What Women Want... Dork Diver Style!

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Very nice, TG!:)

Thank you! Not as nice as your professionally done dive toes or erparamedics painstakingly done dive toes, but I'm happy. I've got a little goop on the edges (I don't think you can really tell in the pictures), but, then, I didn't drool on myself either!
Nice job, TG! Cute chubby toes! :) I really like the rhinestones! They must be super tiny... where did you get them.

My "big" rhinestones actually had a "sticky" back... I had to peel off the backing, and they would stick on. By the way... they're still holding on strong. Jonathan even stepped on one of my bare feet and he was wearing his "rugged, all terrain" (as I like to call them) sandals. They totally scraped over my big toe while he was bearing weight, and the rhinestones held tight! I must admit... I was afraid to look and feel though!
'kay, I don't know how I missed this thread. I will always paint dive toes before a dive trip. I have my regular fill & pedicure and a few hours later apply two strips of scotch tape to the big toes to form a dive flag and do White-out down the middle. Cover with clear coat. I will also do one of Bruce's big toes. He leaves it on as a reminder of the last trip.
'kay, I don't know how I missed this thread. I will always paint dive toes before a dive trip. I have my regular fill & pedicure and a few hours later apply two strips of scotch tape to the big toes to form a dive flag and do White-out down the middle. Cover with clear coat. I will also do one of Bruce's big toes. He leaves it on as a reminder of the last trip.

YAY! That is so funny- two strips of scotch tape and white out! I thought about doing my thumb nails with the rhinestones, too, but I was pretty sure I'd mess up the right one (I'm right handed) so I didn't try it.

We have now received a tip about the first male who may actually paint (or allow to be painted) his toes to be dive toes! Where's that beer?

erparamedic- I got them at Wal-Mart. It was a pack of 30 rhinestones- some bigger, some smaller. I got two packs- good thing because the entire board they are mounted on is sticky and I dropped the first one and my dog sheds so bad that it was immediately filled with hair and I couldn't use the rhinestones- too much hair!

What looked like sticky stuff attached to the rhinestones themselves was just stuff holding them on- they came off really easily so I was able to apply JUST the rhinestones.

I also (our of paranoia?) used 3 layers of top coat! 1 would have been fine but I didn't have anything else to do but sit and watch my toes dry!
TG - your toes look awesome! You did a great job :D

I see I am gonna have to break down and do mine again, and post piccies. I won't be diving again until September so I didn't want to do them until then but now I have serious dive toe envy.

BTW I did my boyfriend's big toes a couple years ago, one had the dive flag (no rhinestones...tee hee) and the other one had our dive club logo. This was before I dived and he was going down to the Caribbean on a dive trip. The ladies were all jealous of his toes. The men just thought he was a lunatic. He is not the type to care :wink:
ok...I admit I went out and found polish that matches my pink tank. Its almost a pre-dive ritual now...must paint fingernails and toenails to match the tank.
Here's another version from a couple of dive trips pack. Funny thing is I got the original picture from a guy whose toes were painted the same way.

Scratch, Bruce is the same way, he doesn't care. Besides it's only one toe.


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