Crime in Bonaire?

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Pittsburgh Pa
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My dive instructor said he has heard alot crime in Bonaire.

He had mentioned that you dont lock your car because they will just break into it anyway and he was told you just leave your car/truck open so they can just root through it???

Anyone have any bad expierences involving crime at all??

I have been to Bonaire 3 times (75 total dives logged). Out of the 75 dives, my dive buddy and I were robbed ONLY once (they took all of our sandals) - on our third dive of the first day of the first trip. Then we learned...

Basically, it works like this - you go under the water, local kids know you will be down for at least 30 min. They also know that the truck is a rental, and may be insured - so why not go through the car while you are down?

The advice you will get when you get there is to not take anything that you can't stand to lose with you - that means wear your booties, and don't bring shoes with you on a dive, nor sunglasses that are worth more than 5 bucks, etc. No bags, etc.

They didn't touch our water bottles or spare weights (go figure), or tanks.

If you lock the door with the windows up, there is a chance that your car window will be broken when you get up, so leave the car unlocked with the windows down. Plus, it keeps the interior of the car cooler, so no harm (no one is going to steal your car).

Don't leave your dive gear outside to dry or anyplace that is visible. Our neighbors on our first trip lost two BCs and wetsuit that way on the fourth day...

The police are little to no help: The typical response is "yes, local kids might be involved in some crime, but it is nothing like in the states" Well, my car has never been broken into here, so I don't know what he was referring to. I heard recent rumors of a little more of a crack down, but have yet to see it actually implemented...

Keep in mind also that the island is relatively poor (not as bad as the interior of Antigua) but still poor. Jobs are scarce. You are rich by their standards, and in their eyes can afford to lose some of your things that you have worked hard for...(tangent - I guess that makes them democrats). Plus, they view things differently than we do, we are trying to have fun and they are trying to survive - Case in point, while driving through Rincon, saw a local with THREE hung up, gutted and still dripping turtles in his back yard. Casually noted the same to a police officer in Kral., who responded - "They have got to eat, right?"

One more thing, spare tires and gas are notorious for disappearing as well. I think it is a conspiracy because the rental agents refuse to paint their spares (so they could not be resold or easily ID by police) and make you pay for it if you lose it. So the kids steal them, you pay for a new one, and the kid gets a cut when he returns the tire to rental agent who of course does not actually buy a new one... or so I have heard... Same with gas... Gas is pricey, and there is a tank full of it parked and unattended at almost every dive site, so why not wait till the divers are down and siphon off a gallon or two or ten?

I can't be sure, but I think the gas siphoning thing may have also happened to us (damn metric, I couldn't tell).

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Just don't take anything valuable with you to a dive, leave your windows down, and be careful with your things at home and you will have a great time and won't be a victim... Bonaire is a cool place, although the above makes it sound like Anarchyville, which is isn't.
hi there,

As Pettifogger mentioned, the crima can be an issue, but as long as you take precautions, you will be OK.
I went to Bonaire in August and was very aware before travelling of the crime thing- I deliberately took old and tired clothes, shoes and sunglasses for the car- but we encountered nothing.
Towards the end of the week we left more stuff in the car (nothing of value) but nothing happened. We did night dives and left marker lights on the truck with no problems. Obviously we may just have been lucky, Crime is clearly an issue as there are signs in all the rental cars, but don't let it affect your plans.

Just leave your windows open and don't have anything of value inside.

Incidently, the "vibe" is not bad- from all I had read, I was expecting a negative feeling with locals hanging around and waiting to steal- I never saw that. The islanders were friendly and helpful and I felt extremely safe. Putting the issue in perspective, the crime everyone talks about is "petty" theft- not violent crime- so in that respect, Bonaire is super safe.

enjoy- you will get hooked, I have already booked a return trip!

Pettifogger once bubbled...
You are rich by their standards, and in their eyes can afford to lose some of your things that you have worked hard for...(tangent - I guess that makes them democrats).
Absolutely. That's a brilliant analogy.
I've been to Bonaire several times. I feel safer there than in most US major cities. I would not say there is a lot of crime.

The main problem seems to be as others said, leaving valuables in the car while it is parked at rural locations. The "perps" wait it out. Once you are in the water, they know they have some time to peruse through your stuff. Their school of thought...if it's locked, there must be somthing good inside.

On my first trip there, I locked up our rental van (at a dive site on the north side). We had left a save-a-dive kit (with a spare computer, and other "good stuff" inside), as well as a relatively inexpensive 35mm camera ($200.00) (hidden inside a folding back seat), clothes, sandals etc.
After the dive, we returned to find a smashed window. Save-a-dive was untouched-computer still there. The camera was gone. My girlfriend and I are not sure what was on the film:eek:

Our friend had parked next to us and left car unlocked. They had left $100 cash in wallet, under front seat. It was still there.

Anyway, the police indicated that there was not much hope, but they could provide us with a report, for insurance purposes. Unfortunately we had no insurance.

I called the car rental company, they wanted $350 for the smashed window (side, sliding window on mini van). Being mechanically inclined, I went to the junk yard and bought a window for $15. I fixed it myself and did not get charged.
We have had no troubles on seveal trips since then. We always leave the car unlocked with the windows down. We are extra careful when we are at rural sites where there are no other divers. Any cash I have with me goes inside a zipped BC pocket.

I just returned from my fourth trip to Bonaire. We have never had a problem of any kind. I live in a gated community at home with roving security and I feel no less safe in Bonaire than I do at home. My wife had her purse snatched out of our car at home, she forgot something in the house, left the purse in the front seat and ran back into the house, she was not gone for 3 minutes and her purse was snatched, so even in this country it happens. I leave the windows rolled down while diving and don't leave anything that I care about losing. Never had a problem.

The locals are very friendly if your friendly to them.

Go and have a good time..

When shore diving, I leave the front doors open. The truck keys, drivers license and a $20 bill go with me. Keys in my BC pocket, DL and money in a small waterproof case in my other BC pocket. No problems to date. :tree: Bob
Our last dive at karpata which was last sunday. I had frozen a big bottle of water and left it in the truck unlocked of course. And some one took it. But left my hat ,shirt ,sunglasses, and a cheap dive bag alone. I was happy that I only lost a reused bottle of water filled from the bath tub. But losing my vytec computer at the Plaza Resort stung allot more, my fault though. Never could get that thing to download into the computer though. Always had to use the Cobra for that. Try the Casa Blanca if you want a good meal.
I have read this thread with great interest and say I agree with what most say --- I felt safe there, but was always aware of the potential to have my vehicle contents stolen. I took all the recommended precautions, nothing of value left in the car, windows down, doors unlocked, etc...

I arrived on Saturday --- and checked into Lion's Dive. On Sunday, I parked my car downtown and went out to party with some friends. When I returned to my truck, it would not start. A few locals came up and offered to help, but to no avail. The tiny truck was dead. One of the guys offered me a ride back to my resort. I said ok but I wanted to take the tire tools with me (just in case, right?). Well, I look behind the seat and they were gone --- the tools and jack were missing.

Now who would steal that? I too feel it was a "scam" on the part of the Rental Agency. Luckily, I had AMEX insurance and got 100% reimbursed.

On a more positive note -- I loved the diving at Bonaire!! I would stay at Lion's Dive again ---but wanted to check out the Plaza Resort. I love the topless beach there! :) I am disappointed to have read in the 2003 Bonaire Trip report that the Plaza might not be worth a look. :(


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