Does this happen everywhere?

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... we're all gonna die, Pete ... it's simply a question of when and how ...
But probably not from wearing a poodle jacket or split fins! :D
Haha...yup, that's how I read it too. Could be he meant "here" as in "here", and not as in "there", but he will have to clarify, if he really meant "there"...:)
Well, it is possible that his concerns are neither here nor there. :)
I just cant help but notice that scuba divers here LOVE bragging.. This is better, that is wrong, he is wrong, she is wrong, i learnt with him, i learnt with her, i taught him, etc. etc.
Is this a common thing in the diving world or is it only happening here?
Just asking....

On actual dive excursions, interacting with actual divers, I have met very, very few scuba braggers. Most divers are happy to be there and are very nice, in my experience (N=1). If you're talking about SB, that is a very slim (yet knowledgeable, in general) slice of the diving community, and it is what it is (see above posts).
Well, I learned a new term today: FIGJAM. At first, I thought it was some semi-secret group or protocol. Like "DIR". Looked it up. Learned something new on SB.
Some of us are slow learners. I just lurned this a few weeks ago...
I don't see that often. But I was on a boat dive recently with such a diver, a woman, no less, who just would not shut up about her exploits, about how she always had more gas than anyone else at the end of the dive, the comprehensive list of all the places she dove, etc., etc. This woman had all but taught Cousteau himself. Granted she was far more experienced than me, but no more so than many others on that boat. Quiet competence was not her thing.

The wise among us know that the however big we think we are, the ocean is infinitely bigger. From time to time it refreshes my understanding of that fact.
I've been to many trips (only in Asia) and met many different divers from different backgrounds, levels (OW to Course Directors), and agencies.

I just cant help but notice that scuba divers here LOVE bragging.. This is better, that is wrong, he is wrong, she is wrong, i learnt with him, i learnt with her, i taught him, etc. etc.
Is this a common thing in the diving world or is it only happening here?

Sometimes I just get annoyed listening to all the crap and bad mouthing.
Just asking....

It is common in Asia.. but over HERE, we are all much better divers. They hardly know what they're doing; their instructors are terrible and the students are even worse. Back in the states I had a great instructor, he was wonderful and had done all kinds of really cool dives. The training we get here is nothing like those divers get. I am surprised there are not more fatalities. Many of the dives we do here could never be done by those Asian divers.

Of course over here, we are very modest, we never brag - nothing like those clowns overseas.. Maybe sometime you can get over on this side and we can show you how to actually dive. But if we show you all our cool tricks, you have to promise not to brag or put any of those divers down. Everyone hates braggarts.

I've been to many trips (only in Asia) and met many different divers from different backgrounds, levels (OW to Course Directors), and agencies.

I just cant help but notice that scuba divers HERE LOVE bragging.. This is better, that is wrong, he is wrong, she is wrong, i learnt with him, i learnt with her, i taught him, etc. etc.
Is this a common thing in the diving world or is it only happening here?

Sometimes I just get annoyed listening to all the crap and bad mouthing.
Just asking....

What is "here" please? Where you are physically? Here in the US versus other parts of the world? Here in Asia? or Here on ScubaBoard? What do you mean?

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