What makes you mad that probably shouldn't?

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Machines. People can screw up on the job and I get over it and tell them how we'll avoid the problem next time etc etc.....but if a machine stops working and I can't fix it....I'll cuss it("you #^*&%$# piece of #%^**, I'll teach you to not start") and kick it and hurt my foot and feel really stupid afterwards.
Machines. People can screw up on the job and I get over it and tell them how we'll avoid the problem next time etc etc.....but if a machine stops working and I can't fix it....I'll cuss it("you #^*&%$# piece of #%^**, I'll teach you to not start") and kick it and hurt my foot and feel really stupid afterwards.

I've been guilty....:shakehead :wink:
For me it mostly driving related:

#1 idiots that cut criss-cross driving lots, almost hitting you as you follow the marked lanes and then flip you the finger
#2 people that merge without even looking, or expect to cut in front of you just because they are in a merging lane, and if heavens forbid you do not let them butt in flip you the bird
#3 people that sleep at green lights. let's face it, unfortunately 90% of all N/A drivers drive bloody automatics, that means you have a 50-50% chance of getting the right pedal, now hard is it to remove foot from one and move to the other...and when you honk at them to move their *****, they flip you the bird
#4 people making left turns....stay in your own bloody lane, do not move over to the outer lane, use the tight turn so that people can make a right from the opposite direction as well, this goes for those making right turns as well.....and then when you turn like you should, and they want to be in your lane, you honk at them, they flip you the bird!
#5 when there is a double turning lane, and the person in the other lane beside you cannot aim/steer their cars into their respectful lanes, instead they decide they will drift into yours expecting you to do the same! no those bloody lines are there for a reason
#6 people that drive on the highway and then at the last very possible moment decide they need to get off at the exit, cutting across 3-4 lanes at once
#7 petite/tiny little soccer moms in huge trucks/suvs and minivans with a herd of kids, being barely able to look over the steering wheel driving like they are the only ones on the road - buy a smaller car
#8 one word: minivans
#9 baby-on-board signs, what is that for? showing off or trying to excuse yourself in advance if you pull a dumb***** move?
#10 people that will drive on the shoulder just so that they can get a few cars ahead of you....pays to have a truck, I always pull in front of them, get in line the rest buddy

....these are a few for now, but I could have a full hours worth
why do you ask two dogs? :D
I hate people in general no one specific grouping of persons just people in general . . . yes i know it is not nice but most people are just plain stupid. . .

People that call my store and I anwser with the "Radioshack this is john"and they ask is this radioshack?? NO you dumb !@#$ it is bestbuy . . .

Or the call today that yelled at me cause we weren't listed in the yellow pages. . . you found the number now quit complaining!!!!!

Being at work at night and listening to everyone else talk about DRINKING...it's torture!!!

I get all twitchy and start having withdrawls when someone mentions BEER....:confused: :wink:
oh you know what else makes me mad???

no well here i will tel you . . . people in the complex who feel the need to race around the parking lots like it is an indy track or something, and play there music like i wanna hear it at 2 AM, Oh yeah and come back from being out and just have to click there car clicker to make there car alarm beep 75 times before they know it's alarm is armed. . .
I hate people in general no one specific grouping of persons just people in general . . .
I totally despise some specific groups of people and I know I shouldn't.

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