DM Internship - Good Deal?

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sea_munky once bubbled...

Any feedback would be much appreciated. I'm a high school science teacher taking a year off to go travel/study/dive and trying to gain more experience in environmental education.

In that case, then I'd suggest against it. If you weant to travel, have fun, and dive...get an AOW cert from the LDS and go on your trips. You do not want to spend time working for a shop, running charters, and busting your @$$ on vacation.

Getting to DM is a load of work...granted for me, it was exciting and worthwhile.....but it isn;t somehitng I'd consider when I want to travel or something.
I'm trying not to be a cynic, but I wonder how much you will learn about environmental education while working at a dive shop.

Perhaps a better bet would be to volunteer for some kind of marine biology foundation to do research dives or something. I don't have a URL to post right now but I've heard of them.
I actually have a job position in mind and DM certification is a "helpful but not required" qualification.

What is an AOW certification from LDS?
sea_munky once bubbled...
What is an AOW certification from LDS?

Advance Open Water class offered by your Local Dive Shop.
sea_munky once bubbled...
I actually have a job position in mind and DM certification is a "helpful but not required" qualification.

Then I suggest interviewing with them and ask them what they training/experience they would like to see in you short of DM. If this is a leadership position they may be looking for DM. If this is a volunteer/worker position then they may just be looking out for safe divers and a Rescue Diver cert might be what you need.
cornfed once bubbled...

This message was brought to you by the Karl_in_Calif Memorial Ad Hominem Society..

That's hillarious!
Although I've refrained from posting in any of the Karl threads, I had been following them religiously - they really were quite entertaining. This is great - I love the Memorial Ad Hominem Society.

Ok, just had to back to the discussion...
my $.02

have you ever been to Manzanillo? I live about 4 hours away and couldn't imagine going there to go diving.( or for any other reason) It is a industrial port, lots of water traffic. I believe that the water doesn't have very good visability. Out of all my friends that scuba dive I have never heard of anyone saying " oye, vamos a bucear en manzanillo esta fin.- lets go diving this weekend in manzanillo." I also think that the price is cheap. (that I really don't know- just a guess.)

I just got of the phone with a good friend of mine (DM) who said "99% of the time there are bad conditions in manzanillo, and it is not worthwhile to go diving"

just something to think about.

Hate to disagree but I did my DM training whilst travelling and dont regret that for a moment. Working as a DM is a good way of doing something meaningful whilst you are away.
As long as you dont rush the course it cant be described as hugely difficult, you just need to apply yourself. The only concern I'd have with what you are planning to do is completing as a DM with 60 dives, this doesnt really give you a huge amount of experience on which to fall back on when you are a qualified DM. Saying that, there isnt really a number of dives you can see that should give anyone sufficient experience as it depends on the person and the type of diving you do.

Good luck with the course(s) and try to ignore the anally retentive people leaving the posts above!!!!:) :)
This is an awesome school. Check out our facebook page, become a friend and chat to our students. We have 6 working instructors and 14 students at present so you are guaranteed a quality education.
Sounds like a neat opportumity for an adventure, too bad for the lack of support, good luck.

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