AI for a first time diver

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A couple of questions about the AI's (I'm basically thinking about AKR and CCV).

I know AKR has several boats that go out for each of the days dives. Does one of the boats cater to beginner divers while another goes to more advanced sites?

As far as AKR Vs. CCV...if you were basically a brand new diver (I have had my OW for awhile but haven't dove in awhile either) would you choose one over the other?

Also I would probably be going one better than the other?

I can't speak for CCV but have been to AKR a few times. The dive sites are assigned by boat each day and you typically stay with the same dive master and boat captain (boat) for the week. There are usually a variety of dive experience levels on the boat. Most dive sites are free of current and are not very deep, the exceptions being the wreck dives that are about 100'-112'. Solo isn't an issue that's how I dove there. The dive master will get an idea of your comfort level very quickly and depending on how you feel you may or may not want to pair up with someone. As a solo diver I just stayed as close to the group, or a pair, as I felt necessary based upon the dive. Deeper dives you tend to bunch up a little more anyway. The bottom line is your comfort level and the best option might be sitting out a dive you don't feel comfortable with. The dive masters at AKR are great and I bet if you wanted to jump on another boat to skip a deep dive they wouldn't have a problem with it, just let them know in advance.
Neither AKR or CCV will exceed your correctly self imposed limits. salth20wannabe paints a pretty good picture. I have been diving with both operations.

Understand that there is a critical distinction between the underwater geographical areas that each serves: AKR dives the North and West, which is a deeper profile, in example the wrecks are indeed at 110' as was mentioned. CCV dives the South side which is shallower, you'll find the wrecks at 35 to 65'.

AKR's shore dive, although advertised, is a bit iffy in terms of weather conditions and hours of access. The best shore dive on the island is arguably from AKR, but instead of the entry off of the key into the open Sea, it is the inner harborage. This is a muck dive, not for the feignt of heart, but it has its rewards. On regular boat dives, you will easily spot larger examples of what were once common Caribbean fish due to their access to the Marina Reserva. Very modern deep-vee cabin cruiser (ProDive) boats. I believe they currently do only single tank boat dives with multiple departures.

CCV's shore dive is essentially a 24/7 swimming pool. Very easy to navigate with the wreck as an easy shore dive. The character of the South side is that you can do any dive easily to a 90' depth, but the best critters are at 55' and above. This can be done multi level as all moorings are in 35'. The wall is vertical and drops straight to that 90' sand level (before the 3000' bottom). I have done many dives there and manage an average 45' depth. Lots of incredible macro~ this is where the pro shooters go. Very unique boats with moon well ladders, two departures, two tanks, a little more expeditious.

They're both excellent AI's and a great way to get maximum diving for a price. I wouldn't fret about being a solo traveller.
You might be able to meet up with some divers here. I met the Texas swam divers and a couple of them took me under wing on my second dive trip and turned me into an almost competent diver. Lots of folks here are happy to help. Doc, the previous poster took me out on my second, third and fourth night dives. He happened to be on that trip. Serendipity happens to nice friendly folks that are solo. And even me now and then :D
Just returned from CCV on our second trip there. I can't speak for AKR, I know of it only from others reports, but I can tell you at CCV a single diver is not a problem. Also, we saw several brand new divers, including 2 that got certified there and were on our boat the rest of the week. Every dive site that is visited by CCV is a great beginner OR advanced dive, depending on what the diver wants. Me and 2-3 other people stayed relatively shallow on every dive, the DM and some others went deeper. Because of the mild current, it is possible to spread out like that, at diff depths on same dive, and still be "together". Also, we had one diver, the infamous Harold of CCV, on our boat who did his own thing EVERY dive, returning to boat at 60 minutes. We rarely saw him the whole dive. It is just the way CCV dive op is run. First day everyone is told "you are a certified diver" and you are expected to manage your own dive profile and times. No babysitting unless you want it. The two new divers on our boat had a DM in training dive on our boat every dive who kept an eye on them, not that either needed it.

As far as AKR goes.. we met another couple there at CCV this trip. They had been to AKR previously and told us about several things that they liked better about CCV. This was just their opinions, but they LOVED the DropOff dives, being able to pick one of the 2 walls or the wreck, get dropped off there, and do a dive on their own, rather than with a group. AKR does not offer that kind of diving freedom. They could take their time, go look for something in particular.... exactly the reason my husband and I like CCV. Those Dropoff dives are amazing, as well as the 24/7 shore diving.

I would echo what others have said about CCV. My 16 y.o. daughter and I were there during March this year and last year. She was a newly certified diver during trip 1, finishing her check-out dives at CCV. Instructors at CCV are first rate (if you need a refresher), as are the DMs and captains. I was basically a single diver at various times during our trips and was easily able to find others to tag along with on dives when my daughter was in her course or had opted out of dives. Just make your abilities/experience known to the DM and your fellow boat people and I am sure you will have no problem - and the DM will appreciate your honesty :). When diving with my daughter, the deepest we went was 60....most of our diving was in the 35-40 range, staying at or near the top of the wall.

I've never been to AKR although have read many trip reports; their main advantage over CCV is a pool and perhaps a slightly more formal dining experience with table service (vs. CCV's self serve buffet). Some folks also feel that CCVs drop-off dives can be repetitive (CCV does AM and PM boat trips = dive 1 is at a moored; dive 2 is a drop off on one of CCVs 2 adjacent walls and you dive your way directly back to the resort). I have to say I've never been bored on these dives. It would also appear that the CCV fans are taking a vacation to dive, dive, dive (5 dives a day is easily possible, although the frequency is up to you); while AKR folks are big divers, but want a slightly slower pace.

Either way you can't wrong - both resorts have plenty of devotees.


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