What ever happened to RESPECT

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Westlake Village, CA
I think that the biggest downfall we have in our society is the loss of respect. The loss of respect for ourselves,our parents, our elders, our country, and our president.

When I was four years old, I remember my parents teaching me to say "We love President Johnson from now on", even though he was not who they voted for once he became president they taught he was to be respected.

I was shopping for a birthday card for a friend, and saw a whole row of "political" birthday cards. All with a picture of our president, and "cute" little political (not very respectful) statements.

I am all for freedom of speech. I understand that some people disagree with certain things he has done. (the pure hatred some people are displaying is beyond me!) But, I still think people should have some respect that he holds the office. Even with President Clinton's indiscretions in the white house, my biggest heartache of it all was that I still had to teach my children to respect him as our President after what he had done.

If John Kerry wins, I plan on teaching my children to respect him as our President. Of course I still have my children address any adult as Mr. and Mrs. I just must be old fashioned.

I just wish respect would become an important value again.
Values??? Could that be why the divorce rate is soo high???
I think that the divorce rate is directly related to lack of respect, and "values". The thing that keeps to people together is respect for one another. The reason people remain honest and faithful is out of respect for their spouse, and respect for the institution itself.
I think that the divorce rate is directly related to lack of respect, and "values". The thing that keeps to people together is respect for one another. The reason people remain honest and faithful is out of spouse, and respect for the instirespect for their tution itself.

Completely agree, now let me go find a women with values.........hmmm, I may have to import.
When it refers to an individual, respect is something you earn, not something you're due. Although I believe we should give everyone some degree of respect as human beings, not everyone earns respect. For example, theoretically we respect the office of the local police department, but can you say you'd respect the policemen who beat up Rodney King?

On a different note, what happened to speaking proper English? I'm constantly correcting my 14 yr. old when she says things like "me and my friend," or "da crib." Don't they teach them in school that it's not polite to refer to you before referring to others and that the correct way to say that is "my friends and I?" Shouldn't we be more insisting in our kids referring to home as that and not as "da crib?"

Who knows! But it's certainly a scary thought that when I turn 65 today's youngsters will be the ones in office. Then again, I'm certain my parents and grandparents thought that as well.
I think that the biggest downfall we have in our society is the loss of respect. The loss of respect for ourselves,our parents, our elders, our country, and our president.

When I was four years old, I remember my parents teaching me to say "We love President Johnson from now on", even though he was not who they voted for once he became president they taught he was to be respected.

I was shopping for a birthday card for a friend, and saw a whole row of "political" birthday cards. All with a picture of our president, and "cute" little political (not very respectful) statements.

I am all for freedom of speech. I understand that some people disagree with certain things he has done. (the pure hatred some people are displaying is beyond me!) But, I still think people should have some respect that he holds the office. Even with President Clinton's indiscretions in the white house, my biggest heartache of it all was that I still had to teach my children to respect him as our President after what he had done.

If John Kerry wins, I plan on teaching my children to respect him as our President. Of course I still have my children address any adult as Mr. and Mrs. I just must be old fashioned.

I just wish respect would become an important value again.

I agree that society as a hole has no respect for anything other than self servitude, but respect Has to be earned you can not respect someone just because they hold a high office.
If that was the case we would have to respect the likes of Hitler
Just because you can con or bully enough people to get elected President does not mean you have earned my respect.
Please, let's not start that one again!!!
I respect and trust others to a certain degree at face value, until proven different. From then on you will have to earn that respect to get back in my books. It never happens though, usually if people weren't worthy of respect in the first place, they won't be later either........ Don't you just hate all the knowledge and experience you acquire from getting older???
It's a tangent from the original post, but for what it's worth both "my friends and me" and "my friends and I" can be correct, depending upon the situation. The politeness comes from putting others before self.

For example, it would be correct to say, "The lack of respect he showed us really bothered my friends and me." It would also be correct to say, "My friends and I like to call home 'da crib'." Which one you use depends on whether "I" or "me" would be appropriate on it's own.

Sorry for not sticking to topic, but it's always irritated me when people have tried to correct a perfectly acceptable sentence because someone once taught them they had to say "...and I..." to be proper.

That said, I believe it's possible to respect an office without respecting the person who holds it.

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