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But adjust your mask properly, would'ja?

A well fit purge mask from days gone by. Notice the equally spaced finger pockets and even with very close scrutiny they seems to be not one hair caught in the mask skirt

I think I may already be dead!!!:shocked2:


  • icdeadppl.jpg
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I somehow now have the will to live. (Must find Wayback Machine and set it to 1977, install the Nick Nolte filter first)

After reading all the goings on in the much warranted DANGER thread I had started doubting my safety in returning to the Bay Islands this summer. Now after stumbling across some very startling news I am canceling all further plans to dive anywhere in Central America. It seems that Oceanic researchers in combined efforts with seismic experts and with help from NASA satellites have uncovered some horrendous news surrounding the area around Roatan and Utila. There has been a resonance emanating from beneath the waters near Coxen Hole, Roatan. It is unlike anything they have ever experienced and is according to the experts a sure sign of not only un-escapable danger to divers in the area but perhaps to the world as we know it. All they have reported so far is that they have been able to triangulate the exact area where Mitchell Hedges is assumed to have dumped a treasure chest and a large crystal object overboard while making his attempt to escape to Belize with buried treasure, unearthed on Roatan in the 1920s. Satellite images show a blue, fog like underwater mist slowly encompassing the area..AND GROWING!
It is now evident that one of the Mayan Crystal Skulls has become active and is communicating with the power generating crystal tower of Atlantis. Once a fabled lost city, Atlantis has been located well off the coast of Honduras at the site of the popular backpacker’s paradise…Utila! More startling still is that core samples, taken from Pumpkin Hill have returned an occurrence of an unknown elemental metal plate bearing an undecipherable style of lettering. MIB in conjunction with Operation Blue Book located the Lost City after intercepting and following a strange alternating frequency signal that was first discovered at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank West Virginia, home of the world's largest fully steerable single aperture antenna. Atlantis appears to be ramping up with an enormous reservoir of power since being activated by the Crystal Skull. Authorities now believe that Pumpkin Hill is not a hill at all but instead a massive alien craft that has been setting dormant for millennia and covered in the dust and foliage of time until it virtually disappeared except for its massive imprint.
Divers and locals have been disappearing by the scores though this has been kept quiet by the American News Media who does not like to cause undue panic or sensationalize events by speculation. One diver, Dick Noobish a 35 year old vacationer from Dearborn Kansas described an incident “ we were at about 70 feet, rolling about on the coral..y’know trying to cut off some choice chunks to take home as souvenirs’ when I realized that my partner Ben Dullard wasn’t where I had left him…. Which was trying to stab some big ole green eel thing that had teeth like a grizzly, with his diving knife. I used my hands to coral walk over the wall and seen him swimming willy nilly toward something that looked like a damn glass robot head..next thing I knew he just up an ..exploded…well hell , I inflated this here vest with the "UP" button and shot to the surface like Shamu on Viagra..never seen nothing like it…..but hey..lookit here at this damn nice chunk of coral I got.” Reports such as this are now starting to crop up from around the entire area.

If the government is correct and it has never been wrong thus far, then this activation of the first crystal skull is a sign of the Mayan foretold 2012 apocalypse. Other skulls are soon to activate and their whereabouts in the world are mostly unknown. Eventually there is nowhere one can even be assured of remote safety…But for now it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that everyone stay away from the Bay Islands and the growing blue mist. Mass destruction is now completely unavoidable and the end is nigh for this once beautiful area known for its thuggery and general unlawfulness.

For now stay by your television for updates on what to be scared of and do not venture out of your own back yard. Walmart is probably the only safe exception to this rule but a maximum of 12 times a week. Don’t press your luck folks…Stay away from Honduras, try Disney’s Underwater Adventure instead.

This kinda stuff is definitely not covered by DAN :no:...what do you guys think...am I right for canceling?

Happy April to all those wet Guys and Gals out there on ScubaBoard!
"There has been a resonance emanating from beneath the waters near Coxen Hole, Roatan." I think that's just the outhouses on stilts over the water.
In the event the water-dino beasts spread, I am making bang sticks that accept a 155mm mortar round. I don't accept paypal.

Ocean floor
Sea Creature Surfaces, Chaos Ensues
by Mike Krumboltz
19 hours ago

Think sharks are scary? They're downright cuddly compared to the Bathynomus giganteus, a very terrifying (and very real) sea creature that recently surfaced from the deep.

See Flickr photos of the creature. (Warning: May give you nightmares.)

So, what the heck is it? According to an article from Fox News, the Bathynomus giganteus (henceforth known as "Bart") is a type of giant isopod, "a large crustacean that dwells in deep Atlantic and Pacific waters." It passes the time by feeding on "dead whales, fish, and squid."

Ol' Bart attached itself to a submarine that was exploring the ocean floor. When the sub surfaced, people got an unexpected look at the slithery stowaway. The creature is a pinkish in color, two and a half feet long, and wouldn't be out of place in an Ed Wood movie (no offense, Bart).

The story was originally posted on Reddit by a guy who works for the submarine company. It quickly went viral from there. Once news of the creature's existence hit, Web searches immediately soared. Online lookups for "sea creature found," "giant isopod," and (our personal favorite) "terrifying sea creature" all roared.

It's worth noting that the existence of the Bathynomus giganteus isn't, in and of itself, a surprise. Scientists have long been aware of them. The shock came from seeing one up close in all its cockroach-like glory. Can't. Look. Away.
Think sharks are scary? They're downright cuddly compared to the Bathynomus giganteus, a very terrifying (and very real) sea creature that recently surfaced from the deep.

This shows just how silly some posts can be. I posted about these a year or so ago and now someone has this as breaking news?? Can't we PLEASE keep this thread on topic with only valid validated informative information to assist travelers as they travel. Lets try to keep this a serious thread without letting non relevant information come into play.

BUT if you do come across the Bathynomus Giganteus, Make sure to take full advantage of it.


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