First Wreck Valley Dive

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Reaction score
Clearwater FL
# of dives
500 - 999
I have been studying shipwrecks lately and even incorporated wreck sites into learning features in Oracle databases at work (spatial data, i.e. coordinates, depths, etc.) but I have yet to dive any wrecks outside of the "entertainment" ones at Dutch Springs, Gilboa, Bainbridge, etc. I have a trip to Key Largo in March and will dive the Spiegel Grove, Duane, Bibb, etc. but I have been wanting to dive the ones off NJ and so forth. What is a good starter wreck and what are the best charters to go on? I am trying to talk my friends into going and I need to get the info together before I can get them motivated. Any help would be appreciated.
IMO, a few of the good beginner wrecks would be the MOHAWK @ about 75', the DELAWARE @ about 75', PINTA @ about 80', CRANFORD FERRY @ about 62'. Because these are "inshore" wrecks, they're mostly debris fields but still good dives. These type dives will help you get used to our diving conditions, while providing good entertainment.
As for the charters . . . I have had good dives off many of them. Some are big, like the Ol' Salty II, some medium sized, ie: Stingray and some are 6 packs, ie: Spring Tide. You have to decide what's good for you and you'll only find that out by trying them. They're all good though and the cost is about the same on all. HTH
The Stolz also seems to be a good starter wreck. There are plans in the works with our dive club to dive Jersey wrecks and some Long Island wrecks this year. Maybe even a shark cage dive!

Check out our website. If you are able, try to come down to Dutch Springs for a weekend. There is usually a large contingent of us at Dutch. If you need a place to crash, give me a holler. I'll PM you my info, when you're ready to make to trip.
The Stolz also seems to be a good starter wreck. There are plans in the works with our dive club to dive Jersey wrecks and some Long Island wrecks this year. Maybe even a shark cage dive!

Check out our website. If you are able, try to come down to Dutch Springs for a weekend. There is usually a large contingent of us at Dutch. If you need a place to crash, give me a holler. I'll PM you my info, when you're ready to make to trip.
The "STOLT" is about 137' to the sand and about 23mi off-shore, IMO not a good starter. For a "starter" it's probably better to stay to the in-shore wrecks (about 9mi out) and shallower than the Stolt. Also, since he's already dove Dutch, BSC, etc., it's time to head east to the wrecks of NJ/NY. Of course, this is just my 2c and YMMV
I will vouch for accommodations at Jbliesath's as being spacious.
Jack recommended Dutch because it's a place that is local, cheap, and easy to get to. We often do whole weekends there just hanging, not even diving. It's a social experience, and a place to brush up on skills after a long winter off.
The "STOLT" is about 137' to the sand and about 23mi off-shore, IMO not a good starter. For a "starter" it's probably better to stay to the in-shore wrecks (about 9mi out) and shallower than the Stolt. Also, since he's already dove Dutch, BSC, etc., it's time to head east to the wrecks of NJ/NY. Of course, this is just my 2c and YMMV
Who wants to go to the sand while diving the Stolt? What for?
IMO this is a great starter dive. reasonable to get 30+ minutes in the 70-100' 23 miles?? or 9 miles If the boat is moving its not that much different. The quality difference of diving the Stolt vs an inshore dive is like night & day. The Stolt can be a fun dive within rec limits.

When I started diving wrecks I did 1 inshore dive and was un-impressed, and if it weren't for the prodding of my buddies I would have hung NJ diving up with my dry suit. They insisted that some of the more interesting and less dived wrecks worth the extra time spent getting to and fro on a boat. Thank goodness my buddies were persistant. Now the Stolt is one of my favorite dives, as I can spend alot of time under 100' or have the option to explore deeper and make it a deco dive.

I think you are a member of and we are starting to put together some group dives based on experience with various charters for the 2006 season. There are alot of divers there who would be glad to help you flush out the cobwebs and get ready for this season. Or if your down to BSC sometime look me up.
Who wants to go to the sand while diving the Stolt? What for?
IMO this is a great starter dive. reasonable to get 30+ minutes in the 70-100' 23 miles?? or 9 miles If the boat is moving its not that much different. The quality difference of diving the Stolt vs an inshore dive is like night & day. The Stolt can be a fun dive within rec limits.

When I started diving wrecks I did 1 inshore dive and was un-impressed, and if it weren't for the prodding of my buddies I would have hung NJ diving up with my dry suit. They insisted that some of the more interesting and less dived wrecks worth the extra time spent getting to and fro on a boat. Thank goodness my buddies were persistant. Now the Stolt is one of my favorite dives, as I can spend alot of time under 100' or have the option to explore deeper and make it a deco dive.

I think you are a member of and we are starting to put together some group dives based on experience with various charters for the 2006 season. There are alot of divers there who would be glad to help you flush out the cobwebs and get ready for this season. Or if your down to BSC sometime look me up.

Yep, I'm a member and will keep an eye out on the website. I should have thought of that before but had a lot going on lately and the brain isn't always focused on the obvious. As mentioned above I am diving the Bibb, Duane, Eagle and Spiegal Grove in Florida at the beginning of March. That should give me some initial wreck experience with clear water and warm conditions. My deepest cold dive thus far is 113ft in Gilboa and I would have dropped down to about 123 or so had it not been for being met by a wide eyed deep student that was heading for blue sky and had to diffuse that situation. I will check the club page, research the wrecks and find the ones that I think I will be most comfortable with to start off on.

Thanks again
I'm a member of WreckValley club as of a few days ago. I'd love to join any dive trips out to any of the NJ wrecks. Will someone post a message on the Wreck Valley discussion board when a date and trip is announced?


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