TMJ? Or Ear infection?

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Callahan, Florida, United States
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100 - 199
This morning as I was laying in my bed reading ScubaBoard, my head was at an odd angle (propped on my hand), I yawned and felt this crackling sensation in my jaw on my left side back near my molars and then I felt pain that felt like an ear infection. It now hurts to swallow (I feel the pain near my ear and in my neck under the jaw line).

I am not sick with a cold or sinus infection. I took some advil and the pain has subsided but is not totally gone. Does this sound like TMJ? I know I am a good candidate for it because I clench my teeth and grind them at night. And lately I have had some headaches which I have attributed to my grinding and clenching.

And the worse part, we are scheduled to leave on Tuesday for Cozumel. Your thoughts this something that will go away with advil and rest or do I have to (big gulp) cancel the trip? :shakehead:
I'm sorry, but there isn't any way I can diagnose what is going on with you over the internet. Somebody needs to have a look at your ear. The onset doesn't sound like an ear infection, if in fact one moment you were fine and then you moved your jaw and you weren't, but people constantly confound me with histories that aren't consistent with what their ailment proves to be, so I would not rely upon that as 100% accurate in distinguishing between the two.
Thanks for the response. It is really weird, but the more I read about TMJ the more I think that's what it is...I have been thru so many ear infections and sinus infections that I know what those feel like. So I am now self medicating with advil, rest, soft foods, and heat/ice. I failed to mention in my previous post that I am a junkie for chewing gum, which only makes the problem worse. So, I have given up the gum for smoking.

It stinks that its the weekend and I can't get in with my regular doctor, so tomorrow I will go to solantic if its not any better.
This morning as I was laying in my bed reading ScubaBoard, my head was at an odd angle (propped on my hand), I yawned and felt this crackling sensation in my jaw on my left side back near my molars).

The grinding is Bruxism, which is a major cause of TMJ, the problem with TMJ is that is can cause headaches, earache, neck ache etc etc. I have it so bad I have dizzyness as well as the rest. I am not a Doctor but I know the symptoms inside out. That popping/cracking is a specific TMJ disorder in itself, you will find it wil happen when you open your mouth wide, and may cause a spasm.

You need to see a Oral Surgeon, specialising in TMJ to have a look. Please see someone since really horrible things will start happening which make ear ache seem like a walk in the park!

Good luck!
How long have you had TMJ? How did it start out? How does it impact your diving? Sorry for all the questions, but I don't know anyone with TMJ.

I was planning on making an appointment with my dentist when I get back from cozumel to discuss TMJ.

However, right now I am only worried about the short term - which is "should I stay or should I go?"
Laymans advice, it's fine to dive, but definitely speak to someone about the TMJ.
Just post me when you come back. If you can get a simple mouth guard or something to stop the Bruxism, it might help stop the pain.
Assuming it's not an ear infection...

I've been able to manage my TMJ with a mouth guard that I wear at night, made by dentist for about $90. For diving, I use a SeaCure mouthpiece and it has helped a lot. However, the biggest improvement came from learning not to bight down to hold my reg in place.
This morning as I was laying in my bed reading ScubaBoard, my head was at an odd angle (propped on my hand), I yawned and felt this crackling sensation in my jaw on my left side back near my molars and then I felt pain that felt like an ear infection.

Obviously, this is a case of ScubaBoard allergy..! Just switch to another diving forum and you should be fine...


This does sound like a TMJ related symptom to me as well, since ear infections don't really present like that. A quick look at your eardrums should settle the question for sure, thought, so you might want to have that checked out. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint where the lower jaw (the mandible) moves against the base of the skull, right in front of the ear canal. This joint, just like the knee joint, has a piece of cartilage to keep the bones from grinding together and fluid around the joint to keep things moving smoothly. And just like the knee or any other joint, you can have problems with this mechanism which may require treatment ranging from a soft diet, to antiinflammatory drugs, dental appliances or even surgery.

The head and neck area has a lot of interconnected nerves, so it is very common for pain to be "referred". That is why patients have ear pain after tonsillectomy, and why TMJ is often confused with ear disease. One way to check this joint as the source of symptoms is to put your finger in your ear canal and push forwards (towards your nose). Then open and close your mouth... if this triggers the symptoms, and if you hear/feel a clicking, cracking or popping noise, it does suggest TMJ problems.

One thing to keep in mind (in addition to the good advice posted here and that you have already discovered on your own), is that holding a regulator for a long time can make TMJ pain worse. If you find that is the case, you might want to try the Sea Cure mouthpiece. I haven't used it myself, but some people say it really helps...

Thanks Doctor Mike! The pain has subsided tremendously since yesterday. I have been taking advil and it seems to have helped. I'm going to look for the SeaCure mouthpiece and see how it goes...

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