Regulator packages from LDS

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Traverse City, MI.
This is probably a stupid question, but the two dive shops in town seem to have issues with each other and i'm not sure if i'm getting the straight scoop, so I thought I would ask the pros. Has anyone heard about catching a bacterial or viral infection from side exsuast second stages? Now to the point I'm looking at two different setups
#1 Apex ATX 50 DST with ATX 40 second
Suunto Gekko console w/ sk7 compass
#2 Posieden jetstream w/ Oceanic Alpha octo (includes yoke and reg bag)
Oceanic Versa Pro Console
The Posieden set up is $120.00 more, and if we can clear up this infection thing I'm leaning towards this.
Any other opinions regarding these two setups would be helpfull
Thanks Dave
Well I can tell you right off the bat, lucky dealer #2 does not even have enough sense to match the octo with the reg. No I am not talking about brand names. It is a completely different reason that I will not get into. Let's just say that the Poseidon regs are different than all others. They increase their pressure as the tank pressure decreases through the dive. This will cause the alpha to leak/trickle. Now you can overcome this by making it breathe like crap. Not something I would want. I can see that you are a new diver. This probably doesn't make too much sense and they will likely scoff at you if you want in there and say that some guy off scubaboard told you that they have matched up the reg improperly and unsafely (even though I know everything :) ha ha). Here I would go with the Apeks. It will likely be alot less expensive, it is alot cheaper on the service because the parts are paid for life, and it is a great reg. You will never have to upgrade it and it can be used in any conditions. Winner? yes. go apeks here.
As for the gekko it is made by suunto who controls approximately 40% of the dive computer market.....
If I had to judge just on the packages I would say go #1. It would be not right though to judge a place on just one thing. Even though this mismatch is a bigger mistake that you think. If you want to investigate, I think that you should just go in to #2 and say that you heard that the poseidon regs aren't well suited for standard demand regulators. Don't let him loose you in the technical mumbo jumbo. Anyways before I keep rambling. I think that you should just take a trip to each of the shops and meet the guys because no matter how good the product is if the customer service is shyte, you won't like it. The dive shop plays a bigger role in your diving than you may think. Let me know if there is anything that I missed
I'm just of the opinion that owning a Posieden is like owning a Porche with the engine in the back. All other cars have the engine in the front. There's no reason front or back is better, they're different designs.

The Posieden has a unique second stage with an upstream valve. It allows for a higher pressure coming out from the first stage. A standard second stage doen't work well in this application.

I own a Posieden I purchased used, an expensive Mares/Dacor and two Sherwoods.

Apeks is a very good regulator.

All regulators are very similar in design except the Posieden. This doesn't make it "bad" just different. As a relatively new diver the tried-and-true backed up by a considerate shop is what you need.

If you're doing shore dives, silty dives, shallow dives or are very hard on your equipment, an inexpensive Sherwood Maximus will serve you well.

From there it's all up hill in terms of price and performance. Shallower than about 90 feet most regulators breath the same from the users point of view.

Maybe look at renting for awhile (what regs are the shops using as rental units?). Then get into an equipment course or just get more feedback info and you'll get a better overview of what you need, whats available and serviceable.

Just my thinking out loud. I don't pretend to have all the answers. I'm always evaluating my equipment and needs. You will too, if you stay with diving. Right now you are just at the beginning stages.

Good luck and good diving.

This is probably a stupid question, but the two dive shops in town seem to have issues with each other and i'm not sure if i'm getting the straight scoop, so I thought I would ask the pros. Has anyone heard about catching a bacterial or viral infection from side exsuast second stages? Now to the point I'm looking at two different setups
#1 Apex ATX 50 DST with ATX 40 second
Suunto Gekko console w/ sk7 compass
#2 Posieden jetstream w/ Oceanic Alpha octo (includes yoke and reg bag)
Oceanic Versa Pro Console
The Posieden set up is $120.00 more, and if we can clear up this infection thing I'm leaning towards this.
Any other opinions regarding these two setups would be helpfull
Thanks Dave
Has anyone heard about catching a bacterial or viral infection from side exsuast second stages?

HUH???? Poseidon has been making their regs for 40 or so years. If you can believe Poseidon's web site the Jetstream/Odin combo is US Navy issue. Why would the exhaust location cause infection? Where did the infection info come from???

BTW, scubamurray had good thoughts/info in his post.

Note, I have no reason not to believe Poseidon's site. I just don't know what the US Navy issues.
Note, I have no reason not to believe Poseidon's site. I just don't know what the US Navy issues

I saw a print out of equipment that had been autherized for military purchase, the jetstream was on that list for the navy, also saw a full page navy recruitment add that shows a diver coming out of the water and the jetstream W/ jetstream second is in the pic.

HUH???? Poseidon has been making their regs for 40 or so years. If you can believe Poseidon's web site the Jetstream/Odin combo is US Navy issue. Why would the exhaust location cause infection? Where did the infection info come from???

I was told about the infection at shop #1, somehow side exhaust 2nd stages get a little water in the exhaust port area, when you turn your head it trickles down the reg and is breathed in. The more I think about it the more it sounds like BS, dont you end up with small amounts of water in any reg? purging a reg at depth is not going to remove 100% of the moisture in it is it? I was told this story before i even looked at the regs hanging on the wall, I am a newbie and I think he was trying to scare me away from those types of regs hanging in shop #2.
I have met the guys at both shops, I took my OW course with #2 and thier giving me 10% off on all purchases. The jetstream/alpha combo (poisiden 2nd stage list $385.00 - 10%) was the only reg they wanted to show me when they heard I was looking at Apex, even though they have scubapro, ziegle, mares, and oceanic. They seemed more interested in trashing shop #1 after they heard about the infection thing.

Shop #1, aside from the infection story has been real helpful in selecting gear, Apex was what I wanted to see (because of the threads I read on SB). One Question though, is a preasure relief valve needed when using two diaphram regs to prevent preasure creeping? Because I bought my suit there and am looking at more stuff he's giving me 15% off on whatever I buy. I'm not locked into any package.

The mismatch on on the jetstream does concern me and I will talk to them about it on sunday, right after I finish diving with the owner of shop #1 with the gear that I,m looking at, including Seaquest Balance.

thanks for the heads up Dave
I was told this story before i even looked at the regs hanging on the wall, I am a newbie and I think he was trying to scare me away from those types of regs hanging in shop #2.

Not knowing the exact details of what had happened this is what I would do in that situation. Being a newbie diver as well I have ran around town and ventured into many different LDS. Any shop who bashed another shop, didn't show me what I wanted to see, tried to sell me the whole store after just asking to look at a certain item, or told me a bunch of BS due to my experience level I have crossed off the list from ever entering again. I luckily found one shop locally where the owner was straight up with me, told me great information, has never steered me wrong, and is more worried about his integrity and safety of the divers who frequent than their bottom line. I would look for a shop like the one I just described and go with the shop that has been straight up with you. Bashing any shop is a sign of insecurity and just bad business practices. Of couse after reading this thread and the mix match of regulators I would tend to wonder on the expertise level of either shops, just my humble opinion.

Dave, I have a mid 90's vintage Zeagle, made by Apeks and the GF has a Scubapro G250 with some SP first stage, early 90's vintage there. I would buy from Zeagle, Apeks and Poseidon with little reservation. I would also consider the Scubapro line. Buy from the shop that doesn't BS you and you feel you can trust.

I haven't used the Mares/Oceanic/Seaquest regs. Can't give an opinion on them.

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