PADI IDC Course Cost...

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Lisa M

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I'm a PADI AI and have been thinking about becoming an Instructor for the past few years.

The one thing that has prevented me is cost. In looking into it I have been amazed at the difference in course costs. In the NY City area, +/- $1250 seems to be about average...I saw a place Upstate (NY) for $595...looking at a Dive Shop site in England I happened to notice their PADI course "translated" to about $400 US. (All of these prices exclude PADI's aprox. $500 IE)

What do you all find to be the norm? Any advice (other than "don't do it" :wink: ) ?

Thanks All!
It runs 1000+ around here. The books come to another couple hundred ( don't remember). If you want to be an instructor you will be sorry if you don't do it and It won't get any cheaper. If you are an AI the cost should be less because you don't have to do the whole thing.
While the range in prices seem broad, in general you get what you pay for. Most Course Directors have spent years perfecting their craft and are able to provide you with excellent training in preparation for the IE and more importantly dealing with students. The time and money spent to qualify makes charging a price of $1000 - $1500 reasonable and common for the IDC.

In making your descision check out the Store, the Course Director, and talk to some Instructors that the CD has taught. Only then can you establish if the price is fair.

One thing is certain, the IDC is a great course for anyone wanting to become an instructor or wanting to improve their skills and knowledge in diving.

PADI CD201303 :blfish:

I paid around $900 for my IDC course and a couple hundred for the books in the Princeton, NJ area.

Like Pearce said, don't base your decision solely on price. Talk with the course director, dive with them and any of their classes several times so that you know their style and if it fits with your style, see if you can sit in on a class or two, and talk to the other instructors. I wish I had done a little more "homework" before I made my decision, specifically, diving with them.

Did my IDC/IE two years ago in FLA. $950.00 for the course , $400.00 for the exam . Convert to CDN dollars $2146.50 and $800 to fly there.

Worth it ? Still have not made the money back teaching or selling PADI product.

Personal accomplishment value - Priceless

Do you know Bill and Brenda Tillman?
They are from the Atlanta area (Roswell, I believe). My dive shop in CT flew them up here for a week for our IDC because our owner and two other instructors were THAT impressed with them. :) It cost us a bit more (the whole thing was over $2k) but they were worth EVERY penny. Really great people, and extreemly professional. When I go for my IDC/Staff rating, it will DEFINATELY be at one of their IDCs. :)
Thank you all for your replies!

I agree, it is a great program and for a variety of reasons am looking forward to taking it. It really is true too what some of you have said about carefully choosing the CD, as I have seen first hand very different approaches to the course.

There is one CD here in NY who does absolutely NO "water" work. He says that at hiw "stage" you should already have all the skills and it is not his responsibility to teach/review that. Same is true for the theory work...take a few tests to see where deficient maybe...but again at this "stage" one should know their deficiencies and brush-up on their own or take a refresher class. He was also fond of telling everyone that he was THE best. As of 2 years ago his course was $995.

I did not do my DM or AI with him, but it was his DS...actually he was a partial owner of the one I trained at and had several other stores elsewhere that he worked at...only saw his very occasionally.

Anyway that was how I thought the course was supposed to be run. 2 years later, everyplace else I have read about DOES do "water" work and does seem more involved.

It does seem to be one of life's truisms that you do generally get what you pay for...and yet a difference in some cases of a $1000 ($1000-$2000) seems like a large spread (perhaps this is my grad. student budget mentality).

Thanks again everyone! :)

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