am an IDC Staff Instructor at Downbelow Marine and Wildlife Adventures and I completed all of my professional dive training here in Sabah, Borneo.
I wholly support the benefits of the IDC we conduct at our premier PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre, located on Gaya Island, situated in the protected area of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. Part of the Coral Triangle! :wink:

Learn to Dive - PADI 5 Star Dive & Adventure Centre on Gaya Island | Diving Sabah? Dive Downbelow!

I assume that currently you are of PADI Advanced Open Water Diver level?
So to begin your PADI Divemaster, as you have correctly mentioned yourself, you will need to complete the PADI Rescue Diver course and also the Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (First Aid and CPR).
Our internship program for the PADI Divemaster is a comfortable duration of 1 month and the certification needed can be easily completed in that time.

PADI Rescue Diver Scuba Course in Sabah, Borneo | Diving Sabah? Dive Downbelow!

PADI Emergency First Response (EFR) Diving Course in Sabah | Diving Sabah? Dive Downbelow!

PADI Divemaster Internship | Diving Sabah? Dive Downbelow!

I understand it’s very overwhelming to research what IDC package suits you, but the effort will be worth it because you are ultimately investing in your scuba diving career!

Our PADI Divemaster internship program includes UNLIMITED scuba diving, and our meaning is: when you are not completing your course performance requirements, you may follow the dive boat (we conduct 3 dives everyday, all year round) and we are not limited to only boat dives either.
Our premier PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre is perfectly located in a sheltered bay of Gaya Island within the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, so shore dives are conducted very easily.

Your last enquiry; my understanding of it, is there is a dive operator that offers dive training through experiencing their various Dive Centres, and not just one.
It’s a compelling strategy to dive training, although it may have its drawbacks of course.
My initial thought is: will you be given the dedicated attention by PADI Instructor Trainers? What was valuable to me during my internship program in the past is the attention I received from my dedicated mentor.

Please ask any questions you have on the PADI Divemaster internship program we offer and we can adapt the program to suit your needs.

Add us as a friend on Facebook to get a glimpse of what we do everyday!

Good luck with your research, mikeynl! J

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