Adjustable harness

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Hi Bill, is it possible that your harness is set too tight? You can just loosen it a little without affecting the comfort of your dive. You shouldn't have to be a contortionist to get in or out of your harness. You can find the sweet spot between ease of donning/doffing and still having a stable rig.
Can you describe how so?

- Bill
...I was experimenting w/them for something other than their intended purpose....They work fine as Glides, but I know divers who just remove the rubber inserts in the BP belt slots, that do the same as the Glides......I don't need them if your interested.......PM me........
If you are having significant difficulty getting out of your gear in the water, your harness is too tight. I just spent about three weeks total diving off RIBs where we had to take our gear off before reboarding. I had no difficulty at any time getting out of my harness, so long as I remembered things like undoing the dry suit hose and taking off my necklace regulator :)
When I loosen the harness, it slips off one shoulder or another in the water.

I have been using the DSS system for a couple years, I am ready to try something more comfortable, easier to get on & off in and out if the water, and overall I think it's going to be safer in the unlikely event I need to ditch the thing.

Another goal is to get a better system for attaching quick release weights to the belt. I've tried several things and I am still not satisfied with what I have. I like the Hollis system in that there is a junction of webbing where the belt meets the shoulder straps and a pouch can be secured there.

If anyone has comments on their actual use of the Halcyon or Hollis systems, I am all ears.

- Bill
I tried the Halcyon system when it came out, but it didn't really solve anything, so it's sitting on a shelf someplace. As for weight pockets, I like the simple XS Scuba Single Weight Pocket. When you open the tab, you can just pop the weight out from the bottom.
I use the Halcyon Chinch System. It does make donning and doffing easier for me, though loosening the webbing does sometimes require some effort when the webbing is wet.
I'm also using the Halcyon Cinch. I agree with the above post that it makes doffing easier, especially if you have shoulder issues like I do. I used their ACB weight pockets for a while since they stay in place when adjustments are made, but ended up replacing them with Dive Rite's pockets because they were easier for me to release. The Dive Rite pockets will also ride on the belt of the harness and connect to the backplate, so they also stay in place. I typically remove my weights and leave them on the swim step of the boat when I exit, so being able to easily remove the pockets while wearing 5-mil gloves was important to me. I found Halcyon's releases a pain to release without risking dropping the pocket.
my guess is (since he has two) is that he thought he could mount one on each side thus making both sides of the harness adjustable for things like switching between extremes in exposure protection. Tobin specifically says to not do this with this product. It relies on the one side being "anchored" to allow you to snug it to you. If two are used, it likely allows the webbing to be dynamic and the plate would likely be unstable.

The GHA is specifically for allowing you to open up one side of the harness to ease getting in/out.....Don't make ASSUMPTIONS (GUESS) RH-----........Very bad habit in diving.......Was trying/experimenting w/the Glides for something other than what they were designed for, as I do w/a lot of gear............I wonder if you ASSUME (GUESS) your gear is always in working order ??!!........" I guess my Nitrox is what they said"...."I guess my reg's are working" ......"I guess my lights will work".......Do you 'GUESS' everything will be OK when you dive ??!!.....Over 3000 posts, but only 200 dives !!!!.......I G-U-E-S-S you most know what you're GUESSING about !!!!!......Any one want to get in on a 'Pool' to GUESS when RH--------'s name hits the 'obit' column.......He went diving and GUESSED wrong !!!!!!

Its quite effective at that. Maybe he will sell you one of his as it's not for him. A word of caution if buying used: there are two models. The improved second generation only has one webbing slot (DSS cut the second slot off, making it function more the way it was intended).

Like to hear the reason j2s didn't find it to his liking...
I have the dive rite transplate harness, which does distribute the load much like a mountaineering backpack, but it is a pain in the neck to get adjusted right. It doesnt work out well for me, but maybe for others it does.

I currently dive the halcyon cinch, it works out great. To me it is intuitive when doffing. Dont know if it works with other plates.

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