How is Costa Rica different than Belize or other Caribbean dives?

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I had a great time diving in CR and look forward in going back yes the viz was not that good but. enough for me . I dove with diving safaris in playa hermosa great and freindly group. I dove monkey head and bat's island. Bat's island was awsome you dive in and need to go straight down to avoid being creamed in to the rocks the group meets at the bottome about 30 ft then you go around the rocks we saw many rays and other sea life. Toward the the ending you drift away from the rocks and the current takes you the viz then increase and it looked like we where hovering at 30 feet with the bottome at over 100 feet with the current moving it felt like I was flying it was very nice.
I also stayed at La Puerta del Sol once and dove with Rich Coast when Carol owned it (anyone have her contact info?). It was so good, that I ended up going back down there for a month to do my divemaster stuff with Carol and Patrick (Instructor) and had a grand time. The diving out of Playa del Coco is also much different that you'll find South and at Cocos Island, for example. The Pacific side is where its at in CR, and you have three distinct and different experiences from which to choose (North, South and Cocos Island). Also, this is defnitely NOT "bathtub diving" and there are currents, surge, high seas and all of that exciting stuuf, lots of sharks, rays, etc. It's all just killer!!!!!

I did a lot of diving in the carribbean as well also the antilles. The viz is better, but I love the big fish in CR. I went with RIch Coast diving and had a blast. We went to BAt island and saw the bull sharks, excellent dive, good viz and 82 degrees.
This is a big change for my diving. I would surely recommend Rich Coast in playas del coco
I found this post belatedly. I spent 2 years in Costa Rica several years back and it was great. As far as the diving, I LOVED it but the viz isn't great. Which makes it BETTER, in my opinion, because there is so much to see in low viz. All the plankton brings in the life. I didn't dive the Caribbean side in Costa Rica, but did go a bit south and dove in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. SNOOZER. But under developed. Some pretty reef but not alot of life. I would definitely say the Pacific is better, but only if you can handle lower viz. Slow down (if the current and surge allow) and bury your face in the rocks. You will see frogfish, nudis, shrimp, TONS of octopus, and all the schooling fish you could imagine. Pull your head back and look around, and you'll see rays and sharks and large fish like jacks.

My first open water dives after my checkouts were in Costa Rica. Viz was maybe 10 feet, but I saw the little colorful shrimp (what are they called??) octopus, a reef shark, big rays, frogfish, nudibranchs, and sooo many fish. I can't believe I was soo spoiled! I thought every dive would be like that. (I learned!) :) I still am grateful for that dive...I learned you don't have to see far to see alot, and that has really helped me find satisfaction and enjoyment in dives of all conditions! Good luck!

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