ACI 2.x & Multiple Users on WinXp

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Reaction score
Dallas, Tx
# of dives
200 - 499
I'm trying to get multiple users on a single WinXP machine
to have the ability to run ACI 2.x log software.
So far I can't get it to work.

This is to allow my wife and I to share a laptop while
on a dive vacation.

My account is an admin account and the ACI s/w was installed
under my account. All the s/w works fine under my account.

My wifes account has full admin priviledges but when I run the
ACI application I get the following dialog error:

"You do not have an appropriate License to use this functionality"

Is there a way to have seperate WinXP accounts run the
ACI 2.x divelog & download software?

--- bill
Hey Bill,

Should you and your wife just not need seperate log book titles: ie bill's log .....janes.log. From my understanding the 2.x software will open any dive logs of the same format just by selecting log book and then open log.....
Using seperate logfiles definitely works and I have done that
before. I may use this method for our upcoming trip.
I was hoping to be able to use seperate logins so we could keep
all of our other stuff seperate rather than having to share
a common account.

Its a generic problem for alot of Windows software.
Seems the more I try to use user accounts with Windows
s/w, the more I find doesn't work. PCs have been single user
personal machines for so long that most software doesn't take
individual user capabilities into consideration.

I may end up punting on user accounts altogether and simply
setting up seperate bootable partitions for each user since
so many Windows applications don't work properly with
multiple user accounts.

--- bill
I finally did get this to mostly work at least good enough to use.
You have to install the s/w from each user login.
It then works fine. The only limitation is that the s/w stores
all its defaults and things it remembers like last used computer
and last used logfile name in a common place rather than
seperately for each diver.
It uses the registery keys under HKLM rather than under HKLU.
I'll report this back to Aeris.

--- bill
It might be interesting to try but
I don't think it will make any difference.
It runs just fine with the single installation folder.
Both users have desktop icons and can launch and run the application just fine. Each user just ends up getting the
settings from the last user that used it.
The problem appears to be how they are saving personal
settings and options. They are saved in the registry
rather than files (which is good) however, the keys used to keep
track of the personal settings and options are under the HKLM
(Hhey-Local-Machine) rather than HKLU (Hkey-Local-User).
which is where applications usually store user specific data.
I didn't see any part of the installation path name being used
in registry accesses to the HKLM path/key names.

I will give it a try though.

--- bill
Ok so I tried installing the s/w for each user in different locations.
It doesn't work. Everything is still remembered from the last
use of the program regardless of user.
The only change is that when you switch logfiles the program
will initially look under the "logs" directory where the program
was installed.
It's kind of confusing because the logfile opened can actually
be in the "logs" directory of the other installation and when
you attempt to open another logfile it won't show up because
the s/w looks under the "logs" directory where it was

I'll document this and add HKLU vs HLKM registry change
to the list of suggestions.

--- bill

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