Had to put one of my cats to sleep today.

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Pets of all species are a true joy. I am sorry for your loss Jim, maybe it is time for a kitten. Kittens are cool!
It's tough, I know...we're sending warm fuzzy thoughts your way.

They depend on us for so much, and so freely give their love back to us!

When Barchetta left us a month ago, Lynne sent us a thought that is so true, and I'll pass it on to you:

So sorry for your loss . . . they leave pet-shaped holes in our hearts.

All the best, James

So very sorry for your loss. I have many cats, both domestic and ferrel, and have had to put many down over the years. People have told me that I did the right thing or that it was for the best etc. etc. None of this helps to heal the pain. I will never know if I made the right decision on a few of my companions, but I have to leave that to a higher power than myself now.

Time will help, but the memories of the animals will live in your heart forever and that may bring the needed comfort.
She was between 15 and 17. The shelter when I got her said she was between 7 and 9. She had been in one of their cages for 8 months. She had been so neglected by the previous owners that all of her teeth but 5 had fallen out. She was not a lap cat but one of the best "I'll sit by you and pet me cats" there was. After she came home she lost no more teeth, never saw a day outside, gained weight, and a nice full coat. I had her for 8 years.

She went down hill faster than I wanted to see. The last day or so was the eye opener that helped me make the decision. My wonderful GF drove us to the vet then drove us home. She will be cremated. I got her home, sat with her, let the other cat sat goodbye, then bathed and dried her. She is now in the freezer waiting to go. This way I have some time to say goodbye a few more times if I choose to. Which I will.

I have had other pets die. But never had to do this. It was damn hard but at the same time I was glad it was so quick and painless. I hope that when my time comes I go as fast and peacefully. I hope that if I get feeble and to the point where I can't function that I will be allowed to make a choice and not have some government or religious kooks raise a fuss.

The vet's office was compassionate, professional, and treated the whole process in a dignifed manner that didn;t make it easier but at the same time they did. I guess only someone who's been through it will understand that last line.

In any case I'm down to one cat for a long time as I sit here now. But who knows? If I find another abused, neglected, preferably black cat that needs a chance that could change. I just hope that if that chance comes there is some way to make sure the person that caused that animal to suffer dies a horrible, painful death.

I'm a cat guy too and I feel your pain, brother.

You're a good man, Jim, and your cat may be gone, but she was loved. Death is part of life but love is not such a sure thing. I know you know this. Rest assured that she passed peacefully and with kindness.

Thanks everyone. Taking her to be cremated today. All of your thoughts are greatly appreciated and they help. The place I have chosen was recommended by Seahorse81 here on the board and she is driving us up there. They do a really nice job and the owner is so compassionate and caring. Never did this before and it feels not unlike making the arrangements for a human family member. It hurts as much. I came very close to telling my boss to go to hell and walking out yesterday. It's been an emotionally draining week and my back is hurting. I decided not to work overtime yesterday and went in at 7 am instead of 6. We're not on mandatory so I had a choice. He walked by and said "Oh, working banker's hours." I looked him dead in the face and told him he was lucky I was even there and why. He knew about me leaving early Wednesday to have her taken care of.

I will get another cat at some point. But it won't be a kitten. I have an afinity for older cats that are harder to place and have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. I especially like black cats as they have the hardest time finding homes due to the ignorance of people who associate them with bad luck. Sweetie had a rough life until I got her. Some people just should not be allowed to have animals. Usually the same ones who shouldn't have kids.

Cats are for those who can handle a strong personality. They are so unique in that way. Sweetie was an affectionate cat in her own way. Certainly not a lap cat but at the same time one who knew when I needed her. She would come up on the center arm of the loveseat and start headbutting me in the shoulder. And that meant pet me now boy! And if I leaned over a bit she'd use my beard to scratch her jaws, forehead, and chin. But it was on her terms. And she was so smart that she had me trained to change her water if it had a hair in it or a bit of food that she dropped. I would change it as much as three times in minute. She'd give me that look that said you didn't wipe the bowl out, all you did was dump it and refill it. Now do it right! You GUE/UTD/DIR people will undertsand that. In the summer when it was hot I'd even add Brita water from the fridge or if it was empty cold water from the jug I keep in there. I think her mouth was bothering her at times and the cold water helped.

Even picking her up when I walked in the door was only allowed to last a minute at most. That was her. And that is probably one of the things I loved the most. The independent spirit and confidence she had in letting me know when enough was enough. And I am realizing that came from feeling safe and secure enough to do that without fear of reproach or something bad happening in return. My cats have always had the run of the house. Anyone that comes here is made aware of that. They live here and allow me to live here. The only place they are not allowed is on the reg repair bench. I expect to find a hair on a plate or floating in a glass of water I just looked away from. Anyone who has cats knows what I am talking about! Hell we need to find a hair or we'd spend an hour looking for it before we could eat! It is expected and taken in stride. I don't know how many cats I could have made from the hair I got off her when I brushed her. That was mostly twice a week and good for the deepest, longest, and most heartfelt purr. Those little round mats of fur could have made a blanket over the years. Cats are not for timid people or control freaks. But they are the best at helping me relax and feel at ease.

I have had numerous students sit down and end up petting one of them and doing it without realizing what they were doing. They are my teaching aids. They help people to relax and I honestly believe reduce the stress level for those who may be a bit apprehensive about this. It's hard to get stressed over a dive table problem when you're working it and a purring cat is rubbing softly against your leg or shoulder. Or to feel anxious as I question your understanding of what we covered while stroking the ears of a purring cat. Some people are nervous around cats and animals in general. They get concerned about hair on their clothes. I make it clear to those who want to come to me to train that I have cats and if they are allergic or if they don't want hair on their clothes we need to make arrangements for classroom at their place. If they don't like them then the answer is even easier. Find another instructor. I don't want to dive with people who don't like animals let alone train them.

The one I have left is a black one and is on my lap now. She was a feral that I worked with for months just to get her to eat on the porch and let me be out there with her. Then one day I opened the door about four years ago. She walked in and never left. She's my foot warmer at night, although the last few nights since Sweetie is gone she's moved up by my head/chest. She's acting different but I need to pick a time to bring a new one in so that I can be home as much as possible the first few days. Charlie (short for Charlie Manson cause I didn't know she was a she and had them crazy Charlie eyes when I first saw her) has all her claws, is very posessive of me as far as other cats go, and would need to be introduced gradually. I'd be too scared of bringing in a kitten or cat that could not hold their own and stand up for themself a bit. Charlie used to bring me headless "gifts" while she was outside. I've never let her out since and she seems to like it in here.

I cannot fathom those who allow a pet to roam. I've been a nervous wreck when I even thought one of mine got out by accident.

Anyway thanks again for all your support and for letting me ramble just now.
Jim, just saw this now and keeping you in my thoughts.
Also sorry for your loss Jim. My wife developed bad cat allergy years ago, so when we moved East we decided to put them down so they would not be in the new house. Worst part was they were only 9-10 and in fine health. We tried everywhere to find them a new home but no takers.
Also sorry for your loss Jim. My wife developed bad cat allergy years ago, so when we moved East we decided to put them down so they would not be in the new house. Worst part was they were only 9-10 and in fine health. We tried everywhere to find them a new home but no takers.

--- sad you killed 2 healthy cats

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