Bahamas Close Call Video

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Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
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The following video was posted in a recent thread and after several people questioned the validity of it, I pointed out some discrepencies. The person who shot the video was contacted via YouTube by Qnape and sent me a PM, verifying its authenticity. He also agreed to particpate in a discussion of the dive and video, so I'm starting this thread.

Please welcome ahpoolman to the board and the discussion!

To answer that question, look at this: 8 seconds into the video the computer shows a depth of 71' and 24 minutes no stop time. The rest of the dive goes like this:

Time...Depth...No Stop Time
0:08.......71........24........2370 psi
1:19.......111.......5........ 2045 psi
1:41.......113.......5.........2145 psi
2:34.......141.......4........16?? psi
2:54.......144.......5........1640 psi

Interesting that there is more no stop time at 144' than there was at 128'. I think this was either multiple dives spliced together, or a bounce dive was done and the shots were put together out of sequence. PSI at 111' seems to support this.

Also, one minute into the video it shows another diver video taping their console...

I was told by Qnape that there may be sceptics on the dive. I assure everyone that this dive was done on one take. There may be differences in a couple sequences of which video clip I choose at the certain time. Keep in mind when you video underwater that you need to turn your camera off every once in a while.

What I was doing was showing the steepness of the wall and other specifics of the dive. I had to do alot of narraration with text for everyone to get the whole picture in a 3 minute video. I did render the video in a HD format for those who want to see it in better quality. I think the music makes the video more dramatic. This was my 5th video I ever made and I could have made a much better one than that now.

This video was made for me to show the dangers of not abiding by what the DM says on the boat. Accidents happen. Dive Masters are not responsible for "Cert Divers" well being. I know they try but to me they are all just Tour Guides. We can all go diving anywhere in the world with an open water cert and get a tank from the local scuba shop. Whos fault would it be if there was no DM on that dive with you and your buddy?? I want to make people aware of the dangers of not doing the basics, checking air, checking depth, and more importantly checking your dive partners air.

This situation could have been worse but it wasn't thank god. When your put into a double victim rescue alot of rules end up going out the window on how to save someone. When you have two victims that are in a dangerous situation your training has to kick in. I am cerified through PADI as a "Rescue Diver" I also was a US Navy Rescue Swimmer.

Situations like this don't happen often but not alot of times they get caught on tape either. Remember I only have one extra regulator with 2 victims. I deflated their BCD's and had them hold hands. I did not want any air at all in their BC's because the air expanding would have been impossible for me to keep them down safley. I brought them up as fast as safely possible. I stayed with them at 15 feet for as long as I could ready to hand my sencondary to them. But at that time I kept it holstered not knowing which one it would be that would need it at the time. My computer was screaming at me the whole time. I did not decompress properly either but I also wasn't the one at 150 ft. for 10 minutes either.

I welcome the comments. The more people that see this video the safer our diving community will be. I want to be clear that I don't blame any Dive Master. There are Scuba Shops around the country using this video as an aid for the first time dive "certs"
Thanks for posting my video for me. I'm new to this forum and it's a learning curve just to navigate this website. Thanks alot. The more people that see this video the better. Keep in mind the first minute and a half was really a narraration of the dive before the problems happened. I was new at making videos, so I was cutting and pasting for the first time. To give people a background on myself as far as taking video, I always take pics of my computer so I know where I was and at what depth I was when I turn the camera on. The irony of all of this is before my trip to the Bahamas I couldn't find my case to one of my underwater cameras that shoots video. I had my Cannon with the Huge Ikelite case but it doesn't take video. I rented the camera from Stuarts Cove that shot the video. My Cannon camera is shown being held by my wife in the video at 39 seconds. That was the camera that took the still shot at the end of the video showing me bringing them up to the surface. But my brother was the one who took that shot. I took the camera away from the 2 divers because it was a distraction for them and handed their camera to my brother, and my wife and brother finished the dive with the rest of the group. I welcome any and all comments. Thanks Cave Diver for the post. I need to figure out now why my pic isn't showing up on my profile. I think facebook is easier than this website!! LOL Aaron Hagen Gilbert AZ
Wouldn't downloading the dive profile form that computer clear-up any questions?
Thanks for posting and joining the forum Aaron.

I think there may be a minimum posts required before it allows you to post an Avatar Pic, but can't remember for sure. If you have any other questions about navigating here on ScubaBoard, let us know!
Wouldn't downloading the dive profile form that computer clear-up any questions?

It's already been explained by ahpoolman's post.
honestly , i don't care if that is real or not (although i believe you, no reason not to)
i have watched a couple times, and it gives me chills each time.
did you speak to these divers after the dive? do they have any idea how close they were??

thanks so much for posting it, it may help someone someday, it has helped me...
Welcome, Aaron, and thank you for joining to discuss your video here on Scubaboard. As new divers, my daughter and I have benefited greatly from the information and discussions we have found here, and I have found participation enjoyable and educational.

I also hope that the video is viewed by as many new divers as possible; its message is consisely presented and universally valuable to new divers.

Thank you Aaron for being so insightful on the dive. You must have realized when only 3 people raised their hands on the boat...that something might go awry on this dive. I for one appreciate the time you took to put the video together and post it. It really is haunting. Maybe you need to start a new career.


BTW: Thank you to QNAPE for finding the Film maker. Really helps clear the air on this thing.
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I stumbledupon this video a couple of weeks ago. It's been top of mind while reading the Bahamas dive accident thread and bringing bacl my own memories of diving the Roatan walls. Really easy to follow a fish and end up 10 feet lower in no time.

Very impressed that you saved those two...I also wonder what the surface conversation was like.

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