Florida Shark Feeding Ban

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The victims of the shark attacks this year have been swimmers in 3 to 6 ft of water, which is where most shark attacks occur. I have not heard of any divers at any shark feeds being attacked. If sharks were associating humans and food, wouldn't they be attacking divers too??

Originally posted by 100days-a-year
Sorry to break any bubbles,but the last time I read the contitution I saw no mention of right to feed sharks.No matter your opinion,the fact is that it is not a good idea.This according to every animal psycologist that I've ever heard.To associate humans with food is a foolish and irresponsible thing to teach a shark ,a squirrel,a bear or an aardvark.I really get it up to my ears when someone who goes off all the time about minimizing our impact on the ecosystem but doesn't include their own ecolgically invasive or insensitive behaviors.No matter that the incidents that do happen aren't ever brought up,why would anyone want to take the chance that this behavior could encourage less fear or more agressiveness.If you don't think this is possible,listen to these idiots brag that the sharks now have been conditioned to show up at the sound of the boat motor.

So Tony should we be feeding Chickens, Pigs and Cows? They associate us with food. Maybe Mad Cow is their way of getting back at us since they are not overly viscious creatures.

You are missing a VERY clear point that many have made about this topic worldwide. Sharks get a bad rap, and because they do many MILLIONS are destroyed just because. If one diver sees that they are just another animal living their life and comes to respect them, then passes that on to their kids, and their kids do the same, maybe someday sharks won't be desecrated the way they are now!

People like you just don't seem to understand anything but the sensationalism that the media provides. So a few people get killed by sharks, so it is feeding them that is the problem, it has to be. It couldn't be the visibility is bad, they are hungry, we humans have overfished their food supply or 1 of 100 other reasons. But it is simple math to calculate that the odds of a shark attack are millions of times less than getting clipped crossing an intersection by another car. So should we ban cars? How many children are killed by or in cars every year?

Simple solutions often are not well thought out and banning this is a simple solution but watch the numbers, they won't change. Sharks are in the ocean until we kill them all off because no one cares for their life and death struggles. So go in the ocean at your risk!

Thank you Dr Vikingo for your educational post. I appreciate the opportunity to learn a little bit about the two sides and the documentation that each one carries to support their arguements. I guess I kinda find it amazing that so often he who has the most money wins.

Syruss, just exactly what kind of people am I? Perhaps you'd be amazed that I'm actually quite immune to the sensationalism that accompanies these attacks. You see, I started surfing almost 30 yrs ago ,and diving in '83. I don't believe sharks are"killers". I actively partipate in conservation groups of fishermen who are trying to ban finning, who support restriction of shark-fishing (or at least limit catches). I am extremely well informed in this area. As in Doc V's post there is clear evidence that this behavior is anti-Darwin. I happen to live in the NE Fla area that leads the world in shark attacks (few fatal). I am in the water around sharks constantly. What I do believe is that the safety of those who chose to go in the water can be compromised by feeding. I chose not to support that behavior. Bring some facts to the table and we'll talk about the relative merits of your freedoms vs the safety of others who may be in the water with a shark YOU conditioned to associate people with food. I accept my own risks-I do not accept others choices to increase my risk.
Oh now I see. Your afraid of being bitten by a shark while surfing.....I say thats the chance you take....by the way are they still doing shark feedings in 5 feet of water 100 yards off the beach?

Im afraid of being killed by a car while I walk down the street....so I think that all cars should be banned!(see how funny your way of thinking is)?
(thats my new Regulator's whistle!!!)

OK everyone, lets keep it civil, or I'll have to run ya in. I know that this is a highly controversial issue and that emotions run kinda deep. Lets refrain from trying to prove who is more knowledgeable, or pointing out just what lineage your adversary may be from...

Stick to the facts, and state your opinions as just that... opinions!!! Don't label each other, and insinuate what the other person's motives are. We are all friends on this board, and lord knows, I would share my last tank of air with any of you. We are all concerned in one way or the other about the situation, lets just be nice about it too! Think twice before you hit that Submit Now button!!!

After all that, just agree with me and you will be "OK"... Now keep to the Information Super Highway's speed limit (some of you type WAY too fast) and I will just mosey on up a spell.


Oh yeah... GO Sharks!!!
I don't think shark feedings increase shark attacks on swimmers or surfers.

From the evidence I have seen there is a strong possibility shark feedings have increased the number of people being bitten by sharks, morays, and other toothy critters who are accustomed to being fed at a particular location.

I think banning the feeding of sharks, morays, and other toothy critters is a good idea. When you get a predatory animal as large and as potentially harmful as a shark, moray or 'cuda and teach it humans=food I think that is a bad idea. People have learned this with many other terrestrial animals. I honestly don't see how there can be a middle ground or compromise here. The harm done by feeding the animals far exceeds the monetary gain. I don't think this should be an issue of protecting people from sharks, but the other way around. You can teach people to love the ocean and its inhabitants without having to attract the inhabitants and have them behave in an unnatural fashion

I seem to have a communication disorder, perhaps this will make it clearer. I have little fear. What I have is respect for facts. Doc V posted some. What has been posted in return are either snide insinuations or insults. Let's keep with the spirit of this board and try to talk about the topic. Feedings are banned. Let's see proof they shouldn't be. To err on the side of caution in the meanwhile does not suggest a morbid fear of predators, nor do I believe the Wildlife officials stay up late looking for ways to infringe on my rights. If you really want to do some "brave" and "exciting" shark diving give me an E-mail. We get the big sharks here in late Nov-Mar. Come spearfishing with some of the local rednecks and get your opportunity to see Whites and big Bulls up close and personal.
Anyone who questions the wisdom of feeding large predatory animals by hand and teaching them that humans = food needs to spend summer in Yosemite NP.

Besides, IMHO, it much more meaningful to something as beautiful and awe inspiring as a shark in its natural setting behaving normally. As opposed to the artifical sideshow atomsphere of a shark dive.

Sorry guy's,
I do gotta agree with svs3 tom and 100 dayer. I'm getting a bit sick and tired of people thinking they can abuse a resource to make a buck. I know it dosen't hurt the sharks but I think it's bad in principle. If I want to see sharks I will go to where they are naturaly found. That's why I took up diving for in the first place. I'm not trying to be holier than thou, I spear fish but I dont do it on a comercial basis. It's one thing to take a boat load of divers to a great dive spot but it's not right to mess with the critters.

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