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Yes, I understand your management model.

For the record:

1. There is little culturally unique about the Thailand forum except it is dominated by foreign English speaking dive center operators and independent foreign English speaking dive professionals who are trying to make a living in a country where it is quite hard for foreigners to make a living. Because of this, a number of posters are fiercely protective of their business interests and they will attack anyone who has an opinion that could effect them. Most are civil but a handful, enough to cause trouble, are very aggressive.

2. While your forum model to enforce your TOS is based mostly on user reporting; most other forums consider user reporting the last step, not the first. In other words, if you simply permitted others with a lot of forum experience and no financial interest (required income) from diving (school, center, local instructor, agent, etc) to moderate, then the Thailand forums, already famous for flame wars, would be a better place. I don't think it is 100 percent fair to place user reporting as the foundation for moderation. Many, if not most, forums rely on user reporting as the "last resort". We at The UNIX and Linux Forums, for example, would consider it a failure if our moderation relied on user reporting. We don't want our users to be the forum police and TOS violation police. That is the role of a moderator!

Honestly, I find it odd that you are so reluctant to add more moderators so the kind of abuse we forum and dive customers see in the Thailand forum, is stopped.

At our forums, technology not dive related, we consider customer feedback very important and we do not dismiss it quite as quickly and off-handedly as you have with our suggestions for improvement and stopping TOS abuse here.


Also, since this forum and our forum both uses vBulletin software. I kindly suggest that you, at a minimum, install the vB plug-in that detects multiple logins from a single computer. In the thread which is the genesis for this part of the discussion, the poster who began the serious TOS violations was a brand new user who created a new SB user id to stage their attacks. In our forums, we use cookie-based checks to flag all logins that appear to come from the same user (computer). Although not prefect nor fool proof, it is very good to have your moderation team see a flag of potential abuse when someone from a single computer is posting as multiple user IDs. In the case we are discussing, it is obvious to all in our forum that someone did not agree with my trip report, created a new SB user id, and then used that user id to launch very personal attacks. In our forums we run cookie based checks and have, for a long time, resolved the problem of users creating new ids to launch attacks; which is moot anyway, because if anyone in our forums called someone a "dork" or "stupid" or other insults, we would ban them immediately for a serious TOS violation. We do not tolerate personal attacks on others in our forums by anyone. When it goes unchecked, it creates an unhealthy atmosphere for all. These are our forum rules, FYI:

(1) No flames, shouting (all caps), sarcasm, bullying, profanity or arrogant posts.

(2) No negative comments about others or impolite remarks. Be patient.

(3) Refrain from idle chatter that does not contribute to the knowledge base. This does not apply to the forums in The Unix Lounge which are for off-topic discussions.

(4) Do not 'bump up' questions if they are not answered promptly. No duplicate or cross-posting and do not report a post or send a private message where your goal is to get an answer more quickly.

(5) Search the forums database with your keywords before asking.

(6) Do not post classroom or homework problems in the main forums. Homework and coursework questions can only be posted in this forum under special homework rules.

(7) No job postings from headhunters or recruiters except in The Unix Forums Job Board. See How to Post to The UNIX Forums Job Board for information on using the Job Board.

(8) No BSD vs. Linux vs. Windows or similar threads.

(9) Edit your posts if you see spelling or grammar errors (don't write in cyberchat or cyberpunk style). English only.

(10) Don't post your email address and ask for an email reply. Don't send a private message with a technical question. The forums are for the benefit of all, so all Q&A should take place in the forums.

(11) Post questions with descriptive subjects. For example, do not post questions with subjects like "Help Me!", "Urgent!!" or "Doubt". Post subjects like "Execution Problems with Cron" or "Help with Backup Shell Script".

(12) These are not hacker boards so hacker related posts will be promptly deleted or moderated.

(13) The forum administrators reserve the right to prune, move or edit posts that do not adhere to the rules or are technically inaccurate.

(14) The forum administrators reserve the right to remove users or change their posting status to read only without notice if any rules are not followed.

(15) No smoking in the forums.

We do not tolerate any flame wars, insults, personal attacks.... One attack on a personal basis is grounds for an immediate ban.

OBTW, just for quick forum-to-forum on-line user comparisons (not very significant, just for discussion):
SB: Currently Active Users: 1024 (150 members and 874 guests)
ULF: Currently Active Users: 2575 (34 members and 2541 guests)

We have different user demographics, as we consider our forums a knowledge base (repository) for professional people searching for answers to a (work related) problem. SB is more of an interactive community. At the moment of this post, you had 5 times more registered users posting, but we had 3 times more guests on site searching for answers. On the other hand, we have 20 to 25 active moderators (currently only around 20). Not sure how many active mods SB had.... but I would guess you would need around 5 to 10 times the number that we have to moderate as well as we do (100 to 200 moderators globally). Perhaps that is why you try to rely (mostly) on user reporting? I think you should consider more mods.

SB has 10 times more posts than we do. Part of the reason for this is that we do not permit flame wars, insults, etc. Since folks tend to gravitate toward conflict (the theme of most successful movies and books), our forum tends to have less members on line and less posts, but the posts are of high quality (low signal to noise ratio).

We can certainly learn from each other. There are many things about SB I think are great. The moderation, however, is not one of them, sorry.

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I looked into your complaint as promised. For the record, you were banned from the thread temporarily because you continued to argue with another user after two Moderator Warnings were issued. The first warning clearly stated that thread bans would be issued if it continued.

Yes, I understand your management model.

For the record:

1. There is little culturally unique about the Thailand forum except it is dominated by foreign English speaking dive center operators and independent foreign English speaking dive professionals who are trying to make a living in a country where it is quite hard for foreigners to make a living. Because of this, a number of posters are fiercely protective of their business interests and they will attack anyone who has an opinion that could effect them. Most are civil but a handful, enough to cause trouble, are very aggressive.
If you see posts that you consider to be attacks, or that you feel are overly aggressive, report them. It is not your role here on the board to go around quoting ToS to other users. If you think they are in violation, report them and let us look into it.
2. While your forum model to enforce your TOS is based mostly on user reporting; most other forums consider user reporting the last step, not the first. In other words, if you simply permitted others with a lot of forum experience and no financial interest (required income) from diving (school, center, local instructor, agent, etc) to moderate, then the Thailand forums, already famous for flame wars, would be a better place. I don't think it is 100 percent fair to place user reporting as the foundation for moderation. Many, if not most, forums rely on user reporting as the "last resort".
The system we have in place works quite well in the majority of instances. We allow our users to set the tone and that is one of the reasons why this is the largest SCUBA discussion board. If you don't like the tone or see a flame war, simply report it and we will deal with it.
We at The UNIX and Linux Forums, for example, would consider it a failure if our moderation relied on user reporting. We don't want our users to be the forum police and TOS violation police. That is the role of a moderator!
The role of our moderators is to interpret the ToS and to take the appropriate action. I'd also like to point out that has almost 5 million posts, ten times the number of posts on your forum. That makes it much more difficult for us to review every single post without some user input.

Just out of curiosity, what would happen to a user on your forum if they ignored two clear directives from one of your moderators?
Honestly, I find it odd that you are so reluctant to add more moderators so the kind of abuse we forum and dive customers see in the Thailand forum, is stopped.

At our forums, technology not dive related, we consider customer feedback very important and we do not dismiss it quite as quickly and off-handedly as you have with our suggestions for improvement and stopping TOS abuse here.
I find it a bit odd that you're quick to point the rules and ToS out to other members repeatedly yet you're unwilling to follow them yourself.


Also, since this forum and our forum both uses vBulletin software. I kindly suggest that you, at a minimum, install the vB plug-in that detects multiple logins from a single computer. In the thread which is the genesis for this part of the discussion, the poster who began the serious TOS violations was a brand new user who created a new SB user id to stage their attacks. In our forums, we use cookie-based checks to flag all logins that appear to come from the same user (computer). Although not prefect nor fool proof, it is very good to have your moderation team see a flag of potential abuse when someone from a single computer is posting as multiple user IDs. In the case we are discussing, it is obvious to all in our forum that someone did not agree with my trip report, created a new SB user id, and then used that user id to launch very personal attacks.
We have our own checks in place and I have physically looked at the account of the user in question. Although the timing is suspicious, the registration is clean and not associated with any other user account.

In our forums we run cookie based checks and have, for a long time, resolved the problem of users creating new ids to launch attacks; which is moot anyway, because if anyone in our forums called someone a "dork" or "stupid" or other insults, we would ban them immediately for a serious TOS violation. We do not tolerate personal attacks on others in our forums by anyone. When it goes unchecked, it creates an unhealthy atmosphere for all. These are our forum rules, FYI:


We do not tolerate any flame wars, insults, personal attacks.... One attack on a personal basis is grounds for an immediate ban.

OBTW, just for quick forum-to-forum on-line user comparisons (not very significant, just for discussion):

We have different user demographics, as we consider our forums a knowledge base (repository) for professional people searching for answers to a (work related) problem. SB is more of an interactive community. At the moment of this post, you had 5 times more registered users posting, but we had 3 times more guests on site searching for answers. On the other hand, we have 20 to 25 active moderators (currently only around 20). Not sure how many active mods SB had.... but I would guess you would need around 5 to 10 times the number that we have to moderate as well as we do (100 to 200 moderators globally). Perhaps that is why you try to rely (mostly) on user reporting? I think you should consider more mods.

SB has 10 times more posts than we do. Part of the reason for this is that we do not permit flame wars, insults, etc. Since folks tend to gravitate toward conflict (the theme of most successful movies and books), our forum tends to have less members on line and less posts, but the posts are of high quality (low signal to noise ratio).

We can certainly learn from each other. There are many things about SB I think are great. The moderation, however, is not one of them, sorry.

It is great that your rules for your forum work so well for you. Some of the ideas you presented are certainly worth considering. However, in the meantime you need to respect the fact of our rules and follow them, whether you agree with them or not. We ask that you not respond to such users and you did, even after repeated Mod Warnings of the consequences.

You also state how restrictive your forum rules are and that users will be banned from the site for violations, yet you're complaining that you were temporarily removed from a thread. Doesn't that seem a little at odds with each other?
We have different user demographics,
Not to mention,
  • different goals
  • different methods
  • different needs
  • different philosophies
  • we actually have fun here

... and yes, the list could go on. This might shock you, but we are quite happy to NOT be like the Linux Forum. :shocked2: Pocket protectors are not required here since bathing suits are the norm. I apologize deeply that we have not met your high expectations. In lieu of that, I am willing to refund your registration fee, but I need to know if you want large or small bills.

Your posting privileges in that thread have been restored. Please, please, please stick to your original topic or be prepared to be banned from that thread again. If you feel that you are unfairly maligned, DO NOT RETALIATE, but rather: use the
Bad Post Button. While you may not like it or think it's fair, it's the reason why we have been so successful. If in doubt, please use the following formula to determine if you should post:

if ( $clue == 'none' ) { read ( sig & avatar rules | forum rules ) && search ( forums | google ) }if ( $answer == 0 ) { post->question }
Good replies.


.... And please consider adding more moderators and moving from a "user reporting" model, to a better moderation model, some time in the future.

This is not about pocket pens, stereotypes and goofy put downs,.... It is about the proper way to manage and moderate a forum.

The Thailand Forums had problems long before I joined here. In fact, Cave Diver posted a serious warning in the Thailand forum 4 months before I showed up here.

OBTW, I never argued with any mod in the Thailand Forum. I agreed with you and quoted the TOS..... Not really a violation in the civilized world to agree with you now is it?, LOL :wink:
Pocket protectors are not required here since bathing suits are the norm.

Hmmmmm...guess I'll cross "pocket protector" off my pre-dive checklist. Boy, do I feel silly. After all these years, someone could have told me...
The Genius of Stereotypes

Wow. I am impressed that my dear forum owner peer believes the technical people that wrote his forum software and manage his entire underlying Internet forum business model are pocket pen wearing losers....

I love this thread! It's making me laugh now...... Thanks!
I don't recall this word, or any synonym, in my posts. I am not sure why you would want to misrepresent me.

FWIW, our sysadmin and resident geek thought my attempt at humor was funny. His only suggestion was to add "Lighten up Francis".
.... And please consider adding more moderators.....

Oh pick me....pick me. My first order of business is to start handing stuff out to deserving peeps


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