TDI Extended Range & Helitrox

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Remy B.

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200 - 499
What are the opinions from the experts about TDI extended range?

My instructor is not fan of this course, he has the opinion that any Tec diver venturing beyond 30m shall use some helium in his mix, keeping the boundaries on O2 exposure of course.

As per TDI it mention about 55m range for air, and the Helitrox down to 45m with 20He in the mix, the concept of Extended Range is the use of Air as your gas and the training go around this, but by looking at Trimix were this trains the diver on 18%O2 and down to 60m, it seems that the Extended Range can be combined with the Helitrox, but there is no combination like this suggested by TDI, any particular reason for this ?
I've taken Extended Range and also Trimix and Advanced Trimix. In fact, my Trimix final training dive was on the same wreck that my Extended Range final training dive was on. I don't rmember much about the ER dive on the wreck; I remember lots about the wreck when I did it on trimix.

I see no point in the ER course; just do the Trimix course. You learn more, you remember more, and you go deeper.
Why would you want to bother with Extended Range? Combine Helitrox with your AN/DP and then take Normoxic Trimix.
If you are already tec certfied (AN & Deco) and your goal is deeper diving, then technically you can start Trimix. If you are not sure about the deeper stuff and want to ease into it the go with the Helitrox. I agree that there is no need to take the Extended Range route.
I'll side with your instructor.....
I need to get some more Deco dives in before I start shopping around for a trimix course but 150 is my limit on air. At 150 I am feeling narced not to the point of trouble however I find myself getting nervous and focusing on the time and not enjoying the dive as much. I wouldnt want to push my limits too far.
Like the others said, AN/DP or Helitrox then Trimix. IMO in this day and age, deep air is just plain stupid.
That is the recommendation of my instructor as well, once I finish AN/DP to continue to Helitrox, then dive a lot and some more, and then I can think about trimix, I don't know if I will go all the way to Advance Trimix. but sure Trimix is in the list.

It is just the analogy of keep using 21% O2 and as much Helium as the pocket can afford, that makes you go near the Trimix dept, don't fully understand the limitations to be set Helitrox to limit you to 45m and 20% He, only thing I can see is that they are trying to go in baby steps towards trimix, but by the other hand they allow you to 55m on air, what is the problem to go, 55m on 21% O2 and 20%He, I don't know if you guys understand what I'm trying to point out.
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good cert 2 get if u want 2 go 55m on air, not really deep air but around accepted mod. try psai narc mgmt courses 2 if u want...

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