Do you consider yourself an 'Advanced' diver?

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Advanced compared to most of the divers in AO class. Most couldn't dive without their hands and running into others. We did a night dive and I brought up the rear because I was tired of being bumped and a hand or fin in my face. I think I would classify myself as a competent diver.
Personally that liitle card that says that I am advanced means nothing.

I dove with a guy last year that was AO and has been diving for three years (60 dives). He sucked a tank down twice as quick as any of us, was way over weighted (of course not horizontal), and I think he bought his mask and fins from K-mart. He was up and down in the water and was almost a danger to himself. I wanted to say something to him but he took off like a shot after the dive.

Santa...would that be a DOUBLE DOG DARE?? If so, most of us know the rules so I must follow them. OK I am advanced. :D
Advanced is sorta like Deep.

My fifth dive was to 70 feet and I thought man this is deep.
Then I started hitting 130 ...once again this is deep.
Then I learned about decompression. at 150 this is deep.
Then I was a support diver for a friend on his dive to 450.
my deep was his shallow.
Then I started mixing in helium. at 200 wow this is deep.

The more I learn the more I realize I don't have a clue.

current education project - reading about physiology and anatomy while sitting in the middle of a dessert.

enjoy the dive

Drrrgh! Why won't anybody say they're advanced.

Now it's impossible for anyone to say they're advanced because all the experienced ones are so %&/% humble.

It's a trick.

Someone out there must be! Someone must feel smugly advanced yet not tell!

Come forth, show yourself, it's a da ... no wait a DOUBLE dare.
Ok, my card says so
I don't think there's any good definition of this, or at least not one that everyone will agree on. As some have said it's all relative. An interesting discussion, but I don't see much gained by trying to define it or hanging a label on myself.
Card says so. In my business when someone "earns" their license or rating we say "Now go out and learn how to fly". One of the worst dives I have had was one of my last. Totally out of my comfort zone and it showed. Emergencies must be done with a building block system. First, am I alive, okay, do I still have air, okay, am I ....etc.

This brings up another question. What is a professional? Earning money or attitude.

I have an AOW but I like what TS&M said. I have a toehold on being a beginner. I have proven that I have the basic skills not to kill myself ...yet.
Whenever I talk to people for the first time about diving they and/or I usually just ask if they are a "Diver" so I'm not sure if the title is that important. If it is there should be rankings to "Advanced" Like:
Basic Advanced Diver
Advanced Advanced Diver
Super Advanced Diver
Really Super Advanced Diver
Extra Special Super Advanced Diver

Ummm....Hope I didn't give any of the certifing organizations any Ideas.
Yes I concider myself an advanced diver. I've always been very at home in the water, so when I started scuba, it just felt natural. In my first year of diving, I did about 50 dives, and made some good dive buddies who were all also very into diving (some very experienced and already doing tech diving). All of this helped me learn quite quickly.
After my AOW, I would have concidered myself advanced. I was very comfortable and competent underwater. However 2 of the students in the class wouldn't have been allowed to dive, if I had a say in it. I even had another of these divers in my Rescue class...
NOw I've also done TDI adv nitrox and intro to deco procedures, so I think I'm well into advanced.

I'm definitely no expert.
The question itself is quite vague. How can one answer if they are advanced, if the asker doesn't define what advanced is?

Does being a deep diver define your advancedness?
Does knowing deco make you advanced?
Does repetetive diving without incident make you advanced?

What is advanced?

Well... I think first, you have to define beginner, since advanced would be the "next step" from beginner right?

Personally I have dived more than 100 times, so I wouldn't consider myself a beginner. I am a recreational diver. I shoot video for fun. I dive in the ocean, and have successfully done so many times. I can control my bouyancy, and rationally plan and execute a dive.

So I guess that would make me advanced. I guess it would also make a lot of people here, who are too modest to admit what they think of their skills.

Does being an advanced diver mean that that's all there is? - By no means is being advanced the same as being an EXPERT, or the bomb digity. There's nothing wrong with considering yourself advanced, even if your modesty prohibits you from speaking out. Advanced is merely not a beginner. Which would simply be beyond the basic skills required.

Once you're advanced... you're advancing on your way to a Master or Expert. I would imagine there are a few of them around here too (not saying I'm one by any means).

* steps off of soapbox *
What qualifies as advanced?

Ok, if I die old and satisified with days and in my bed and I dove all my life at which point my buddies couldn't even don my gear for me and lower me manually into the water, then, and only then, I'll let others decide if I'm "advanced". Yeah, that's the ticket.
I've found that the more I dive, the less I feel I know -- in that regard I'm not even certified :)

I also feel that I'm incredibly lucky in receiving my education from a stellar training source (The University of Texas), and in that regard I feel that my skills are better than most people with my number of dives. I guess that's why I keep signing up for more classes than I probably need... They're just too fun to stop

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