Knife in Cozumel?

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Texas Diver:
an angel fish all 'hopped up' from being feed too much cheese whiz, which incidently you are also not allowed to do in the marine park.

I ran into that Angelfish at Las Palmas! He would swim right up to your mask and wait for an exhale and attack all the bubbles. You think it was Cheese Whiz?
I ran into that Angelfish at Las Palmas! He would swim right up to your mask and wait for an exhale and attack all the bubbles. You think it was Cheese Whiz?
I think it was an unusual case of a fish being narc'd. I've had both damselfish and perch attack the "other fish" they saw as a reflection in my mask.

As for a knife in Cozumel, the only time I've used mine was as a screwdriver to tighten the strobe tray back on the camera housing.
OK, I won't bring more than a pair of bandage shears.
But in the Mississippi river I prefer something with a little reach.
Every year during the spring floods, my boat dock collects all kinds of dead trees and other crap under it. Usually I can push and pull it all out with just a hook pole, or yank it out with my boat.
But there's other times the river will settle down putting my dock on a really large tree, and I'll have to take my bow saw under the dock to do some cutting. Zero vis. Can't see my fingers on the glass. Total darkness at two feet.
I haven't been hung up bad enough that I couldn't cut loose with the saw yet, but I also have a machette strapped to my thigh. Should I happen to get hung up in a wad of fishing line, willow branches, grape vines etc., plan A is to slash-slash-slash. Plan B is to ditch BC (and keep slashing). Plan C, is to have tender pull really hard on rope around my waist. Tender also has another tank and reg on stand-by. I also have a pair of 8" bolt cutters in my pocet, in case of barbed wire.
Shears just won't do it for me here.
But for Coz, a pair of shears would be great. Not so much for safety concerns. But also if I happen to find some line caught in the coral, I'll cut it, wad it up and put it in my pocket.
I always carry an underwater acetylene torch with me. It was what I was trained to do. You never know when you're gonna have to do some ship repair down there.
Trust me, with your 27" aluminum bat your badly out gunned anywhere in Philly. Would consider swithing to 31" Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher, would still be outgunned in some parts of Philly but able to hold your own in most.

PS Rumors of "hopped up" angel fish have been wildly exagerated, and Vinny really was sent to sleep with the fishes.
This angelfish was definitely hopped up. There's no doubt about it. He would go into a frenzy popping bubbles. And smart...he would stare at me waiting for me to exhale. He knew that if he stuck around I would make more bubbles to bite.

I'm attaching a photo of the suspect. As innocent looking as he appears, he's crazy narced.
I stand corrected, obviously that one was hopped up to the gills. There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than an angel fish in the depths of a bubble binge!
For years, all I wore while diving was trunks and a T-Shirt. Now, I wear a lycra skin, I hate wet suits. I wear the skin because of Bermuda Chubs, AKA " Mexican Pirhanas ". I have fairly hairy arms and legs and bubbles would get trapped in the hair. The Chubbs would go after the bubbles, thinking they were eggs I guess. On one dive in particular about 5 or 6 years ago, they bit me, Cesar and Ruben on the same dive. It was painful and bloody. I've worn the skin since then.
For years, all I wore while diving was trunks and a T-Shirt. Now, I wear a lycra skin, I hate wet suits. I wear the skin because of Bermuda Chubs, AKA " Mexican Pirhanas ". I have fairly hairy arms and legs and bubbles would get trapped in the hair. The Chubbs would go after the bubbles, thinking they were eggs I guess. On one dive in particular about 5 or 6 years ago, they bit me, Cesar and Ruben on the same dive. It was painful and bloody. I've worn the skin since then.

The Chubs like pony tails too :)
100 fit vis, no obstructions, warm water, don't go there without your Glock 9mm with the aqua cups and a bayonet attached in case you get caught in....... err.... your buddys octo I guess.

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