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I just read the referenced thread. While things did get a little heated and perhaps a tad personal, they didn't go over the line. There were basically 2 differing opinions being expressed. Each side was giving reasons why they felt the other side was wrong. That is how a normal debate progresses. I didn't see either side degrade into name calling. If I missed it, point it out and I will edit the offending threads.
Believe it or not, giving potentially fatal advice while claiming to be an instructor for a major certifying agency is not a violation of the TOS.

I won't be named in any lawsuits, so I just use the ignore list. It's easier on the blood pressure.
Yes, it is sad that threads can degenerate into shouting matches and mud slinging, but for the most part I've found that generally most people here are good and decent. It's only certain select individuals that seem to be the problem.
radagalf once bubbled...
[shouldn't this stuff be regulated??? [/B]

It can't be regulated. Your problem is not with Scubaboard.
Hi Radagalf,

I don't know if I just have a thick skin or something but I didn't see much "objectionable" material on that thread... (Unless stuff was deleted or modified before I was able to read it).

I kind of like reading the "heated" discussions and even post to them once in a while if I feel I have something valuable to contribute. I believe I've learned some of the most valuable things from them as they tend to bring out lots of different angles on the various subject matter that would otherwise never have been posted.

Sure, certain posts are obviously, idiotic. I read EVERYONES posts with a grain of salt. Even those from members like Walter. And yes, I have hit the "report this post to a moderator" link once or twice when I've found something objectionable or inapropriate posted here.

SIDE NOTE: So far, I don't remember ever disagreeing with one of Walters posts, but that doesn't mean I won't if I think he posts something stupid in the future OR even that I've read all of them to date...

I feel I've learned several bits of valuable information from this board ONLY because the more knowledgeable members got annoyed by the post(s) of some dimwit and refuted it with "better" information.

AND - gasp - horrors....

I've even found a very few nuggets of good info burried deaply in the mire of some very stupid posts. They are rare but on occation can be found.

(Sorry, but I just couldn't resist putting at least one "are" in red after reading that other thread)

If nothing else, the pegging of my BS meter after reading some posts has prompted me to go do my own research on diving related subjects I had never given much though about before.

If you can't trust the critical thinking abilities of each individual reader to weed out the bogus information from the sum total of all the posts in a given thread then you have a much bigger battle to fight with the school systems than with the people who run this board and their policies. (I will steadfastly refrain from spouting my political views here to everyones great reliefe)

I WILL say this about the "other thread". I saw instances of knee-jerk reactions on BOTH sides due to NEITHER SIDE taking the time to carefully read the others posts. I saw several responses to posts that had little to do with the post being responded to or taking it out of context or misinterpreting what was actualy written or simply through the reader filtering the text through (pick you favorite color) colored glasses of their most dearly held preconceptions. This happens on MOST threads on ALL boards. I think it's mostly due to shear intelectual lazyness more than anything else but, hey, that's just my opinion.

I guess the point I'm trying to make with all this is that if the more "level-headed" and "mature" divers leave the board and/or refuse to weigh in and challange the bogus prattle of the trolls, the trolls win since any newbie will only get to see the trolls "misguided" point of view from then on.

It's precisely why I have never setup any "Ignore List" entries and don't plan to.

I don't want to miss any "bad" posts that desperatly need to be refuted before an unsuspecting new diver gets the wrong thing locked in their head.

So far, I have very rarely been the "first responder" to one of these emergencies and that tells me that there are lots of good people who come here not only to learn but to try to pass on the best information they have available to those who don't already know it.

Unlearning "bad" info and replacing it with "good" info is quite often far harder than simply learning a given subject correctly the first time.

As for getting ripped apart: I've posted stuff for the sole purpose of being "ripped apart". I posted what happened and what I did in a given diving situation because I didn't think I had handled it as well as I could have. From the responses I got, I was apparently right... :wink:

I've seen other members do this as well.

I learn from those threads and I would hope others learn from them as well.

Hmmm... This post seems to have gotten much longer than I had intended.

I think I'll stop here before I wander completely off the reservation into never-never land...

Time to go get some sleep.
Don Burke once bubbled...
Believe it or not, giving potentially fatal advice while claiming to be an instructor for a major certifying agency is not a violation of the TOS.

I won't be named in any lawsuits, so I just use the ignore list. It's easier on the blood pressure.

It may not be a violation of the TOS but that doesn't mean it should be condoned. If, for one, refuse to play ostrich with the ignore button.

That thread in question was civil until one particular post. Sure there where a few jabs before that but nothing that would qualify as "disgusting". In fact, the only thing I found disturbing was that when a regulator stepped in to try and cool things down he didn't do anything about the dangerous misinformation being spread. Someone's opinion about what should be taught in a basic nitrox class is exactly the topic that should be debated here. But telling someone that it's impossible to tox at a PPO2 less then 1.6 is ludicrous and dangerous. Just Look at the number of new and inexperienced divers on this board! To make that claim while using your instructor status to bolster it is beyond the pale of responsibility.

Do not cast stones as those of us who stood up and said, enough is enough. And don't hide behind the "report to moderator" button either, because one of the moderators read right over it and choose to maintain the warm fuzzy feeling instead dealing with the real problem.
In an on-line setting there is a tendency for people to take advantage of the semi-anonomous nature of the discussion and say things in a manner that they would never use with someone face to face (unless they are REAL big or well armed).

It's when people depart from these social niceties that things potentially get ugly. It's also a standard that all the moderators should at least model, if not fully enforce.

Some scuba divers who post on this forum do have strong opinions that are, unfortunately, not often matched by personalities that allow tolerance for other opinions that differ from their own.

Personally I find this to be rather ironic as these same divers often promote themselves as exceptional divers. But from my perspective, I never like diving with someone who does not understand their limitations and shortcomings and strive to overcome them. What these people say, or more to the point, and how they say it, is far more damning of them than it is of the person they are slamming.
radagalf once bubbled...
Read my post.

I am not disputing what the discussion was about. I am discussing the MANNER in which it is disputed.

See, that's the real issue...you had to know the history of the posters involved and what was said in many earlier threads. Believe me it didn't start this way. In a nutshell one of the posters an "instructor" continually posts downright dangerous, fraudulent and utterly uninformed information. When he gets called on it, his modus operandi is to begin responses of misdirection and takes on an insulting tone. Mob justice is alive and well and he gets chased around the board getting asked to explain his statements. Since he often can't he continues the insults.

It isn't about the tone of the board at all.
I have a disease called "Thick skin". It makes my world a whole lot more fun. Just a thought.
cornfed once bubbled... It may not be a violation of the TOS but that doesn't mean it should be condoned. If, for one, refuse to play ostrich with the ignore button.
The alternatives are pretty simple:

- abandon ScubaBoard

- to directly attack the individual and actually egg him on

- completely ignore the individual and respond as correctly as I can to questions posed, ignoring the individual's responses to things I post

If the third option meets your definition of "playing ostrich", so be it.
cornfed once bubbled... That thread in question was civil until one particular post. Sure there where a few jabs before that but nothing that would qualify as "disgusting". In fact, the only thing I found disturbing was that when a regulator stepped in to try and cool things down he didn't do anything about the dangerous misinformation being spread. Someone's opinion about what should be taught in a basic nitrox class is exactly the topic that should be debated here. But telling someone that it's impossible to tox at a PPO2 less then 1.6 is ludicrous and dangerous. Just Look at the number of new and inexperienced divers on this board! To make that claim while using your instructor status to bolster it is beyond the pale of responsibility.
Hence my statement about not being named in the lawsuit.

The regulators apparently believe the disclaimer in the TOS will protect them from the family's actions if someone gets killed following advice here. They'll probably win the lawsuit at a cost that will run at least into the tens of thousands. That is their choice, not mine.
cornfed once bubbled... Do not cast stones as those of us who stood up and said, enough is enough. And don't hide behind the "report to moderator" button either, because one of the moderators read right over it and choose to maintain the warm fuzzy feeling instead dealing with the real problem.
I'm assuming this is a general comment as I haven't cast stones at anyone, although I do believe that board administration deserves a few.

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