Aussie Diving Dec 2010 Jan 2011

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Beautiful pictures. I hope to dive Australia someday.

You guys have some pretty amazing diving there! I have to say I fell in love with Garibaldi when I dived there last June!


Your sea hares OMG! I just about lost my reg when I saw the size of them I think my jaw hit the bottom:shocked2:
Dived at a different site today. My only other dive at Fairlight was a night dive in 2000. Fish did a dive there back in 92 as well at the dive in 2000. We figured we would check it out and see if we want to add it to our list of "Normal Dive sites". We would definitely do it again but there was a lot of particulate, very silty. Parking was a nightmare but it was a decent muck dive. I found the cave and had a little check in it as well. I don't see us doing it often but it is a reasonable dive to do every once in a while.

I love the brilliant blue on these fish. I have noticed that pretty fish swim the fastest and fish with blue are the fastest of the lot so I was happy to get this shot

The coral Banded shrimp were co-operative.. what a shock. What looks like backscatter in the bottom of this shot is actually a school of tiny fish!


I noticed on the picture after I got home that the shrimp has what looks like eggs on it's belly. I have cropped this one to show them

The cuttlefish were tiny

Any dive I get to see a moray is a good one in my book and this guy was really a baby!
Well I finally feel like I have something to add to the Aussie diving thread.

Here are a bunch of pics of our trip to Mt Gambier at the beginning of January to train for Deep Cavern cert. Amazing trip which really stretched my boundaries and I can't wait to get back!!

Most pics on the surface unfortunately as we were training but hopefully you'll get a feel for what we were doing and bring back some memories for others!

The Chasm at Picanninie Ponds looking up at a snorkler


Ewans Pond - amazing viz and a treat for us after 3 days training in the murk of Gouldens sinkhole


Part of the team from Brisbane - 6 of us in all.


OMFG - I hate heights!!!! The others loved it like this fella but my nerves were twanging on the way down and back up - awesome dive though made it worthwhile


Kilsby's Sinkhole - Rainy day but still we could see the surface from 53m down - gotta love trimix

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Part 2 - Our trip was 14 days all up. Lots of theory in Melbourne in the run up to New Years then we dived our collective butts off. My computer shows 40 dives during the trip. We managed to complete our prerequisites easily (gotta love daylight saving!) and our Instructor said we were able to continue on to the cave training skills if we wanted - silly question! We now had another instructor onboard as well so 2 instructors could split the group as some of us were already cave trained.

Here are a bunch more pictures from later in the fortnight. None from inside caves though - to busy training and watching out for cave monsters (Rotten mask and reg thieves if you make mistakes). But really enjoyed diving the shaft and Fossils cave.

The Entrance to "The Shaft" - site was used for part of the filming of Sanctum


To late now - going down!


Here's why its called "The Shaft" - I have seen the light!!


A glimpse of why people love to dive it


I wasn't so keen on the exit but worth it


Here's a cave pic finally - Training completed with a dive in Fossil Cave


We went on to dive Englebrechts Cave and Allendale before packing for home.

Already trying to organise another trip back down this year!!
And Lastly some video (shot with a canon S95) as well:

Picaninnie Ponds

Ewans Ponds

And saving the best for last - "The Shaft"

Wow.. thanks for sharing. I just got the S95 so really interested to hear what settings you used:praying: :)
Makes me want to do the Ewent ponds a gainQ

here are a few of the undescribed Angler

This one we named "Blue Boy" we visited him regularly for a couple years then he just disappeared! That would have been 2004/05. I hope he isn't one they "Collected"!

LOL - Unfortunately all those pics and video's where taken by the S95 but it belongs to the fella being lowered into hells hole in that pic - sorry.

Its very new to him as well, all I know is he's shooting in RAW and learning himself......
I'm not shooting in RAW. I figure I will learn the camera and then learn how to manage RAW files later. I have been managing fairly well with post processing normal images. Today I was experimenting with settings in Av,P and Manual Mode also a few shots in Auto with the flash turned off. I will post a few when I get them sorted but it was kewl to find this nudi... never seen it at BI before!



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