TSA Stupidity

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I gave an answer in post 55 but then I removed it because it might give to many details away. I am not going to design explosives or tell you how or what agents to mix or how to make the dissolving time trigger just to win an argument on the internet.

OMG, somebody is wrong on the internet! There is no way to have a discussion about fabricating explosive devices without giving away how it works.

Yeah, SHC, that is always fun.


Nemrod, you usually contribute to discussions with well reasoned responses, I just ask that you don't start in with this BS about chemicals the size of a pill causing an exothermic reaction large enough to turn the body into a fireball. This is a falsehood, pure and simple, and it cheapens any further statements you make on the subject. You were BSing, and I called you on it. Accept it. Please continue to enlighten us about subjects you do know something about (such as vintage gear). OR keep playing secret agent man, with your "deleted post"
Will try to think about being under water when I am crammed into the aluminum tube.

Pretend it's a sub. :)

Just dont get up in the middle of the flight and start yelling "Dive! Dive! Dive!" "Damn the torpedo's, full speed ahead!" or "Blow the main ballast!" :no:

Well, maybe "Dive! Dive! Dive!" will be ok during the descent. :rofl3:
After traveling monthly for work, here are my favorite incidents:
1. Shipping my Dog to AZ, they made me take him out of the kennel and then swabbed him for explosives.

2. I went through the security line once and had a P38 can opener on my key ring. The TSA agent stopped me and told me he used to carry one just like it on his keys all though the war in Korea. Then told me he had to confiscate it.

3. A coworker was traveling up to another town to assist some State troopers (we are emergency responders). He had a police officer with him to get him to the plane quickley and thought there would be no issue getting through security since we all have Airport All Access security badges. He was stopped becase the metal clip on the badge was setting the metal detector off.

4. A TSA agent once told me that I had to take my shoes off because that way they did not have to take the extra effort and go though the pat down. I said "Let me get this straight, you want me to take my shoes off so you do less work that your being paid for?" They said yes, so i told them I woud prefer the pat dowwn to ensure they earned their paycheck.

5. My favorite: I once had a aprox 300lb TSA agent state to me in front of a bunch of military members on return from the gulf that TSA was the front line in the war on terrorism. Hard to hear what else he said over the snickering.
After traveling monthly for work, here are my favorite incidents:
5. My favorite: I once had a aprox 300lb TSA agent state to me in front of a bunch of military members on return from the gulf that TSA was the front line in the war on terrorism. Hard to hear what else he said over the snickering.

GI's are not always known for their subtlety.
It's amazing how one can go through one airpot security unimpeded and be thrown in the the back room of another airport with the same luggage.

I had a TSA agent pull me off to a room because of my regulator in my carry on. He wouldn't let me go until I showed him how it worked. He was ready to confiscate it when I told him it would not work unless it was attached to an air tank. Thank goodness another agent rescued me with a, "he's OK, it's just dive gear."

It wouldn't be funny except this happened in a major Florida airport!
Also, I have an acquaintance who is a TSA trainer. He is a pretty good guy and we can talk quite frankly. When I've discussed such things with him, he tells me stories about how TSA is constantly being tested as to what will and won't get past them. He tells of people carrying blocks of cheese, wrapped in aluminum foil, with bits and pieces of wires in, on and wrapped around them. He tells of a variety containers, empty or filled with water, that have been disguised or otherwise hidden.

Yes thats true, and last time they tested Newark, they failed to detect 20 of 22 attempts.
Like was stated before, almost all of us have our TSA stories. The TSA and airlines all have their rules, they aren't difficult to find or read. If you don't like them, find a different way to get where you want to be. If I get ready for a dive and the boat starts laying out rules I don't like. I have a choice. I can cry, whine and bitch about them; or I can walk away and make alternate plans. It is very unlikely things will ever go back to the way they were, since the way we were was a large part of what got us to where we are. Like it or not, we're stuck with it.

As for the posters that said all TSA people were a bunch of morons, a quicker way to find a moron would be to look in the mirrow when you shave tomorrow. Please make it a point to email me before you fly next time. I have some friends that work at a few different airports that would love to meet up with you and show you how the rules can be really be twisted and turned. If I offend you with this post. Good. I haven't ticked anyone off at work today, YET.
Nemrod, you usually contribute to discussions with well reasoned responses, I just ask that you don't start in with this BS about chemicals the size of a pill causing an exothermic reaction large enough to turn the body into a fireball. This is a falsehood, pure and simple, and it cheapens any further statements you make on the subject. You were BSing, and I called you on it. Accept it. Please continue to enlighten us about subjects you do know something about (such as vintage gear). OR keep playing secret agent man, with your "deleted post"

So prove N is wrong... I can see why someone wounldn't wanna post bomb making plans.
Just an update on this story. This passenger had his RB and all his luggage confiscated at the airport now I am told they have "lost" his RB and luggage and he can't get it back.


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