BP/W or Knighthawk for beginner AOW

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I have my share of dives in both a Ranger and a minimalist Tusa back-inflate BC.

The reason I asked is because your comments are 100% typical of someone who has not dived a back-inflate BC.

My first posts on this board were defending my minimalist, streamlined back-inflate BC. I argued for days with one of our most experienced members, claiming that bp/wings offer nothing my minimalist, streamlined back-inflate BC didn't..

Boy, was I wrong.

I hope this is nothing but a hearty debate...

Gee you guy's are relentless. Read what you wrote... you said "before I became enlightened I thought my minimalist streamlined back-inflate BC offered as much as a bp/w."
It's OK Don - I look forward to the day several months from now when we see a post from you that says "I just tried a BP/Wing - Oh my gosh! Does anyone want a used Zeagle???"


Until then, I will consider your arguments with the full weight with which they deserve.
Geez I just couldn't resist getting into this.:bash:

Last week a newly certified OW friend of mine came to town from Colorado to dive. He didn't have any gear. We borrowed a drysuit since he got DS cert along with Nitrox during his OW class. I loaned him everything else except for mask and fins.

The first two days (three dives) he borrowed my Knighthawk. It fit him well, but he didn't like it. He borrowed my other back inflate BCD for another day. He still had all sorts of issues with trim and buoyancy. On the third day he borrowed a BP/W from GratefulDiver. He immediately loved it! His trim was much better and this was on his 10th and 11th dives respectively. On his 12th - 16th dives he was able to hold his 15' stop in blue water without a line for reference of any sort. One of those dives he was doing an airshare.

Here was a complete noobie that was couldn't hold his trim to save his life and after the first dive with the BP/W was forever changed for the better.

He has now gone out and purchased his own BP/W.

Is a BP/W the be all end all of BCD's? Perhaps not, but at the very least it did dramatically change one new diver.
You know what Boogie711... that day could come. Who knows. But if it does, God help me if I start suggesting that "I know the way to the promised land."

It's OK Don - I look forward to the day several months from now when we see a post from you that says "I just tried a BP/Wing - Oh my gosh! Does anyone want a used Zeagle???"


Until then, I will consider your arguments with the full weight with which they deserve.
Geez I just couldn't resist getting into this.:bash:

Last week a newly certified OW friend of mine came to town from Colorado to dive. He didn't have any gear. We borrowed a drysuit since he got DS cert along with Nitrox during his OW class. I loaned him everything else except for mask and fins.

The first two days (three dives) he borrowed my Knighthawk. It fit him well, but he didn't like it. He borrowed my other back inflate BCD for another day. He still had all sorts of issues with trim and buoyancy. On the third day he borrowed a BP/W from GratefulDiver. He immediately loved it! His trim was much better and this was on his 10th and 11th dives respectively. On his 12th - 16th dives he was able to hold his 15' stop in blue water without a line for reference of any sort. One of those dives he was doing an airshare.

Here was a complete noobie that was couldn't hold his trim to save his life and after the first dive with the BP/W was forever changed for the better.

He has now gone out and purchased his own BP/W.

Is a BP/W the be all end all of BCD's? Perhaps not, but at the very least it did dramatically change one new diver.

Guess you forget that the more you dive, the better you become. So the better trim could be due to the dives he clocked during the trip.......instead of the equipment....
just wondering....
Not likely in this case as there was a night and day improvement between #9 and #10 dive. Prior to #10 without the BP/W he could not hold a 15' stop. On the 11th dive he made equally impressive gains. On his 12th we did two open water ascents without any visual aids. He nailed his 15 stops.

I will grant that with experience you hone your skills, but frankly this was too dramatic an improvement to chaulk it up to just that.

The BP/W for this diver is not the be all end all. While it's changed his diving - he still just as ugly as ever. :D
Personally, I like the tank and all the rest of the crap floating around. I don't like it tight to the body. I don't know where I picked that up either at Navy diving school or exactly where. I use the Blackhawk and have it at it's widest. I have used it for years Commercial Diving...Albet I use the Hat and Hose most of the time. I do lots and lots of sports diving with Scuba and wear it the same LOOSE.
I don't understand why lots of divers wear it so tight! It's not going anywhere is It???I don't understand why some divers LIKE the fact that the BackPlate will float You face down! IF a New diver gets into trouble and is exausted on the surface, I wouldn't recommend that You float face down! The little straw (schorkel) doesn't allow lots of hard breathing. If the New diver finds He/She is exausted and floating on their backs in Heavy water......Large and even larger waves.....Hard to time and see the waves. I'll stick with the backbacks and LOOSE!.
At least around here with steel tanks and BP/W they don't float you face down. It seems to be a common myth that is perpetuated on the internet.
Don Janni:
Would you mind going back and reading my first post in this topic again. You may want to repost.

You said:

Don Janni:
Be alert. There are guite a few in this forum who advocate backplates like it's a religion. Asking that question around here is like walking into a Catholic Church and asking the Priest which demonination you should take up.

Sounds like an attack to me but I'm through with it. Apparently you're the same person that jumped all over Uncle Pug's funny thread (His experience with a Zeagle BC) but under a different name. I assume the NA under an old member name means it was shut down / banned etc. Now you're back in a new one spouting the same ole, "I hate elitist BP/W divers" stuff. It's just not worth arguing with someone that bashes the opposing idea rather than presenting a civilized pro vs. con of both systems.
I asked my wife to read through this thread and also UP's infamous Ranger thread. She had some words for me like "you've been a little over-the-top" and "that's sorta self-righteous."

Perhaps she's right. She usually is. If I've offended anyone I apologize.

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