Rocio del Mar Trip Report, September 2013

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We just got back a week ago from our very first liveaboard trip--the Rocio del Mar in the Sea of Cortez/Midriff Islands. I thought this would be a good introduction to the liveaboard experience as it isn't a huge commitment of time (1 week) or money (relatively speaking) and it's very accessible. For once I was right--this was an excellent choice for us and I absolutely recommend it!

Any concerns I had about seasickness (none) or fellow passengers (we had a great group!) or cold/current (few and minor problems) were dispensed with almost immediately. This was, however, our first trip without our son, who has been our diving buddy/photographer/divemaster for nearly ten years. We missed him terribly and really missed his photography skills, because, frankly, we suck. No, not fishing for complements, just stating a fact. I really only got my camera so I could take a photo of something to identify it later. I LOVE fish ID! But the photography--not so much.

That said, this trip would be an outstanding place to practice photography skills. There isn't a lot of coral, so buoyancy isn't so crucial, IMHO. I mean, I've been places where I've wanted to snatch cameras out of photographer's hands--after seeing their slimy wetsuits or fins striking sea fans, etc. In the Sea of Cortez, it's possible to really spend some time on a subject and not kill 100 years of growth--you still have to watch out for the critters' homes, of course, and the scorpionfish, which are everywhere. So that was a missed opportunity--wish we had taken a class or done some reading or something before we went.

I tend to write long and winding trip reports--sorry!--so please just jump ahead to the parts that interest you.


Our last big dive trip was to Lembeh, so getting to the Rocio was quite painless. Phoenix is a hub,so there are plenty of direct flights. It's also a nice airport, with volunteer senior citizens who come up and ask you if you need help. (!) There's even decent food! We came in a day early and spent the night at the Holiday Inn Express (recommended!) because we are so super-paranoid about flight delays (a burnt child dreads the fire). It's about a 4 hour trip via a nice van (Head out to Rocky Point) to Puerto Penasco/Rocky Point through some dry and desolate landscape on a two-lane highway. There was another couple who had also stayed at the HIE, so the van kindly picked us up there so we didn't have to go back to the airport.

We enjoyed the van ride--and getting to know some of our dive companions!

I don't know this area of the country very well, and I've never been a fan of desert landscape, but it was interesting and beautiful, in its own way. We stopped once to use the bathroom in a small, sad mining town in Arizona. No worries getting past the border, and it doesn't take long before you are in Puerto Penasco--it looks like a seedy beach town catering to the party crowds, but, honestly, we only got a look at it from the van windows. Lickety-split, we were at the pier, on the boat by 4 p.m. and were underway by 5 p.m. Could not have been easier.

Getting back to Phoenix was equally painless. We were in the vans by 8 a.m. and the conversation was even more congenial, as we'd all become quite friendly over the past week. You have to disembark from the van when you reach the border. There are an additional two stops further up the road--checking for drugs & illegals, I guess. These stops are in the middle of nowhere; just two border officers and a dog and (hopefully) an air-conditioned trailer. That can't be an easy duty--I hope they are rotated frequently. Anyway...


As I've said, this was our first liveaboard, but we thought it was a comfortable boat. I think the layout may be different from most liveaboards--passengers eat in the galley, next to the kitchen (no view) except for the two occasions we ate dinner al fresco on the sun deck. There is an air-conditioned lounge area and a shaded one--most of us spent a great deal of time between the two. Briefings are held in the air-conditioned lounge. There were a few people who took advantage of the sun deck, but, Dio mio!--it was freaking hot and the sun was muy fuerte!

Twice they lost power--briefly--and there were some problems with the air-conditioning in the beginning. In the middle of the first night, it suddenly got quite warm--somebody had fooled with the thermostat? Rooms during the day were always frigid.

Every room has a window and the views in the early morning light were fantastic. The beds were very tiny (definitely not a double, perhaps a single +?) so it's a good chance to do some close snuggling. We used the top bunk to store stuff. The bathroom was also tiny, but it worked fine. Lots of hot water, although the shower tends to get everything wet. I wish they had thicker towels. We only changed them once, but you could ask for a change more frequently, if you wanted. Lots of hooks to hang your stuff.
It isn't easy to get stuff to dry--we hanged our suits on the railing to dry in the sun.


Divers are put into two groups--"A" and "B." I don't know the criteria they use, but it didn't seem to be based upon experience or age. Diving is done from the zodiacs (pangas) back roll in, ladder coming back out. All dives are drift--the sharp-eyed and diligent panga divers keep track of the bubbles and will pick you up if you surface early or away from the group. All divers must have a sausage and a whistle. The Rocio also has radios for dive pairs--two were out-of-order, so we were one of the pairs that didn't get one. I don't know how they made that decision, either, but it didn't bother us too much. The one time I surfaced by myself, I could see the boat and I was close enough to swim to one of the islands, if I had to--but I was picked up in a matter of minutes, so no worries.

It's easy to fall into the routine of the Rocio:

6.m.: The "little" breakfast. Fruit, yogurt, cereal, toast.

7 a.m.: First briefing, followed by 1st dive. "A" or "B" group has a 15 minute lead--they alter who goes first each day.

8:30-9 am: Full breakfast. Eggs, waffles, etc.

10:30 a.m.: 2nd briefing, followed by 2nd dive.

12:30-1 p.m.: Lunch. Soup/salad, followed by hot meal.

3 p.m.(ish) : 3rd dive briefing, followed by 3rd dive.

4:30: Snack in lounge.

We had two twilight/night dives, and both were before dinner.


This is homestyle, stick-to-your-ribs cooking; quite good and quite satisfying for a group of hungry divers! Interestingly, we were served mostly red meat; we had fish once and a shrimp pasta dish once, and otherwise no other seafood. Beer and wine is available, but, more importantly, there is always brewed iced tea with ice available! (Yeah, I'm kind of a fanatic about the brewed iced tea.) Beer, water and sodas are also kept in the fridge in the lounge. Jugs of water for refills (they give you your own glass) are located throughout the boat.

There are two "special" al fresco dinners each week, but no entertainment or music. Music would be nice, I think. They don't always serve dessert, but I wish they would at least offer fruit after lunch and dinner.

People sometimes complain that they feed you too much on dive vacations. Oh, please! After our last dive, when we wouldn't be getting any more exercize, they gave us a lovely, light, healthy lunch of grilled chicken salad with avocado. Delicious, of course, but something was missing. You know, a treat. I asked for tortilla chips and, believe me, everybody ate them!


Love, love, LOVE them! These guys worked tremendously hard to ensure that we had a great trip. They are outstanding!

Early on in our trip, whilst we were at anchor, someone noticed a pod of dolphins not too far away; a crew member took us out in one of the zodiacs to check them out. I love that they were willing and able to do something so spontaneous.

The times we were at anchor at night, the lights on the stern would attract a feeding frenzy--mid-sized silvery fish chasing small silvery fish; they were moving/flying so fast I could not identify them until a few off them jumped onto the stern. I could pick out the cornetfish, but the others? I enjoyed watching this spectacle with my fellow divers and the crew; it was mersmerizing. The captain checked for Humboldt squid a few times, but we didn't see any on this trip.

Our DM was friendly, charming, and competent--he helped me with some buoyancy problems I had on the first dive (air stuck in the BC, again!), but he was a bit unfamiliar with the dive sites. Our "B" group agreed that we should have switched off with the more experienced guide every other day. It isn't fair that the "A" group comes back and has seen 6 octopi, 4 eels, etc. etc. and the "B" group has seen...not so much. I mean, as far as I know, we all paid the same amount of money for the trip. I hope they will address this situation in the future, as it caused some sore feelings and minor resentment.

That said, we saw plenty...I'll get into that in Part 2. Meanwhile.............................................................................. view from the bow.jpgview to the stern.jpgred hills.jpgsunset.jpglandscaoe.jpg

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The diving!


I logged twenty dives (and one incredible whale shark snorkel) on the Rocio del Mar. The diving is unlike any that I have experienced before; that is, it is sort of familiar, with lots of species we recognize from warmer locales, but it is also semi-tropical, and the underwater seascape is dominated by boulders, rocks and sand rather than coral, sponges, sea fans, etc.

There are lots of endemic species which was very interesting--the Mexican hogfish, the Cortez Angel, et al. The King Angel schools--we saw 20 at a time--I don't remember ever seeing angelfish school like that before.

cortez angel.jpg king angel close.jpg
schooling king angels.jpg

The Scorpionfish were everywhere--on rocks, in the sand, in algae.Lots of rays, octopi, eels, and Morays--including the Argus, Jewel, and Finespotted. The most enormous seahorse I have ever seen (what's that about?) Saw several golden grouper--gorgeous, but very shy! (probably with good reason!) I enjoyed seeing the signs of a healthy reef--lots of schools. Nothing too huge, though, and no sharks.

Viz wasn't great; sometimes better than others, but we managed. The water was pretty warm most of the time, but occasionally we would be hit by icy-cold thermoclines. We'd brought extra rubber with us, but there were only a few times when we definitely needed it. We only had one dive with real (and ridiculous) current--and the DMs heard plenty of complaints about it. So while this one dive was uncomfortable, and definitely not worth the trouble, it was not tremendously dangerous, either, IMHO. As I stated earlier, we had sausages and whistles and were within sight of the boat at all times.


We had two twilight/night dives, and neither was all that exciting. No wild kingdom as in mating/hunting that you sometimes see on these dives. It was interesting that we didn't see any shrimp and very few crabs (except for hermits) There is some sort of mantis-type shrimp I had caught glimpses of (claws only) in its perfectly-constructed hole during the day; I was hoping to see it out and about at night, but had no luck. This is its home:
who lives in here.jpg

The best thing about the night dives, IMHO, was being out on the zodiacs, sluicing through the water, seeing the moonlight reflected there and looking up to see the starry sky. We don't see stars like that back home!

On our first night dive, once we got back in the zodiac, we noticed all these little flashing white lights--like fireflies-- just under the water. It wasn't phosphorescence...some kind of fish? I couldn't find any mention of such a thing in any of the books on board. We called them the "fairy light fish." Gorgeous!

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The BIG stuff


For us, one of the attractions of the Sea of Cortez was the very good possibility of finally seeing whale sharks. We'd been disappointed before (Utila) and I did wonder, while we spent one afternoon motoring back and forth in the Bahia de los Angeles, if we would be disappointed again. Oh, ye of little faith! They started appearing and then the driver found the most patient, nicest, kindest, most chilling-est whale shark in the entire world! This 30-foot beauty allowed our group of very excited divers to swim with it for well over an hour. Back and forth he/she went, making that lovely, sinuous S-shape through the water, opening wide to filter feed from time to time, the remoras holding on like vises and me swimming like mad to keep up! I decided I would stay with him/her as long as I could--I think I was with him for about 90 minutes until he finally went deep. It was an absolutely amazing and thrilling experience!

whale shark1.jpgWhale shark2.jpg
The BIG Stuff, Part 2


Another major attraction of Sea of Cortez diving is the presence of sea lions. This is not hit or miss--if you are there, you WILL see sea lions and you WILL interact with them. We saw them, I would say, on half of our dives. I imagine they have no concerns about predators with the absence of sharks. (They do have them from time to time; apparently a very large great white was found last year.)

Anyway, there is one particular group of sea lions that is extremely playful. They will come up and try to spook you, swim through your legs, do somersaults and twirls. It is such a hoot! Meanwhile, the Alpha Male Bull is above, barking and blowing bubbles and letting his harem know he's not amused. Typical male--can't abide his women having any fun without him! :)

sea lion1.jpgsea lion posse.jpg

Sometimes the sea lions get a bit too rambunctious--one of our divers got bit on the head. And we had the usual nipped fins, too. Funnily enough, there is a group at another site that seemed very unfamiliar with divers. They were curious, checked us out, but didn't interact. And there didn't seem to be a bull with them, either.
The SMALL stuff


Okay, I admit that I am a blenny fanatic. There is little I enjoy more than rooting around in the rubble, looking for blennies and spending the entire dive watching just one. I know I am not alone in this pursuit; on our last dive, at the wonderful and aptly-named dive site known as The Aquarium (there's one in every dive locale, isn't there?) there were five of us who elected not to go with the DM and see the rays, etc. but stay in the rubble. What can I say? It's an obsession.

There are blue-spotted jawfish everywhere; we even came upon an entire "field" of nuptial males, bobbing out and hovering above their holes in their wedding finery..."pick me! pick me! pick me!" I missed the giant jawfish, but did see lots of hawkfish (not as shy as in other places) the pandemic fanged blenny (adorable) and an amazing pikeblenny doing his mating call.

rainbow nudi.JPGAgassic nudi.jpgSpanishShawl.jpghawkfish with coral.jpgblenny down.jpgfanged blenny side view.jpgmy nuptial pike blenny.jpgmy pike blenny2.JPGpandemic fanged blenny close.jpg


I brought a small mirror with me, hoping we'd run into a sailfin--and we did! A Gulf Signal Blenny--He was in his wormhole, but came out to attack the other fellow in the mirror. He got quite aggressive with his mirror image, puffing himself up and making himself! These are the times when I really wish I was a better photographer...these photos are bad, but I think they give the general idea. It was such a hoot!
gulf signal blenny angry.JPGgulf signal blenny.jpg


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Whew...I guess that's it! I hope somebody gets one or two bits of useful information from this very looonnnnng report.

Let me add, in conclusion, that we had a great group of 17 divers--everybody got along very well and there were lots of good conversations in the galley and in the lounge. Almost everybody had some kind of camera, but I think there were only four divers whom I would consider serious photographers; I was thrilled to view some of their work and it was gorgeous. Most were Americans--we had a lovely British couple and an adventurous young Danish woman--although we were the only Easterners. Lots of diversity in terms of experience and background, but being with this group allayed a lot of the worries I had about liveaboard trips. We are ready for the next one! :)
Great TR! Thanks for doing this. Rocio del Mar is on my short list, hopefully next year.

But I hope they correct the lack of dessert faux pas by then....
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Thank you for your detailed trip report. We are headed to Socorro next month w/ Rocio del Mar. Can hardly wait!
Super cool.... Whale sharks are amazing!! Great report!!!
Terrific trip report! I was looking for reviews of this itinerary some months ago and couldn't find much. Thanks for such an in-depth review.


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