2012 Exercise and Fitness Challenge

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LOL.. start slow.. Let the body adjust..Yeah, it's not just guys that can't follow directions! LOL C25K program is awesome. Have heard from plenty of people who have completed it and ran a 5K... and did well!
Today is my day off. Really. Took it easy on the bike ride this morning with HC, even to the point of not going the longer way home.
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Well, the old frisky guy decided to pile it on today. After completing the above, I looked outside, it was beautiful and I thought, "what a great day to play golf."

So, off I went to 'walk' 18 holes (another 4 miles up and down hills pulling a cart.) Oh, did I mention I forgot to eat lunch? :shakehead:

I'm dead-dog tired right now. Definitely did too much in one day. :D Wonder what I'll get into tomorrow? :laughing:
Wow.... Big performances all around, good for all of you. I did ok also, worked on my abs at noon.

Later in the afternoon I was learning about the "tabata" sets, they are part of some of the WODs in CrossFit. Turns out it was a Japanese guy (Mr Tabata) that was doing experiments on how to get an efficient way to excercise and came out with this routine where you go all out for 20 seconds then rest for 10 and back to all out for 20 seconds... Like that for a total of 4 min.

Reading IGator sit up goals I wonder if you can get to your number following that type of routine.
I couldnt believe at the beginning that short work outs would produce any results, but it has worked for me, I take longer warming up and stretching that I do the actual work out but the work out is as intense as I can hardly handle, and after getting over the soreness tah dah! I can do a few more pounds, or jump an 1/2 inch higher or a second faster, it helps my ego for sure.
anyway... Tomorrow I'll try for more.
have a good Friday everyone!
Well I forced myself to take Wednesday off even though i felt a little guilty. So on Thursday I really have a bad dinner. 3 slices of pizza and 3 bread sticks from Little Ceasars pizza. No way no how am I taking the day off so I go for a walk. A long walk at least for me. 1 hour walk!! Man I was a little sore and tired. So tired that I went to bed at 10:30 last night. Felt good this morning with 8 hours of sleep.

Today(Friday) I didn't get to do my walk till just now. Blood Sugar reading was 79 so ate about 16 grams of carbs 25 minutes before my walk. Feel fine now.

The weekends are usually my to a days. Swim in the morning and walk in the late afternoon/earlyevening. Suppose to go to a party so not sure if i'll get both in. Definitely will be doing the swim though.

I'm also going to be guest blogging on a web site dedicated to weight loss. it will be at least once a month maybe more. If you are interested you can see my first blog attempt here. Introducing….My Brother and His Journey to Lose Weight and Kick Diabetes to the Curb
Ana, was wondering what Tabatha is. I have some workouts on .mp3 but never used them.. heard it was a good workout.

Just now cooling down from some weight training. 3 reps of 50 jump rope. If I mess up, I start over.. sigh.. encourages me to jump higher! LOL. Switched out the 5lbs weights for the 10s on the barbell. 3 reps of 2 different lifts, don't know the names...
The weight training was done after the cool down from the run. HC, I and the pups went to the park, in the back where I can let them off leash. We need to go back to week one, HC is not up to doing week two yet. We did a lot of walking. Because of that, I am thinking of running in the morning. :)
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Jumping rope is supposed to be very good, I jumped today too.
My morning was: run, jump rope, burpees and situps.

Go for that workout u have, if you don't like it don't do it again but who knows... I like to do different things or even if I do the same exercises I mix them up differently.

Trying to get the double unders jumping but I'm not there yet, kills me because when the requirement is to do those they don't just make you do twice the amount of single jumps, they want 5 singles for each double... Oh well, have to keep trying... No other way.
I've been a slug for two day. :(

Too much eat, too much drink, no exercise.

:) Today is a new day. I get to start over :yeahbaby:
3 mile fast walk and 30 sit ups done.
Got out this morning for a nice slow 4.5 mile run. It was quite warm and humid. Will need to get out earlier to avoid some of the heat. Then the cold front came in :cold: it was so warm this morning! :crying:

Went for a couple of dives and a nice hour snorkel yesterday. Had a flood scare, ended up just shooting the baby camera. Frustrating, but had a good day out.
Nembrotha cristata | Panasonic TS3

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