Si Tech Inflator Hose Recall.....

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Victoria, Bc, Canada
Whites Manufacturing has just been notified of a hose recall initiated by Si Tech, a leading distributer for Inflator hoses.

Please access the SiTech website at: for information regarding this recall.

As soon as more information is received we will do a formal press release.

Your Team at Whites Manufacturing.
What is the reason for the restriction in the first place? The three suit's I purchased for the shop all have the hose's with the blue restrictor and the code's that are mentioned in the paperwork from sitech. Who will be replacing these hoses?
From the manual..

SI TECH suit inflation hoses supplied to drysuit
manufacturers have a flow restriction
orifice to make it easier for less experienced
divers to determine their buoyancy. The flow
restriction will also reduce the loss of pressure
to the second stage in case the inflator valve
should get stuck open and it will minimize the
harm that a free-flowing hose can cause to
people and equipment.
If connected to a first stage with lower
intermediate pressure than 10 bar the flow
restricting orifice insert in the hose attachment nipple can be removed to
increase the flow.
Here is the press release from Whites. In contrast to SiTech, whose reps have posted no explanation of the recall and one of the crappiest youtube videos I've ever seen, the Whites guys have done their homework. Apparently the reason for the recall is that the flow restrictor can dislodge and fall into the regulator first stage.

Whites Diving | Fusion Dive Suit

(Yes, despite the title, this link is about the recall)

My only concern is that I heard about this recall only through a friend who forwarded me this thread. As a drysuit owner, I expected to be notified by Whites or SiTech directly.
I got the same info directly from our Whites rep weeks ago--but I asked him point-blank. It's possible that a restrictor came out of the hose and entered the body of a first stage, compromising second-stage function, in a recent diving incident.

Note that SiTech inflator hoses can be replaced with standard BC inflator hoses; it's the same connection. The restrictor idea might be a solution in search of a problem.

I wish we could have contacted every customer directly, unfortunately contacting those people for us as a distributer is pretty much impossible.

We do expect all dealers to contact all their customers, unfortunately, the further away the message gets the less often it gets passed on....


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