Ever have a LOL dive?

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ok. So my buddy and I are just getting back into diving from the cold winter months. (ok I live in Florida but any water temp below 82 and I am in a 3.5mil plus a 3.5 shortie....can't help it).....

Went to Blue Heron Bridge a few weeks ago. Past Tuesday we did a boat dive out of West Palm Beach. We wanted to try something different. Why not Alexander Springs in Ocala National Forest? I suggested. I went there for my check-out dives it was nice. OK says buddy. 2hr drive. cheap- 6.50 each to dive. Long tiring haul to the edge of the springs from the parking lot. Hot as blazes by this time. Lots of families BBQ-ing and snorkeling/swimming. ALOT of student scuba groups going in the water. We are pumped. OK! Don our gear and off we go. Literally, no lie- there is a small hole that goes down to about 20ft and all around the hole is water that varies from 2-4 feet deep. The hole is riddled with students learning descent and mask clearing etc....the rest of the park is littered with snorkeling kids and the like. So we went near the hole, went in the hole, all throughout the permitted areas......9 minutes! VERY little to see in terms of fish... and at that they were all confined, (for the most part) to one area. So I am waiting for my buddy to say something and she finally motions "up". We SAT on our BUTTS and she said- We are diving in freaking 1 ft of water!!! LOL We laughed and laughed. We tried to go some more but I kept thinking of things like- heck we could have dove in the pool, we could have dove in our bathtub! I was just sucking bubbles laughing sooo hard. and then this kid of like 5 years old snorkels by us and that was it. LOST it. Laughed so darn hard. We got out. So- yeah we drove 2hrs to dive in basically 2ft of water for 9 minutes and I will forever laugh and remember this dive.

We found an awesome sushi place on the way home and a mexican pottery place too. So it was fun just the same.

Anyone else had a funny dive day? LOL- buddy to me- (my name) we are diving in 2 freaking ft of water!!!!!!!
HAH! My kids just got back from a snorkeling trip there with their Grandmother two weeks ago. They keep telling me I should go dive it - glad I saw this first!

You sure have a good sense of humor about it!

There's decent freshwater diving about 90 minutes west of there in Dunellon/Rainbow River.
The problem with lol moments are that my mask keeps flooding.
I had two LOL moments on the one dive.
The first was when the DM trainee was told to blow an SMB while we did some skills test on a patch of sand (just to put this into context, this DMT was a really nice older guy, but I'd heard quite a few comments about his diving abilities) . The DMT did as duly required, took out the SMB, inflated it, and let it go. The problem was that we were at 12m, and he only had this stupid 5m strap on the bag.. so rather than let go of his shiny new, just bought SMB, he held on. All we saw was the DMT inflate the SMB, and then suddenly get yanked off the bottom in a flurry of bubbles and flailing arms and legs as he went rocketing towards the surface. Now while we maybe should have been concerned, we just remained there and laughed our friggen heads off so hard I think I started to cry.

Later on the dive, I turned around to see the Instructor had sneakily taken of his BCD, and was riding his tank like a cowboy and finning with his hands. I was supposed to go and rescue him which I duly did while laughing my guts out. That was certainly a rescue course to remember!
... sometimes lol ain't funny ... :shocked2:


... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I agree, that's not where bacon goes!
so it's true......bacon DOES go with everything!
Debbie and I watch a parrot fish bash into the side of a white tip reef shark repeatedly, moving it out of whatever territory the parrot fish that was his/hers. It was mid day, sandy bottom about 95 feet down. Very funny thing to see.
Divemaster Dennis
My buddy and I were looking for some local spots to dive here in Germany, outside of the beaten path. There is an active quarry near to my house and we decided to give the finished lake a shot. We though it should have some depth. They finished digging a few years ago and now there are sand beached and many sail boats. Well we were wrong. 8'ft maximum depth and we had two full tanks. We spent most of the day underwater, which is not bad, and decided to clean the swimming area of debris. All we could do is shake our heads after the dive.

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