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  1. L

    Grilled hog fish? Anyone tried it?

    i love hogfish and my favorite method for cooking it is to gut and scale it and then brish the outside with liberal amounts of olive oil and garlic. then I stuff the inside cavity with fresh rosemary and basil, more garlic and then jam a few lemon chunks (thicker the better as it holds the meat...
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    i have to say that the polespear is simply a completely different animal than a speargun while they accomplish the same or similar end results, their use and methods vary drastically the gun allows you a much larger range and significantly easier ability to keep the prey once shot (when...
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    Crab anyone?

    where can they be found in SE Fla...the stone crabs and whatever else might be around here. how do you catch em wo getting nailed?
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    Getting to 10m/33ft

    hey there, I live right near MDCC and I go there sometimes to do practice as well, shoot me a PM if you want to go on some weekend and do some buddy exercises... I have a digital camera with a waterproof case and I find seeing vid of myself underwater helps me a lot with my bio-mechanics ( I...
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    That's some expensive lobster

    I say it a lot, but these folks are directly stealing from US...the people who will suffer the most, as stated above, is us, the law abiding underwater hunters who have to deal with increased scrutiny and stigma and reduced fisheries. I have a real hard time when some asshat gives me the...
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    Making a hawaiian sling

    The Delectable Fish of Hawai`i you'll need to cross reference some of those for pics and regional names have a great trip..seems like a dream spearo destination
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    new to diving and i hunt so hunting when diving that will be cool

    sounds pretty cool and keep us posted if you score some big'uns
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    Newbie needing Advise Speargun or polespear

    get the cheap spear, you will get hooked and you will have something to use to fill the cooler while you save up for a gun, plus you'll be able to learn a lot about how you feel under the water and what you like to be doing so you can better tailor your eventualy gun to your hunting style and...
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    Making a hawaiian sling

    i would advise you to get a 60 and a 48 or 52, that way you can have a little room to adjust if you dont like the length or wish you had more...the only problem with big shafts on a sling is your arm length limits a bowhunter, I am sure you will be able to know what feels right and what...
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    trip report Anclote 11/29

    awesome...very nice
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    Advice needed on technique!

    i echo all the advice above and would only reitterate that the body language you give off underwater is key, I have found that I can dive a few times onto a wreck and will scare the fish away as I dive until tmy third or fourth decent and from then on it is a lot easier, I feel that this has to...
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    Need some input choosing the right gun for me

    i say it is better to have a good knife handy and easy to get to with BOTH HANDS for safety..the gun is always a plus, but there are times that it is not easy to use as a defense mech and having a knife handy is key...I would rather have the gun clipped to a floatline and a float than to myself...
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    What's your biggest catch?

    so far about an 8#, 20.5 inch mangrove...nice eating
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    Snorkeling fin upgrade question...

    today is your deployment date..good luck and god bless (if you are into that sort of thing) come back safe for more diving
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    Sinus squeeze

    some things to consider. 1) you might be allergic to something in the air and allergy testing could help you figure it out 2) you might be a non allergic rhinitis (like me) where you aren't allergic to anything, but you react to somethings radomly as though they are allergens 3) an over the...
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    Getting into Freediving

    good info guys..thanks as another newb, i appriciate it a lot. I have been trying to gather all the tidbits i can to enjoy this awesome sport safely for many many years
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    Lobsters Are Walking!!! Mon AM 8/25/08

    took my yak out late night from a buddies house just to mess around. Biscayne bay flats were scattered with bugs, I wished I would have had a bullynet..
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    Diver lost in 100' off Juno Beach, FL

    rest in peace eve....Seems like a hell of a lady. i just heard over on spearboard and wanted to read the account from scubagalpal...thanks for sharing. hopefully this tragedy will yeild some info that can help us all avoid such sadness again in the future
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