Are there any guideline on size of diver flags?

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Are there any recommended minimal size of the diver's flag on boat or on floating device? Are there any website for reference?

In my country, I could not find a reference. Just want to look at guidelines in other countries. Thanks!
Well now, in Wisconsin...

30.70 Skin diving. No person may engage in underwater diving
or swimming with the use of swimming fins or skin diving in
waters other than marked swimming areas or within 150 feet of
shoreline, and no person may engage in underwater diving or
swimming with the use of self−contained underwater breathing
apparatus in waters other than marked swimming areas, unless the
location of such diving or swimming is distinctly marked by diver’s
flag, not less than 12 inches high and 15 inches long, displaying
one diagonal white stripe 3 inches wide on a red background,
and of height above the water so as to be clearly apparent at a distance
of 100 yards under normal conditions, and so designed and
displayed as to be visible from any point on the horizon.
in case of emergency, anyone engaging in such diving or swimming
shall not rise to the surface outside of a radius of 50 feet from
such flag. No person engaged in such diving or swimming shall
interfere with the operation of anyone fishing nor engage in such
diving or swimming in established traffic lanes; nor shall any such
person alone or with another, intentionally or unintentionally,
block or obstruct any boat in any manner from proceeding to its
destination where a reasonable alternative is unavailable. A reasonable
alternative route is available when the otherwise unobstructed
boat can proceed to its destination without reducing its
lawful speed, by passing to the right or to the left of a marked diving
History: 1973 c. 302
I wonder why Wisconsin doesn't allow for diving within 150' of the shoreline? By any chance did you happen to see what the regulation is for distance that boaters must keep from a dive flag?
The regulations are be a little different for each state, because someone posted the regs in another thread a few weeks ago, and it was minimum 12 x 12, and the height could not be longer than the width. That may have been Florida, but I can't remember for sure.

Regardless, these will give you a basic idea.

While the different states have there own laws that would apply in state waters in International waters the only officially recognized flag would be a 1 meter alpha flag.
If you are anywhere offshore of the U.S. you are probably in international waters as far as navigation rules apply.

While the different states have there own laws that would apply in state waters in International waters the only officially recognized flag would be a 1 meter alpha flag.
If you are anywhere offshore of the U.S. you are probably in international waters as far as navigation rules apply.


Not exactly. The alpha flag is not a dive flag. The alpha flag is a navigation signal. It is displayed from a boat to indicate the boat is limited in its ability to maneuver because it is conducting underwater operations. These operations may or may not include divers in the water. If you are not diving from a boat, the alpha flag is never the correct flag to display. When diving from a boat, it's a good idea to display both the alpha flag and the dive flag (which I've seen displayed to indicate divers down all over the world).
I wonder why Wisconsin doesn't allow for diving within 150' of the shoreline? By any chance did you happen to see what the regulation is for distance that boaters must keep from a dive flag?

Actually, if you read it carefully, you can swim (snorkle) up to 150 feet from shore without a dive flag, after that, you need one. If diving, anywhere, you need one. I read these statutes as relatively hostle to divers, and it is my understander that there were altercations between divers and fishermen in the early '70's at a popular state park. In Wisconsin, there are a LOT more fishermen than divers, so he with the largest lobby, wins.

As for how boats are to react to a dive flag:

(5) OPERATING IN CIRCULAR COURSE. No person may operate
a motorboat repeatedly in a circuitous course around any other
boat, or around any person who is swimming, if such circuitous
course is within 200 feet of such boat or swimmer; nor shall any
boat or water skier operate or approach closer than 100 feet to any
skin diver’s flag or any swimmer unless the boat is part of the skin
diving operation or is accompanying the swimmer, or unless
physical conditions make compliance impossible.

That said, few boaters actually seem to understand this or at the very least put it into practice. Of course, on the other side of the coin, I was diving with a friend a couple of weeks ago in a small pond. The vis was around 10' and we were down around 15'-20'. While we were down, someone launched a boat and started fishing in our intended path. Well, we had no way of knowing they were there so we ended up swiming under it. Our dive flag hit the boat, went under it, and poped up on the other side (as we were later told). He looked at the flag, turned around, and cast off the other side instead. Humorous, but really, who is at fault? As the law is written, we the divers were. Yet, had he not approached our dive flag, we wouldn't have struck the boat with it. It's a funny catch 22; Don't come near our flag: But you're diving where I want to fish. :11:
After a search of the Missouri Water Patrols enforcement page, I came up with the following information regarding Dive Flag Requirements for the Show Me State.

(A Rectangle Flag, Red in Color and at least 12 X 16 inches with a Diaganol 2 inch wide white stripe is required on Missouri States Waters.) Divers must remain within a 50 yard, (150 Foot) radius of a stationary flag. ANd Boaters must remain an equal distance from a flag displayed upon the water.

A Blue and White (Alfa) Flag is to be displayed in Federal Waters, but no actual dimensions are listed for this flag.

And somewhere, can't remember when or where so I can't verify this information.
But, I vaguely remember reading that the flag must be displayed at least 18 inches above the water line. or to be visable for 360 degree.

Also that the flag must have a stiffener or device within it, so as to hold it in an unfurled attitude.

I have pasted a link to MWP below.

I am sure that a similiar Google or other search for your local Water Patrol or Coast Guard agency would result in your states regulations.

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