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DING, DING! You win! I was hoping someone would bring this up.

Sure you can pound out 300 dives in six months in idealic conditions. But what happens when he has his instructor cert, moves back to the UK and now has conditions that warrant dry suit, limited vis, nasty shore entry, rocking boat entry?

How often do you think he will face entering off the boat with 2' swells but have to get back on the boat in 12-15' swells wher the boat prop and ladder on a 65' boat are clearing the water by 4-6'? I've done that diving oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. (Provided a great deal of chum for the fish also).

How about doing Search & Recovery for drowned children?

River diving? Diving in <1' vis at night? Same conditions in 40 degree water? Diving in <1' vis with large creatures that you only get glimpses of fins?

Getting tangled in fishing rigging at 130'+, exceeding NDL and giving your dive computer (and wife) a nervous tick? Spending 2+ hours decompressing in the water?

Dodging jet ski jerks that think your dive marker is a turn buoy for their race?

Getting snagged by Joe Bob or his cousin/brother/dad that thinks he just hooked the local bar record Channel Cat?

Being in 4-5' vis at 60', have a 90lb female student choke, freak and decide that if she tears out your regulator, eyes and testicles, gets a death grip on her power infaltor, these things will get her safely to the surface? Maintain control of her until your other DM arrives to control her, then get your reg, eyes, mask and tesicles back, don't drown yourself and NOT kill her?

Slip on the icy rocks while geared (kitted) up on a shore dive at a high altitude (9,800' above sea level) lake?

Watch a 180 day wonder instructor use the down line you set in the morning, lead his students as they all CRAWL (instructor included) to 90' for their deep dive, then CRAWL (instructor included) back up, surface, go to shore and start debriefing, THEN realize they are short one student? He joined our group by mistake, but never went back to that instructor.

Just a few examples.

Sorry, but these 90 & 180 day "wonder" instructor mills scare the crap out of me. I've seen too many of their product and it's not pretty.

My recommendation is to dive varied conditions, seasons, climates, locales. Get more experience under more conditions than just ideal or nearly ideal.

Personally, I had 15 years and over 2,700 dives before I beacame an instructor. I still have more to learn than I have years to learn it.

Couldn't have said it better myself :14:
why are you not getting certified together?

Terribly sorry. It was supposed to read that my THEN-girlfriend. Meaning that she is no longer around. It didn't make any sense to me when i read it back either! :11doh:

I would hope in your instruction, you have a chance to work with a number of different instructors, learn from their style, demeanor, etc. Not just the book material, but mannerisms.

Again, best of luck to you in this. I may not think it's the best way to go about it, but I respect how you are approaching it. I wish all instructors were this consciencous about it.


For one, if i was hitting this decision full force without the understanding and wider views of others, then you would never have seen me here at scubaboard.:coffee:

I am a sceptic in my ways and decisions and i can assure everyone that this decision has been taken seriously for the last 12 months. I came on here to hear exactly what i have heard in my few posts - encouragement, flames and realism.

Cheers all:coffee:

Scotty g:

For one, if i was hitting this decision full force without the understanding and wider views of others, then you would never have seen me here at scubaboard.:coffee:

I am a sceptic in my ways and decisions and i can assure everyone that this decision has been taken seriously for the last 12 months. I came on here to hear exactly what i have heard in my few posts - encouragement, flames and realism.

Cheers all:coffee:

gotcha :wink: you need to wear a shirt that says "girls, only divers need apply" :lol:
gotcha :wink: you need to wear a shirt that says "girls, only divers need apply" :lol:

U know what...i promise you i'll do one thing before i leave my home for this mission...i will have a t-shirt printed with a witty dive comment, and shall wear it on a night out in our city. I will then post the picture to use as my profile on this site.:mooner:

A slogan that instantly come to mind...

"going down? ok, as long as i can log it" and then on the back..."Here, hold this flag"

Scotty g:
U know what...i promise you i'll do one thing before i leave my home for this mission...i will have a t-shirt printed with a witty dive comment, and shall wear it on a night out in our city. I will then post the picture to use as my profile on this site.:mooner:

A slogan that instantly come to mind...

"going down? ok, as long as i can log it" and then on the back..."Here, hold this flag"

that's pretty funny cuz next week my company will be launching its website selling dive shirts with witty comments. you will LOVE our shirts! they are hilarious
Scotty g:
Hey all,

So my question is here...

1. Away from the written rules that you find in the manuals, what laws must a newbie adhere to - on land and in the water, unofficial yet constructive.


Scotty, Just remember what is really important on the dive boat:blinking: : the snacks.

Ok yeah and I'd maybe slow down just a little and have fun while you're learning; it's not a race. You need time to reflect and absorb to be a quality instructor, not to mention a few dives. I say this more from the perspective of a career high school teacher than a diver. And there are many unwritten rules, like: don't forget, it's supposed to be fun.
Scotty g:
Cool. post the link and i will definitely have a squizz at those!

the website is but it wont be up and running until late next week. It will be under construction for probably another month after that.

one thing everyone has forgotten to tell you. never puke in the head on the dive boat. puke over the side. dont be embarrassed, it happens on almost every dive trip. :wink:

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