Info Value of Masks and other factors to lower Covid-19 Risk while Traveling

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Quite the contrary. I've deployed around the world and the risk of covid in its current flavor is far lower than anything else I've ever dealt with. A 24-48 hour low grade fever and a sore throat for 3 days... oh my that's scary. Hide in your apartment while wearing 17 masks for all I care. If you think that will save you from the real world then more power to you. Get off your soap box long enough to see what's really happening and realize it isn't as scary as Rachel Maddow or Bernie Sanders has been pushing.
Quite the contrary. I've deployed around the world and the risk of covid in its current flavor is far lower than anything else I've ever dealt with. A 24-48 hour low grade fever and a sore throat for 3 days... oh my that's scary. Hide in your apartment while wearing 17 masks for all I care. If you think that will save you from the real world then more power to you. Get off your soap box long enough to see what's really happening and realize it isn't as scary as Rachel Maddow or Bernie Sanders has been pushing.

Masks are just the new “blanky” for people to use when they’re scared of the boogy man, AKA Covid. It makes them feel safe when in reality doesn’t absolutely nothing
Those charts don’t seem to make a very strong case for masks at all… seems very little difference.
True. Ventilation appears to be more effective, which was my point.
It must also be said that these statistical outcomes are derived from epidemiologic analyses, which means that "masked" means a lot of people wearing unrated masks, not worn properly.
As you cannot fix stupid, mandatory masks are not very effective, as most people do not use FFP3 masks, nor wear them properly.
But I was a firefighter, and I was trained on the use of PPDs. Our instructor did show us the difference between a goog mask properly worn and anything else by smoking a cigarette.
No smoke comes out of an FFP3 mask properly used. Some tiny smoke comes out of an FFP2. And a lot of smoke from a surgical or cloth mask...
So the epidemiologic data are misleading, and I will continue using my FFP3 masks even when not mandatory.
For protecting myself, but also for protecting others...
Covid did kill people in my family, and continues killing...
What science? The “science” that changes every 24 hours 😂
I am a scientist. When science changes quickly it is a very good thing, meaning knowledge is advancing.
It is much worst when obsolete theories are crystallised and become a religion, and new opinions are shut down...
Covid was very good for scientists, causing a big push to new research, which of course changes our knowledge.
Masks are just the new “blanky” for people to use when they’re scared of the boogy man, AKA Covid. It makes them feel safe when in reality doesn’t absolutely nothing
This is true. And is a big problem! People think to be immune as they are wearing badly an unrated mask.
So they get infected, and in the end it appears that masks are not very effective.
Actually it is incredible how, despite I see most people not wearing proper masks in an airtight way, they still provide some statistically relevant protection.
I'm amazed. The article, and my post about it, do not say that masks are all that great. The point was that other factors matter more. Masks are a lesser factor, but not zero. The mask haters posting here apparently did not read the article or my post, they apparently were triggered into hate mode just by seeing the word "mask." And they apparenly are unable to grasp that masks are not a black or white subject.....that there is room for nuance and shages of gray.
And a lot of smoke from a surgical or cloth mask...
I suspect the surgical mask reduced the distance the smoke traveled out from his mouth, which might aid social distancing effectiveness. Surgical masks are cheap to buy in boxes with many.

Masks are a lesser factor, but not zero.
Yes. And at what point that lesser factor's costs outweigh the benefits will be a hard determination and harder 'sell.' Some time back, the New York Times 'The Morning' e-mail took a look at conservative and liberal views on the COVID-19 threat and compared them to the evidence.

Some conservative communities lived pretty much like the pandemic wasn't a 'thing.' COVID-19 deaths after vaccine use went widespread were higher in Trump-favoring areas compared to Biden-favoring, but vaccination differences were a big factor. I imagine some liberals might view this approach as a mix of ignorant, callously indifferent or lazy.

A portion of liberals polled on perceived threat levels showed some non-elderly liberals viewing themselves and their kids at much higher risk for serious harm than the data supported. Yes, COVID-19 can kill a kid - so can a car trip to the supermarket.

In their analysis, as general trends, both conservatives and liberals tended toward skewed perceptions of risk, in opposite directions.

One thing that's changed over time, especially with Omicron and its successors, is growing contagiousness and prevalence has reached the point many believe nearly all of us are going to catch it, and we're going to catch it from time-to-time, not unlike a cold.

So masks become not so much about not catching SARS-CoV-2 as they do catching it less often, and a concrete answer to 'How much less often' may be hard to get.

The other issue concerns the unusually vulnerable. Even vaccinated people in their 80's are at some subjective risk from COVID-19 - but they were at risk from flu before that, with little public discussion. Immunocompromised people are in a similar situation.

One positive from the pandemic may be a greater emphasis in indoor air quality going forward.
I'm amazed.
What amazes me is that some people are so confused that they believe anyone actually wants to wear a mask or follow any of the other generally accepted best practices over the last 2+ years.

So what you don’t personally believe the science!
Do it because it may help in some situations.
Show some consideration for others.
Be the bigger person.
Stop spouting hatred and vitriol.
Enjoy your masks, I'll enjoy facial expressions.
Perfect example of the hatred spouting. I on the other hand will enjoy helping others to feel comfortable.

What this situation has shown is there is a small but loud group of people that care so little about others that they would refuse to accept even a small imposition to add some measure of comfort to others.

Look at yourselves honestly if you can and ask - will you support or assist others with differing beliefs or positions. Looks like another sad commentary on some of the people out there today and goes beyond just the masking subject.

Makes one wonder how they would act if a dive buddy asks for a small imposition to help make someone else more comfortable on their dive.
What amazes me is that some people are so confused that they believe anyone actually wants to wear a mask or follow any of the other generally accepted best practices over the last 2+ years.

So what you don’t personally believe the science!
Do it because it may help in some situations.
Show some consideration for others.
Be the bigger person.
Stop spouting hatred and vitriol.

Perfect example of the hatred spouting. I on the other hand will enjoy helping others to feel comfortable.

What this situation has shown is there is a small but loud group of people that care so little about others that they would refuse to accept even a small imposition to add some measure of comfort to others.

Look at yourselves honestly if you can and ask - will you support or assist others with differing beliefs or positions. Looks like another sad commentary on some of the people out there today and goes beyond just the masking subject.

Makes one wonder how they would act if another diver asks for a small imposition to help make someone else more comfortable.
Some people leave their old pee-valve condoms on the ground at dive sites, too.
Might even be the same people!
So what you don’t personally believe the science!

This isn't an experimental study, not even a statistical study, this is mathematical modeling. That modeling has been pretty inaccurate during the past two years. And has resulted in measures that are largely not supported by later statistical analysis.

Also so far people have any paid attention to studies that support their point of view. The vaccine is widely available in western countries. Let people who want to wear masks wear masks. Let the people that don't, don't. Let's get back to normal before we plunge the world into a world wide depression.
This isn't an experimental study, not even a statistical study, this is mathematical modeling. That modeling has been pretty inaccurate during the past two years. And has resulted in measures that are largely not supported by later statistical analysis.

Also so far people have any paid attention to studies that support their point of view. The vaccine is widely available in western countries. Let people who want to wear masks wear masks. Let the people that don't, don't. Let's get back to normal before we plunge the world into a world wide depression.
You may be confusing "modeling" with "forecasting." It is the latter that has had errors.
The quoted publication is basically curve-fitting to existing data, extrapolating to fill gaps, but not forecasting in time.

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