Trip Review: Tres Pelicanos (3Ps) & Casa Mexicana

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Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
This is my first trip in many years trying a different dive operator. A few months back I posted on the forum and received some excellent recommendations. What complicated this trip a bit was that one diver and her husband were staying somewhere different than the other two divers. Tres Pelicanos worked it out perfectly!!!!

TLDR Version:
My 1st time with Tres Pelicanos and would definitely use them again. 12th time at the Casa Mexicana - clearly will use them again. Diving was the last few days of February and first few days of March. Saw several eagle rays :), sharks, turtles, ocean rays, barracuda, green morays out swimming, etc. I will say that there are definitely not as many big grouper as in years back :( Only saw 3 the entire trip. Visibility was way down, often less than half of normal. We usually pick the first week of March to avoid the Norte's and once again no dives missed. There was something brewing on our departure day...I hope everyone was able to dive. Being the naïve person I am, our trip landed entirely over all 3 days of Carnaval (Sat,Sun,Fat Tuesday). I had experienced single day before. But wow, 3 full days. Excellent trip.

….more detailed review....

My Experience
Diving every year in Cozumel since 2004 (probably around 20 trips) plus several other Caribbean trips. I like to dive with a camera and this year I downsized from a big DSLR to a Gopro setup...I survived LOL!

Timing Of The Trip
It seems like every time I joined a dive trip in late January or Feburary we'd get Norte'd out. So for the last 5 years I have always planned the first week of March. This year we arrived at the end of February and just one week stay. By shifting to early March I feel like I see less Eagle Rays and some pretty crazy currents but also I don't recall having any dives days lost yet (fingers crossed) due to wx.

NOTE: I booked the hotel prior to the dive operator. If there is any combo deal that could save me money I will definitely try that next time

Casa Mexicana = Ultra Clean + Super Soft Beds + Best Breakfast On The Island + Location
What can I say, been going here for years. I knew something was different this time when I was given a room in the back (city side). In all the years of going I have always been given rooms on the south side or up front. I grumbled a bit but whatever. Well my dumb arse unknowingly booked a scuba trip over the entirety Carnaval duhh.

It turns out the only think I don't like about the rear rooms are they are 2 twin beds vs that nice perfect huge king bed. But they were just as soft and awesome as the king beds. If you are staying at hotels in mexico with hard beds....just try the Casa Mexicana will never leave. Plus the rear rooms have a advantage: Lots of sun from Morning to mid afternoon AND wind! So my gear really dried out fast.

I think its actually illegal in Mexico to not mention the Casa Mexicana breakfast. Santa and her crew had everything to perfection...again. Anything made to order plus everything else. My standard breakfast was a 2 egg omlette with ham & cheese, 3 excellent sausage links (not the hot dogs) and a bunch of pineapple and fresh squeezed OJ. We were down every morning at 7am and finished up by 720pm. Plenty of time to head back to the room, grab stuff and walk around the corner to Tres Pelicano's.

Tres Pelicanos = Super Nice People + Awesome DM's + Great Fast Boats + Great Dive Times
From a scuba board recommendation and prior knowledge that Julio was now working with Tres Pelicanos I decided to switch from the other dive op. Jeanie was super helpful on getting all the booking taken care of, deposits, etc. We had zero doubt that when we arrived everything would be good to go. Deposits are US$50 paid via PayPal. Final payments are cash, Master Card or Visa (not AMEX or PayPal).

On the arrival day I walked down to the shop...literally around the corner and just past the chamber/hospital. We figured out how things worked, especially when to be there and how we get us and our other diver from the Hotel Cozumel to the boats. After that I walked right back, got my gear and handed them everything but my camera. This is a valet style shop and even on the first day everything was there with one exception for a BCD rental for our fellow diver...they had a BCD but it was too small (more on this later). So nice to be able to spend the rest of the arrival evening relaxing, dinner, etc.

Dives days went like this:
6:15am Get up / shower / batteries into the camera and lights
7:00am Breakfast
7:30pm Walk down to the shop (2 minutes)
7:45am Hop in a taxi (they cover it) or their vehicle
7:55am Arrive at the new Marina and walk out to the boat
8:40am Boat is leaving the marina
12:15pm Boat arrives back at the marina
12:45pm We arrive back at the dive shop or they dropped us off a bit earlier (usually taxi).

For our diver at the Hotel Cozumel:
7:45am She needed to be standing outside the Hotel Cozumel on the ocean side of the road
7:55am She was either there before us or right after us.
12:40pm She was dropped back off at her hotel.

The Boats
They have Skinny Shark (which is wider) and Loan Shark. I believe we dove on both boats but mainly the Loan Shark. On the really busy Carnaval day I think they used a 3rd boat but I get the impression we were kept on their main boats as we dove with them several days before. These boats are nice and fast. They are covered. Entry is back roll. They have a nice strong tall ladder to get back on. The boat is big enough that if you climb the ladder with all your gear it won't rock hardly at all. There are no heads. However, between all dives we either raced over to a calm spot or tied up a pier so people could jump in or go up on land and use a bathroom. The Capitano's were awesome.

The Dive Masters = Jorge, Jose, Edwardo, Julio
First off I hope I got all the names right??? I hate to pick a favorite as they were all great. But I think I just connected with Jorge the most...he dares to poke lots of fun (which I do too) and just seems to have this knack for finding cool stuff underwater. And after missing diving with Julio last year I was able to dive with him again and requested him for our night dive. These guys are great. I should mention I always tip US$15 for every 2-tank boat I a cheapskate...gosh I hope not but I figured its time to finally ask in case I am short changing these guys.

Dive Sites
Okay, I am terrible at this...especially after all these years. I just know we went farther south than the previous big/slow boat operator and the sites didn't disappoint. Palancar Bricks, San Franciso, Paso De Cedral, Columbia this and that. But my all time favorite of this trip: we dropped in on a site between Maracaibo and Punta Sur. But I wasn't even paying attention how far south we were. I drop down to the sand and check my gauge and usually the sand is around 40-50ft...and I am at 102. I see this cool big arch (Cathedral?). Jorge is helping a few others get down. So I point and Sarah joins me. We swim thru. Sarah immediately points. A Black (or maybe white) Tip reef shark just hovering in the current :) Unfortunately the visibility was really down so the gopro video was not great. Then Sarah points at another one!!! Same distance. Okay this cool. I'm on EAN32 so I'm watching my depth. Later in the dive Jorge makes this devil symbol...I have no clue. Later he says we just drifted on the Devil's throat. This was my shortest dive of the trip at 41min...and that is on a AL100 with EAN32. When they asked about a second dive I was like "Lets do that one again!" We needed to move on :(

Night Dive With Julio
There were 2 of us and 3 or 4 others joined for a total of 6 I think. It was great. I had requested Julio to get in some fun dive time with him. The currents were very weird. Do we start closer to the Cruise Ships and drift south or vice versa? Julio's brief was perfection! I love that about him. Safety first and he's clear about it but not like in way that is threating or freaks anyone out. Confident. I noticed one really cool thing. As we arrived. there were 3 boats in the same area and the sun was just dropping. Who was the first into the water to check...Julio. And it wasn't to get done faster. He comes up. Says its wrong and Capitano moves the boat. He jumps back in comes up again. Wrong. We move again. Its go time. None of the other boats put in a DM. I think they were waiting for us. Pretty awesome actually. For me it was the most current I had on a night dive in my memory - not bad or dangerous, but also not calm. We saw some awesome stuff. A few camera divers blopped into each other for all the fun stuff but no big deal, no hard feelings. Came up to a billion stars in the sky.

Dive Times & Tanks
I am sorta into using Nitrox on one trip and skip it on another trip. When I said I would give it a shot they mentioned that Nitrox is +$12/tank but that is for AL100's. Okay, awesome! I am a big guy but I have always tried to dive well, not be an air hog and just do AL80's like everyone else. So this was my first time ever with a slightly larger tank. Awesome. With the exception of that southern dive I think I was always the last one out of the water. I could outlast our female diver who easily outlasts me on a AL80. And on a few dives at about 1hr and going on 1hr10min I would just call it and go up last with the DM. But there were so many times that these last 5-10 minutes had "just one more critter". I would say at least 4 dives ended with seeing an Eagle Ray, large Southern Ray or Nurse Sharks out swimming. Will I dive these tanks again...maybe, sure was nice. But I am reluctant to get too used to it.
How Would I Rate Tres Pelicanos = A-
These guys are great. I will use them again. But there were a few things that happened that I think are all that keep them from being an A+. I have no doubt I'll be schooled on each one but these happened to us and it was our experience so here goes:

Nitrox Use: I just requested all EAN32's for all dives. I would rather opt for slightly deeper on both dives if needed and not have to continuously reset the dive computer between dives...or more importantly not forget and dive a incorrect setting. But somehow after the second day I was being given EAN32 for first dive and EAN36 for the second dive. I am guessing my order wasn't standard and someone at the Mexican 23rd level between the top and the bottom decided for me :) I was no big deal and I never even said anything. I never want to be the bitchy person on the boat and why get all tangled up in paperwork back at the shop. Most importantly - they always had a tester on the boat and I always had both tanks tested before they even started the engines.

BCD Rental: Our female diver requested ladies medium. I think Jeanie, the gal at the shop and one of the DM's all said that is the same as the Mens/Unisex small. Sarah had a hunch it wouldn't be right. It was not right. Fortunately another gal on the boat that was just a bit smaller and traded with her. After that it was correct for the rest of the trip. Once again I just have this hunch that somewhere between the original request and the person grabbing the rental they just decided what would be right. I could be wrong. But that's just how it seems or comes across.

Weights #1 : I think this is always funny in Mexico...everywhere. I think everyone on the entire boat was always given the weight requested...but our diver Frank :( On the first day he asks for 18lbs (I hope I have that right). They give him 14. He has some troubles getting down. DM has to give him weights during dive. Between dives he tells them. The standard dispute over which markings are correct on all these old beat up weights. He is convinced by them that they are right. He dives the second dive...same problem...needs DM weights. Now this is a guy whos probably been to Cozumel 50 times, same wetsuit for the last 10 years, no weight gain, etc. He knows what weights he needs. Back at the shop he mentions it to the owner. He gets a good chuckle: "Just ask them for 4 more than you normally ask." We laugh over beers one night. Problem solved. There's the right way and the Mexico way LOL!

Weights # 2 / Departure Times: This is the only other "little" thing we all kind of noticed. We would often be to the boat. The boat is ready!!!! But we just aren't leaving yet??? We are like "Holy Crap we'll be the first to the dives sites this morning." And then that Mexican someone is waiting for something from someone or maybe someone has changed something. And that being out first advantage slips by 10 minutes. Then 20 minutes and sometimes more than 30 minutes. Hey guys...we are ready to go! We could be first!!! And on one occasion the delay was all about weights that we would need to get. Now they have this awesome chart in the shop of who's on what boat. Who gets picked up where. Who is what group. Maybe they should add their weights needed and make sure the boat just has that much before leaving and not have to chase it down out on the ocean.
….I suppose all of those issues now seem major that I took so much time to write about them...they were not. Almost typical in a way. But I feel if they put a dent in a few of those they go from A- to A or even A+. These guys are great. I hope they take the input openly and not defensively. If I started listing all the issues with my last Dive Operator (I would rate them C-) it would fill pages.

A great trip :)

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Nice review! Great pics, especially of the Manta and the Baccaruda.

Cheers -
Enjoyed your report! Got an off-the-wall question, gonna sound a bit strange. Guy named Frank who used more weight than one might expect, dives Cozumel a number of times and uses Tres Pelicanos. My memories bad on names and details, but was he a fairly lean, average height, caucasian guy who's prone to get cold, and looks like this:


I think that's him on the left-most:


Probably a long shot. If it was him, he likely did both morning and afternoon trips, and spent surface intervals at the Money Bar, like in that 1st shot. I may be mixing up my details badly, but it'd bug me if I didn't ask.

You actually shower before diving? Great report and pics!
Sometimes better before than after. A warm shower too soon after diving can promote DCS - or so I've been told. Something about heat expanding the bubbles. It makes sense to me. I wait at least two hours and most times longer for a warm shower. Cold showers may be a different story.

Cheers -
You actually shower before diving? Great report and pics!

Truth be's mainly to warm up!!! I crank the AC and just crash on those awesome beds...well their AC works great too! So when I wake up its freezing in there.

If it's helps any I take a shower right after diving :)

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