May itinerary for Visayas trip

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London, UK
My girlfriend and I are planning a 2 week trip to the Philippines in mid to late May. We are flying into Cebu and are currently considering three alternative itineraries:

1. Malapascua (5 nights) -> Bohol (8 nights)
2. Malapascua (5 nights) -> Dumaguete (8 nights)
3. Bohol (6-7 nights) -> Dumaguete (6-7 nights)

Alternatively we might consider substituting Malapascua for Moalboal.

We're primarily looking for great diving (ideally a mix of big and small stuff), and would particularly like to see mandarin fish. However, we won't want to dive every day so are also looking for places with a variety of land-based attractions (particularly walking and wildlife, but we also appreciate good food and live music).

We're currently leaning towards one of the options including Bohol, mainly so we can visit the tarsiers, but would love some guidance on the relative merits of Bohol and Dumaguete for land-based activities. On Bohol, I've heard good things about both Panglao and Cabilao, so recommendations on that also appreciated.

Any thoughts?

Many thanks
Just remembered - good snorkelling, shore-based if possible, is another must-have!

stay in bohol if you want variety other than the beach.

I seem to notice that more and more people like to fly in the Philippines for diving in the Visayas. hmmm.. it seems that abroad Visayas is the top of mind..
To give you an example of what’s possible in a two week trip to the Visayas region, I’ve listed below my itinerary from this past September. It doesn't sound like you'll want to do quite as much diving as I did, but you can always dive in the morning and do something more land-based in the afternoon. I also visited Panglao in 2001 and had a great time there. If you decide to go, the tarsier / lombok river / chocolate hill tour is something you can do in a day. There's not much live music in any of the places that you mentioned, but you can always get your fill in Cebu City when jumping from place to place.

Day 1 – Arrive Cebu City (Mactan International Airport) and transfer by private car from the airport to Moalboal. Travel time is approx. 2.5 hrs.
Days 2 through 4 – Diving with Savedra in Moalboal. 4 dives per day, 12 dives total.
Day 5 – Morning transfer by private car and private boat to Cabilao Island. Travel time is approx. 2.5 hrs. (2 hrs. by car, .5 hrs. by boat). 2 dives in the afternoon with Polaris Resort.
Day 6 – Diving with Polaris Resort on Cabilao Island. 4 dives.
Day 7 - Diving with Polaris Resort on Cabilao Island. 3 dives. Late afternoon transfer by private boat and private car to Cebu City. Travel time is approx. 2.5 hrs. (1 hr. by boat (due to rough seas) and 1.5 hrs. by car).
Day 8 – Shopping in Cebu City in the morning. Afternoon transfer by private car and private boat to Malapascua Island. Travel time is approx. 3.5 hrs. (3 hrs. by car, .5 hrs. by boat).
Day 9 and 10 – Diving with Exotech on Malapascua. 1 recreational and 1 technical dive per day, 4 dives total.
Day 11 - Diving with Exotech on Malapascua. 1 recreational and 1 technical dive. Afternoon transfer by private boat and private car to Cebu City. Travel time is approx. 3.5 hrs. (.5 hrs. by boat, 3 hrs. by car).
Day 12 - Shopping in Cebu City in the morning. Afternoon transfer by public ferry and private car to Southern Leyte. Travel time is approx. 3.25 hrs. (2.5 hrs. by boat, .75 hrs. by car).
Day 13 and 14 – Diving with Peter’s Dive Resort on Southern Leyte. 4 dives per day, 8 dives total.
Day 15 - Morning transfer by private car and public ferry to Cebu City. Travel time is approx. 3.25 hrs. (.75 hrs. by car, 2.5 hrs. by boat). Depart Cebu City (Mactan International Airport).
Total Number of Dives = 35 (32 recreational, 3 technical).
I would go with option 1.

Malapascua has a site that is good for mandarin sightings. On a good day you could see a thresher shark and/or manta ray for sunrise and mandarin fish for sundown.:D Good for walking too.

On Bohol Panglao is the better place to stay and also easy to make arrangements from there to see the tarsiers. There should be no problem finding a boat going to Cabilao on a daytrip, which is worthwhile. Cabilao is nice but not much to do except dive.
stay in bohol if you want variety other than the beach.

I seem to notice that more and more people like to fly in the Philippines for diving in the Visayas. hmmm.. it seems that abroad Visayas is the top of mind..

Visayas region diving rocks! Region VI is going to be the next diving mecca for the world. Let us get the infrastructure better developed then watchout!!!:14:
Visayas region diving rocks! Region VI is going to be the next diving mecca for the world. Let us get the infrastructure better developed then watchout!!!:14:
agreed. I love going to the Visayas. Bohol is a great example of ecotourism that the other provinces should follow.

I'd go with option 1 or 3.
Visayas diving rocks :) PJC, I would suggest option 1, but make it 4 nights instead. In Malapascua, there's not much to do other than diving. You can dive Monad Shoal for the thresher sharks. I'm not sure if its still manta season, but if it is, you dive Monad in the afternoon to see them. You may want to consider diving Moalboal and make a sidetrip to Kawasan falls as one of your topside activities.
Bohol is nice, I've been there once, but never dove their reefs - sadly. Enjoy your stay in the visayas region.
Thanks everyone. Someone on another forum suggested that the visibility in late May might not be great as it's the start of the rainy season. They also suggested the sea might be getting a bit rough by then, particularly around Malapascua. Does this sound right?


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