Is it my dive buddies or just me overreacting?

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Another reason to bring a pony or redundant air source on deep dives. You don't plan on going deeper. Your buddy plummets to the depths of the ocean. Now you're solo because he went to 200 and you're not going to chase. Imagine being solo and knowing you're not ready for that type of diving. There's just something about thinking that your buddy will always be there. I for one would not go chasing someone if they plummeted into the deep leaving me behind. That's not what happened in your situation but hopefully it never happens to any of us.

I suggest that if you plan on doing more deep dives, you prepare yourself as if you're going to dive solo. It's one way to be a better dive. Both for your good and your buddy's.
One thing that might help is to signal your buddy to "level off" just prior to your planned depth. If your plan is to dive to 90', give them a level off signal around 85'. This may cause them to look at their depth gauge BEFORE you've exceeded your plan. In the three scenarios you've listed, you've followed them down a bit to get their attention. Next time, try giving the signal to stay put, then STAY. Don't go deeper after them.
You are to be commended. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing and thinking in the right way. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for all of the comments. It actually never occurred to me to stick to 90 feet even if my buddy didn't. Call it the caretaker in me but if they got into trouble I would never have forgiven myself. But I guess if I had stayed around 90, they would have figured it out themselves...eventually.

The first time it happened, I blew it off as inexperience - not really forgivable on the DM's part IMHO. With the other two, given the type of people they are, when we were at depth I thought they might have been narced which would explain not paying attention to their depth. Since then, my regular dive buddy and I have worked out the bugs. But given the fact happened again, and I know that I was very clear in communicating I did not want to go below 90, I wanted unbiased opinions if I did something wrong.

I do realize I need to relax a little when it comes to the plan give or take a few feet. But when I am diving 36%, I am cautious.
Lots of good advice. I like to go deep. However when diving with new people I ask if it's ok with them. If not I'll usually do what they want. If I'm last minute saddled with someone I explain what I plan to do if they are not cool with that then perhaps they need to dive with someone else. I like Catherine solo for many of the reasons already given. I also dive as if I am responsible for my own safety. No one else is. If diving with a buddy then they need to understand this and be of like mind. A buddy is my last resort. If they are not able to get them selves out of most jams then they need to tell me because I believe in self sufficiency. If they are planning on me to bail them out of every problem then maybe they need to work on their skills and comfort level in the water. I've said this before, agencies need to rethink the way buddy diving is taught. I've been in the water with people who expect me to keep track of their air, depth, location etc with no input from them except when asked. I don't dive with them again.
I commend you on staying at 90 feet when your MOD is ~110. Too many people fail to undestand what MOD actually means. Oxygen Toxicity is a physiological thing meaning it can happen to anybody at anytime when breathing increased ppo2. It was decided 1.4 was low enough to be considered safe enough, 1.2 by GUE. Diving to the limits of the mod is quite blatantly stupid.
I think .....I would only dive with a buddy using the same gas.
I also want the buddy for the whole day so our residules for repeat dives are similar.

You most important right is to set and communicate your own limits.
Your most imporatant obligation is to know and observe your buddies limits.
Most civilized societies have a set of guide lines that dictate normal behavior. We normally classify these as law. Most laws are easy to follow. I personally have a difficult time sticking to a 65 mph speed limit when others are zooming by me at 80. That doesn't make it right but when driving, I feel that going with the flow is a safer approach.

My father on the other hand would stick to the speed limit and be surprised when somebody was driving past him. And the color of his vocabulary would get pretty interesting. “Crazy idiot your going to kill somebody” would set the tone. Conversely god forbid there was a slower driver and the tone would be just as colorful. But insulting somebody else's heritage and flipping them the bird didn’t seem to get things accomplished. Going with the flow wasn’t my dads strong point.

You (khunheart) seem to be in an awkward position searching for a level of discipline that is not as common as you would wish. I for one feel your pain and have opted to not tolerate undisciplined dive buddies. Dive plan, MOD, TOD, Bottom Time, Rock Bottom & Heading are not subjects that I wish to take lightly. That’s not saying I’m inflexible. I just want to stick to the arrangement [dive plan] If you want to go north and I want to go south it only takes a second and we can decide which way to go. If you want to go to 140 ft and my gas MOD is 100, I’m sorry but I can’t follow. Now if your life’s at stake I’ll consider pushing it. But please don’t force me.
(khunheart) good luck on your quest for a good dive team.
on the boat you were both probably briefed on the max depth. never been anywhere but herd thats how its done. this is one of the reasons i dive solo, some buddies just haven't figured out the buddy plan yet, so do you let them die, or become a babysitter, or just pray that they kick back to the surface on their own.
keep your good head and keep searching for that perfect buddy thats better than a clone.

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