Getting GF into diving

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Victoria BC
Here's the deal. I'm a diver with the Canadian Navy, and have in the past 3 months gotten into civilian recreational diving. Problem is my GF is fully against even trying any dive class. I think she has a fear of doing anything that seems dangerous. She refuses to listen whenever I talk about diving, skydiving, skiing anything even slightly dangerous. I'm not pushing the danger thing at all, I don't express the macho, I'm-a-hardcore-diving-machine-who-does-dangerous-stuff, attitude at all. I've got about 6 months to warm her up to the idea of a OW class. What can I do to get her to try the sport out ?

Any ideas will be appreciated, I really want to enjoy the sport with her.


PS-I'm talking about diving in Canadian East coast waters, not warm water diving trips.
First of all I would definately stick with one thing at a time, just concentrate on diving for a while, leave the sky diving etc.. on the back shelf.

Contagious enthusiasm would be how I would go about, keep say how much fun you find it to, how much you enjoy it. Then use the magic words, I would really like to do this WITH YOU, might work.

Stress the fact that while it does have dangers, they aren't random, they are pretty clear and can be avoided with preparation. Whenever you go diving and she is around subtlelytress all the safety precautions you take and how seriously you take them. I say this because my brother got himself in trouble because he acted as though he didn't need to follow the safety protocols so extremely, that is just his nature, he is not an unsafe diver, it just seems that way to a new diver. in the end his GF wanted to go diving, WITH ME! but not with him because she felt he would get in trouble and she wouldn't ablr to help him. Did not end well.

Have her talk to a female diver, a divemaster or instructor if possible, if she if worried about the class.

If all else fails try to arrange a trade, you try something she likes for something you like.

Just a couple of thoughts, hope something works, diving is a great thing to share, good luck.
some folks just don't take to the water thing, don't be pushy.
Remember the Chinese finger trap... the harder you try, the more it doesn't work.

Maybe some videos or DVDs of the spiffy colorful critters...

Consider yourself lucky if you can get her swimming, & maybe try out a snorkel.

I would watch out for those warm water trips, folks can get ruined quickly when they get into clear, warm water.
One of the best things I have seen a BF do to get his GF interested is to take her to a nice beach for snorkelling with a disposable uw camera. This girl had zero interest in the water - would lay on the sand, would dip in toes but nothing more. Then he gave her the camera, shuffled a few feet off the beach and showed her some tiny silver fishes in about 1 foot of water. She was intrigued and they sat (masks on) and she dipped her head just so the glass was in the water but not her ears...then her ears as she tries to get the fish in the frame, then she scoots out a bit get the picture. By the end of the day she was laying with her whole head under (didn't get that duck diving thing mastered on day one) and loving it.

Six months later she had over 100 dives on three continents and was heading off to do her dive master training. He doesn't dive nearly as much as she does now!!

Not everyone takes to it like that, but I thought it showed great patience and really excellent understanding of another's needs and comfort levels. And it was a hoot to watch for the rest of us!
Let it go. Continue diving like you do but don't bring it up to her anymore.

If she really doesn't want to dive then the more you bring it up the more likely she is to get upset and never try it.

Maybe if she sees you enjoying it, with other people, she'll consider giving it a go.

I got into diving because my bf suggested it. But to me it sounded like a whole lot of fun. I ended things with the guy before the class even started but have enjoyed every minute of diving.:)
rcrs007 said...
PS-I'm talking about diving in Canadian East coast waters, not warm water diving trips.

I had a close friend in the UK who was a keen diver, and I was curious about it, but there was no way I was going to try it there -- too damn cold. However, now that I have done the warm water thing for a couple of years, I would consider giving it a go.

If your GF is not keen, cold-water diving is going to be hard to sell. Maybe you could take her to social events with other divers. Their enthusiasm will be more persuasive than yours, because she knows you have an agenda.

I don't know about anyone else, but I would never have started diving for the sole purpose of diving in cold water. After the bug bit, then cold water seemed like a good option, but I got certified to dive the warm waters of the Caribbean. I got out of the quarry after my 4th certification dive *thrilled* I would never have to do THAT again.

Cold water diving is a pretty tough sell. I would plan a trip to warm water and suggest certifying in advance of the trip and then don't push. If she doesn't want to get certified, get her mask, snorkel, fins and let her snorkel while you dive and see what happens. Even if she dives in warm water she still might not want to dive at home. That's her choice, let her make it.

Up here in the Northwest we call significant others forced into learning how to dive "scuba hostages" trust me it never works out.

I suggest leaving it alone.

If you want to try to get her enthused about diving you may try bringing her along when you dive. exposing her to other female divers, Take her on a dive trip to a place where diving is all you can do, Join a dive club and make it a staple in your lives... Ultimately hope that she makes the decision to dive.

Be prepared with the information she will need to get into it like the name of an instructor who will do a scuba experience with her. You may even try to get some of her friends to do a scuba experience together so it becomes more of a fun evening thing with no strings...

It will work out much better if she is the one to decide to dive.

Kevin Parkhurst
IDEA instructor 3402
Ryan, I'm with james goddard your beating a dead horse, trade her on on a diving model, while she is only your GF because if she becomes your wife you will never hear the end of it whenever you dive!!!! trust me on this one! I have been there, still am and getting real tired of it........

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