I'm going to quit smoking!

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Fish, the first month is really tough ... then the next two or three are a lot less tough...

after about four months, it gets very easy ... you barely think about it anymore

it gets so easy, in fact, that people think "ah, i can handle one cigarette now, just for old time's sake"

and they blow it

so avoid thinking because it's getting easier all the time you can now smoke at will. you can't.... just decide you will never smoke again and stick with it

(trust me on this ...)
I stopped about 5 months ago now after nearly 40 years of puffing away.

I tried the patch, step 1 for 1 week, step 2 for weeks, and step 3 for a few days a few years ago and it worked for 9 months. What I found is that it is more mind over matter. One day I thought it was over and had a smoke but "thought" I really enjoyed the smoke more so started back up.

This time I went cold turkey. The first few days I sucked on a lot of mints to ease the craving, especially after a meal. My morning coffee was a real toughy though since I didn't want a mint with my coffee.

I had been exercising already trying to lose some pounds so I just elevated my routine. So now I run 5ks and enjoy it, workout at least 4 days a week, have lost over 25 lbs and feel pretty good. Don't get as much diving in as I did before since my dive buddy has been unable to go so don't know what my SAC rate would be, although it was good for a smoker before, but would be interesting to know.

I must confess though that periodically I still get a craving, especially after a big sushi dinner :D and from time to time I will "bum" a smoke and have a couple of drags but once it is gone no problem or desire to light up another.

Congrats to all who have decided to give it a go.
Over 9 years now sans smokes.
Keep tellin yourself that you're not going to have the first 1.
And Don't have that first 1 , you will do it!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah I smoked for 27 years so if I can do You can to
I quit 7 years ago. I had tried several times previous with no evail. Finally, on my sons tenth birthday, he snuck a picture of himself swinging a bat into the plastic lining of my cigarettes. The light came on! (I still keep this picture on my office desk)
Until then, I hadn't really wanted to quit. I gave it up and haven't looked back. Sounds easy, eh.? In actuallity, I purchased a package of nicotine gum and had the understanding that it was only for the "rough " times and when it was gone it was gone. It lasted about a week. Then, because I needed an activity so to speak, I switched to chewing sunflower seeds. So Great! Now I could die of high blood pressure due to the high salt content! Ber careful though...They are addicting also IMO. But it was better than cancer I thought.
After a couple of months, I got bored with the sunflower seeds and just put them away and to this date I am nicotine free.
I found that, during the toughest times, telling myself over and over again that I never would put myself through this withdrawal process again, and that I couldn't believe how I had myself to get caught up in this addiction, and I had already made it through x days, etc. anything to give myself encouragement seemed to help. Little by little, I started to feel the effects a little less. Now, I don't wake in the morning looking for my cigs, matches or lighter. Don't need to stop at the store to make sure I have enough butts for the day, don't look at the clock waiting for the break so I can suck one or two down , don't smell like an ashtray, don't have a cough, etc.
My life is not centered around the cigarettes!
On the other hand, I do: exercise more and have more energy, have a whole lot more money to set aside for scuba stuff(great that you are setting aside the money you would have spent into a jar/fund, do feel great about the fact that I beat the monster, do feel that I will probably have a longer life for having quit.
Best of luck with this....contrary to what you may believe as you begin this process...it can be done...IF YOU WANT IT!
By the way, I found that giving up one addiction was replaced by another...Diving
I have been Free and Healing for One Month, Twenty Nine Days, 16 Hours and 31 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 13 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1032 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $362.00.
you go, Azza

send me the money ... i need morphine

er... popsicles
Thanks Andy. Its all going well...been tempted a couple of times (usually after a couple of nice rums:D ) but have managed to resist.
yeah, at first, drinking without cigarettes was tough

now it's not a big deal

but being around people smoking is still hard

it's like being starving and having someone put all this great food in front of you ...

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