BCD- Jacket/vest style vs back inflation

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BAHAHAHAHA!!! Trust me, you do NOT want to argue with my boobs. :catfight:
I learned a long time ago not to argue with boobs, I mean women, or their boobs (I'm still pleasantly surprised that we can post the word boobs).

Here you go:
thanks, as a biologist (who has worked in biomechancis) I should have known that one, but I still have yet to hear that word formally used (the only definitions I could find were from Urban Dictionary and the likes meaning "to move to another location", for which we usually use "locomotion"). Anyways, I'm sticking to my guns, or Leejnd's, well her boobs argument at least.
Now now, boys. Behave. (I should have known that even mentioning the word "boobs" would get the male divers all in a lather.) :drooling:
thanks, as a biologist (who has worked in biomechancis) I should have known that one
Er...maybe not. Note the etymology:

2009-2010; < L m&#333;t ( us ) (ptp. of mov&#275;re to move, set in motion) + -ate; back-formation from motile, originally coined by jonnythan

It's still pretty obscure, but I think it will catch on.:D
Now now, boys. Behave. (I should have known that even mentioning the word "boobs" would get the male divers all in a lather.) :drooling:
Don't worry, at least I didn't post the
smiley. Oh sheite, now I did. Well, since I did that, and we're on the topic maybe you should. May I suggest here: SB's Hot Chick Thread.

I'm sure Onespeed will be honored, and would love to hear that the word boobs is allowed by the SB censor script.

Er...maybe not. Note the etymology:

It's still pretty obscure, but I think it will catch on.:D
I saw that and was going to comment on it, but I'm pretty sure that the Urban Dictionary definitions predate that one. Since it's in UD, it has surely already caught on, but we're probably too old or too far away to have noticed (or both).

<edit> OP: my first post in this thread was serious, listen to RJP's advice on the first page. I'm sorry the thread got derailed after that.</edit>
You call yourselves divers and you've never heard the term motate?!

Illiterate, uncultured fools!

Blub Story

I should also point out that the vast majority of my 9,600 posts here have met with, shall we say, firm resistance from a number of other posters. Rarely has anyone gotten their... more physical assets involved.

I will say that I am certainly not averse to the progression. A very invigorating change of pace, in fact. :)
How this thread became all about my...er..."physical assets" is beyond me. All I did was say that I prefer a BI BC over a jacket because it left my...er..."physical assets" unfettered and unsquarshed. I assure you gentlemen that I am not alone in this preference.

I guess my mistake was in using the word "boobs" to refer to these essentially benign, but occasionally inconveniently in-the-way, body parts. I should have realized that guys just can't handle such a direct reference to such a revered part of the female anatomy. We women are perfectly comfortable using slang terminology for our various body parts because, well, we own 'em. But I will attempt to be more sensitive to the males of the species on this board, to whom they evidently represent something more mysterious and titillating. So from hereon in, I will refer to them as my...er..."physical assets". :blush:

(What a bunch of freaking perverts!)
You call yourselves divers and you've never heard the term motate?!

Illiterate, uncultured fools!

Blub Story

By the way, you are now my ScubaBoard hero. Why? Because Dave Barry is my FAVORITE WRITER of all time! And I'd never seen that article! How did that happen???

So, thanks for sharing. :D
Even an old bread truck will go slower and use more gas when you increase its cross section by 30%.

There's a reason even tractor-trailers often put aerodynamic fairings on top of the cab.

Someone should market a pointy steel diving helmet. Not only will it make you as streamlined as a fighter jet, but it will help you "take some lead off your belt." Couple that with a BP/w and you will be able to out-race marlin! :rofl3:
This subject is like the Hatfields and the McCoys...... Ford vs Chevy etc etc. I have done tons of diving starting with Mae West, moving to several types of jacket BC's andfinally a back inflate, not a plate and wing. I enjoy the rear inflate style BC as it's weight integrated and removing it leaves me without any extra weight hanging on me. If someone is weighted correctly meaning he or she needs little extra weight after the initial gearing up then little inflation will be needed hence the restriction of the chest via a jacket style or the push over from a rear inflation style wont be an issue. If you are comfy in the water you wont have an issue not floating a foot above the surface and it really gets easy in any style gear. As for a plate I found the harness restrictive as to getting it off in the water. I used a 5 point harness in my race car and it was a pain in the butt, it did save my bacon more than once but I aint going a hunnert in the water. That being said it's like a club type of thing, freedivers do it without any gear and there are the techies at the other end, most of which don't do wrecks or caves they just like really neat gear. Try it all before you place your order, that's my slant
By the way, you are now my ScubaBoard hero. Why? Because Dave Barry is my FAVORITE WRITER of all time! And I'd never seen that article! How did that happen???

So, thanks for sharing. :D

Finally my avatar makes sense.

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